Project Runway Season Six Is Out, Season Seven Is In!

Project Runway Season Six Is Out, Season Seven Is In!

Posted by Dustin on 11.20.2009 at 1:52 pm

Last night was the season six finale of “Project Runway” and it came down to Althea, Carol Hannah and Meena Irina.

I was impressed by the quality of all their clothes actually, but as collections . . . no. Heidi herself made the comment about Carol Hannah’s collection that they were great separate pieces but not a collection. However she was the only one who played with color period. Althea’s could be said to be a collection almost only because they were all similar colors, but again very different pieces. Unfortunately Irina only had a real cohesive collection, though it was all black and they slammed her for that.

In the end Meena Irina ended up winning, which by the way they edited their comments, made it look like she was going to be the first to go. I get that she had a good tailored collection and it was the most cohesive . . . I just felt it looked like some pony fetish S&M wear for the most part. Even Michael Coors commented on the Xena Warrior Woman look to it.

This season was actually delayed from airing, big time, because of all the lawsuits involved in the transition from Bravo to Lifetime. So if you are already missing Runway, the show announced last night that season 7 begins airing on January 14th! I just hope next seasons the designers are better than this season and step it up.


December 4th Ghost Whisperer and Medium Spoilers

December 4th Ghost Whisperer and Medium Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 11.19.2009 at 11:08 pm

After this Friday, don’t expect new episodes of “Ghost Whisperer” or “Medium” until December 4th. This is also the week many network shows seem to be ending new episodes. As of yet it’s unknown if these two shows will continue in December or not. “Ghost Whisperer” has done Christmas shows before, but “Medium” hasn’t had a full seasons to do one in years.

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Ghost Whisperer, Medium

Grey’s Gets The Webisode Treatement

Grey’s Gets The Webisode Treatement

Posted by Dustin on 11.19.2009 at 6:26 pm


Dedicated to expanding its network and channel brands across multiple platforms and connecting viewers with their favorite shows anytime and anywhere, Disney/ABC Television Group announced the debut of a new “Grey’s Anatomy” webisode series entitled “Seattle Grace: On Call.” Sponsored by Bertolli, the new online series consists of six individual webisodes, each four to five minutes in length, as well as a special behind-the-scenes episode which chronicles the making of “Seattle Grace: On Call.” The first webisode will be available online tonight, November 19, beginning at 10:00 p.m., ET, following the broadcast airing of the latest episode of “Grey’s Anatomy.”

“Our goal with the web series is to expand the ‘Grey’s’ universe by offering a unique perspective of the various happenings at Seattle Grace, while paralleling some of the same storylines seen on the show. The intent is to put everything fans love about Grey’s into these short, four-minute mini-episodes that have been designed solely for the Internet,” said “Grey’s Anatomy” creator and executive producer Shonda Rhimes. “We hope our fans will enjoy a new take on the familiar ‘Grey’s’ world – which will appear exclusively on our website during the time our actual episodes repeat, from November through January.”

Set primarily in Joe’s Emerald City Bar, the popular hangout spot for doctors and interns alike, “Seattle Grace: On Call” follows the trials and tribulations of many of the familiar faces featured in “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Shot in a documentary-style, the webisode series stars Steven Bailey as Joe the Bartender, Mark Saul as Intern Steve, Molly Kidder as Intern Megan, Joseph Williamson as Intern Pierce, Gloria Garayua as Intern Graciella, Brandon Scott as Intern Ryan, Nora Zehtener as Reed Adamson, and Robert Baker as Charles Denman.

“Seattle Grace: On Call” webisodes will rollout as follows:

November 19, