Big Brother: POV Results

Big Brother: POV Results

Posted by Dustin on 08.26.2007 at 9:22 pm

Eric has won the POV. The ceremony should be tomorrow, so we’ll know if he uses it. Honestly I doubt he will. I’m sure America has already ordered him to send Amber home, and it’s time she goes home. I can’t deal with her crying anymore!

I have been slacking with the feeds and Showtime lately. I did put the feeds on a few times, but it’s just been so boring lately! I have noticed Eric seems to be spending a lot of time in Jessica’s HOH bed! These two just need to do it and get it over with.




  1. yea getting rid of dani or dick is a good idea…but i dont think eric or jess would get their vote since they screwed them over by doing that….all i must say is that amber is extremely annoying and hopefully everyone voted for her tonight

    Comment by nfjglnjkgs
    08.29.2007 at 1:36 am
  2. It looks like APs choice is to vote out Amber. Which is pretty easy for Eric to try to do because Amber was totally trying to turn Jess against him with some lies last night/this morning.

    Also, Dani and Amber just had a conversation not too long ago about Nick vs. Kris, and she doesn’t think Kris is her boyfriend anymore, and that he’s broken up with her (um..ya think??? lol) She also said that Kris wasn’t her type but Nick was. If he hasn’t broken up with her yet…he sure will be soon!

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    08.29.2007 at 8:52 am
  3. And Eric has now admitted to Jess that he did the mustard thing and he was responsible for the mystery votes. He had told her earlier that there were some things that he did in the house that surprised her and that she’s probably know about them before she even watched the shows…

    I think he really likes her and wants to come clean before she finds out about the AP thing.

    Comment by Palmtreegrlz
    08.29.2007 at 9:48 am
  4. How did Jessica take it do you know when she found out?

    Comment by Ashle
    08.29.2007 at 10:05 am
  5. She doesn’t really seem to care…thinks it’s funny! He just described how he pulled off the mustard thing, and she was laughing about it. He’s pretty much only mentioned the mustard and the two votes…so it’s nothing too bad!

    Comment by Palmtreegrlz
    08.29.2007 at 10:10 am
  6. After reading some updates on Jokers, I had to laugh to myself when Dani finally said that she thinks her boyfriend and her are over ….Ok…He watched Dani kiss Nick, then he left and she was a blubbering baby, and then she parades around with his bandana on her head. Then her HOH letter was from him, ironically NOT her boyfriend. Then she was crying when they showed the houseguests where Dani and Amber went. She also said that she is going to call her friend Lindsay when she gets out to see if her and her boyfriend are still together….What??? She owes it to him to at least talk to him…so middle-schoolish!

    Comment by Tiffany
    08.29.2007 at 10:14 am
  7. she is practically a teen ager…so i kinda expected it. she’s really relaly immature and spoiled. Not a dani fan. she is playing better than some of the older ppl in the house, given they should be smarter/more mature, but then look at Amber. She’s such a flake it isn’t funny!!! Glad America got it right again 🙂

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    08.29.2007 at 10:48 am

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