Heroes: If I Could Turn Back Time

Heroes: If I Could Turn Back Time

Posted by Dustin on 11.14.2007 at 7:29 pm

So this week’s episode of “Heroes” went back four months to basically fill in all the missing pieces. Let’s discuss!

We learned that Peter obviously didn’t blow up after being flown off by Nathan, we knew that of course. He was later taken in by Bob and Elle, Elle who was adopted by The Company as a small child. The girl is clearly a sociopath and gets her kicks by shocking Peter! They promised Peter a cure, to make him normal again, and he believed them. They gave him drugs to suppress his powers. He met Adam in this “facility.” Adam was in the room next to Peter, and had been there for 30 years (I think that was how long he said). Adam informed Peter they were being held in a prison, not a facility to help them. We finally learned Adam is in fact immortal, so it appears. When Peter wised up that The Company wasn’t really looking to help him, he and Adam staged a break out. Adam kept going on about “Saving The World” and how years ago The Company tried to stop him and locked him up.

Meanwhile, Nathan was burned by Peter all over during the whole explosion thing, this is the source of him seeing himself burned in the mirror all this season. He was hospitalized and burned up until three weeks ago. This is when Peter and Adam, after breaking out of prison/The Company, sneaked in to see him. Adam’s blood cured him. Wait wait wait, does this mean Nathan is now immortal? Also wait wait wait, we had been lead to believe Nathan basically turned into a raging alcoholic and this was the reason his wife left and took the kids. He can’t have turned into an alcoholic in three weeks time! What is going on here?

Angela had a talk with Nathan’s wife Heidi, telling her the deep dark secret of the Patrelli men. She basically was just covering up for what Nathan was muttering about flying and saving the world, claiming their father had these same grand delusions of saving the world. She said it drove him mad, and to kill himself; so Heidi may want to distance herself from him and not tell anyone what she heard here. Hmmmmmmmm.

This once again got me thinking about the theory that Adam is the Patrelli boys father. Adam keeps going on about saving the world, this is what Angela said drove her husband mad. He supposedly killed himself long long ago. Adam said he was locked up for 30 years? Well that kinda is a little too long to be Peter’s father, unless we are to believe that Peter is right about 30 years old. And if Peter was basically a babe when this happened, he might not know what his dad looks like, especially if mama Patrelli didn’t keep photos around. I mean why else would Adam risk going to the hospital to save Nathan? Because Nathan is his son?

If Adam isn’t their father, I definitely think he is somehow great grandpappy to all the current heroes. Given he’s 400 years old, that’s plenty of time to make your way around the world spreading your DNA! I think every hero will be linked back to him.

Finally we learned the fate of DL in this episode. While he survived the drama at the end of last season, he was later taken out during a random act of violence. Nikki was offered help curing her split-personalities by Bob. She said she was rid of Jessica, but Bob said more personalities could emerge. She agreed to take the power suppressing pills they had Peter on, not wanting to check herself in for help, but they made her numb. When she stopped taking them, a new personality named Gina emerged! She ran off to LA, when DL came for her he was shot by some jerk in a club. Now we know how DL died. So sad!

I’m beginning to wonder more and more if we’ve all basically been duped by “The Company.” Bob claims Adam was the dangerous one, they locked him up and Linderman and Maury have been acting as his pawns. Well that’s clearly not the case, as Angela too helped Linderman with his plots for Peter and Nathan willingly. What if Adam was the good one and THAT is why they locked him up? For fear he’d expose all their evil plans and stop them? I honestly think that is where the storyline is headed!

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  1. The company is definitely hiding something. They must have known that Adam’s blood could heal and that’s why they are now after Claire for the same thing. And why did they want to lock Peter up and take away his powers? If they had good intentions they could have taught him how to control his powers, since Peter is obviously trying to use his powers for good. Didn’t they teach Issac how to paint without drugs?
    I’m still not sure whether Adam is good or bad. The whole storyline with Hiro set him up to be a bad guy.
    If every hero is linked to Adam (which could be why he now goes by that name, i.e. biblical Adam, father of all) I really hope it is far removed because there are a lot of heroes that are in relationships with other heroes and some even had children together (Claire, Micah).
    Why did they kill off DL?

