Heroes: Holding Out For Heroes Is Getting Hard!

Heroes: Holding Out For Heroes Is Getting Hard!

Posted by Dustin on 10.28.2009 at 7:23 pm

I remember when I was so excited for Monday nights, “Heroes” and then “Medium” were on, NBC was good. Now “Medium” is on CBS and “Heroes” . . . . sadly I think I’ve finally reached the point where if I miss an episode or don’t pay close attention it doesn’t kill me. Granted I have a lot going on in my personal life right now, but TV is usually my scapegoat and time to vege and chill. However I find myself not being interested in “Heroes” much lately. Case in point, the following is pretty much what I recall happening on the show . . .

Matt continued to struggle with Sylar, who was now taking over his mind and threatening to harm his family. Matt remained determined to keep Sylar stuck in his prison cell/head.

Noah called in Tracy to help him with the healer kid Jeremy, who was arrested and was being held until a next-of-kin showed up. He had Tracy pose as her aunt. Later Tracy found herself sucked into Samuel’s traveling carnival.

Samuel got pissed at the end and started using his power (which I still am not sure what it is, be it ink marking or moving the earth) and started making some building crumble.

Claire and Gretchen went through sorority initiation.

Yeah that’s about what I remember! I went ad did read the official recap, so I know what I missed. Should I have a free moment I’ll watch the whole show over. However I just feel a bit sad. I have felt since last season that this season would be the final one for “Heroes.” I think more so now that I have a hard time watching it. I know I’m not alone either, but I also know many people still enjoy it. I am hoping it gets really good again so I can get back into it. I will say I do like that they seem more focused with the episodes this year, concentrating on only two or three characters in each episode.

However other things, I’m not so happy about. There are too many loose ends that still bug me. Where is the third sister of Tracy’s “Barbara?” (Not to mention how Nikki was never explained!). Will Tracy find her at the carnival? Where the heck is Micah?

I also had high hopes for the Dark Carnies, but so far the story just seems to be disjointed and a mess. I’m assuming at some point we may get a whole episode dedicated to them and their backstories which might explain everything.

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1 Comment

  1. I have on DVR the last two episodes of Heroes. I am having a hard time bringing myself to watching them. I hope that they get better soon, or I might find myself deleting Heroes from my scheduled recordings

    Comment by Marie
    10.29.2009 at 10:35 am

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