    Comment by Stacy
    11.14.2007 at 8:05 pm
  2. I was wondering the same thing about the 3 week time line and how Nathan’s wife left him, he became an alcholic and grew facial hair, thick facial hair at that in just a few weeks.

    Comment by angie
    11.14.2007 at 10:13 pm
  3. About Adam being Nathan and Peter’s father: I hadn’t thought of that. But it does make sense. When Nathan was showing Matt the photo of 12 whatever they are, Nathan pointed out his mom and dad. Dad who was facing sideways. Adam wasn’t pictured in the photo. We’re lead to believe he’s one of them and the one trying to kill everyone off. You’re right, he could be their daddy.

    Comment by Kelly
    11.15.2007 at 10:33 am
  4. About the whole timeline thing, if you noticed when Angela Petrelli was talking to Nathan’s wife, she touched her while convincing her. She’s done this a lot in the past two. Although she could just simply be a “hands-on” type of person, it’s also very possible that her kids aren’t the only ones with powers (and thus the reason that she left)…

    Comment by Fred
    11.15.2007 at 1:39 pm
  5. I definitely think her power is somehow mind control. Everyone in the photo had powers, she was in the photo. She has some kind of power obviously.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.15.2007 at 1:48 pm
  6. Ehh we have to assume with Adam’s immortality that he looks the same forever. That being said I don’t Nathan and Peter are his kids, otherwise Peter would have reconized him as his father once he got his memory back since the whole no aging thing would make him the same as when the boys were children.

    Comment by Erick
    11.15.2007 at 1:50 pm
  7. Oh the Mamma P definatly has some type of mind control or suggestion power which fits she does seem to be pulling alot of strings in season 1.

    Comment by Erick
    11.15.2007 at 2:08 pm
  8. I agree that she has some type of powers. Peter said he remembered everything at the end of the episode didn’t he? If so he may in fact remember Adam being his Dad and just didn’t mention it yet

    Comment by angie
    11.15.2007 at 6:43 pm
  9. Refresh my memory. . . what power did Hiro’s dad’s have? I was surprised that they killed off DL, I liked him.

    But, this Katrina storyline with Micah and his cousin. . . I enjoyed the line about how the cousin should be grateful to have any job. After the storm, fast food joints were paying up to $10 per hour plus $500 to $1,000 bonuses after working for a month or more.

    Comment by DaBigEasy
    11.15.2007 at 7:21 pm
  10. We haven’t learned his power yet. We will inan upcoming episode when Hiro tries to save him I think.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.15.2007 at 7:25 pm
  11. Adam being Nathan and Peter’s father could be true. After the company locked him up, Angela may have married the lawyer that the boys thought was their father. They’d have been quite young, so might not have remembered what he looks like.

    Comment by sue
    11.15.2007 at 9:23 pm
  12. Some men can grow facial hair fast like that. My dad could grow a full beard in just a couple of weeks, so it is possible.

    Comment by Tammy
    11.16.2007 at 10:09 am
  13. Sue that had never crossed my mind. Remarried or just possible affair that resulted in kids. for all we know Nathan and Peter could have differnt fathers.

    Comment by Erick
    11.16.2007 at 12:38 pm
  14. Adam could NOT be Nathan and Peter’s father. He died during the “Six Months Ago” episode in season 1, right before Peter was going to testify against him. They passed it off as a heart attack, and we later found out he’d killed himself. So this was about a year ago, not over 30. This doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s not their biological father somehow, but he’s not the guy who raised them.

    Comment by Erin
    11.22.2007 at 8:58 pm

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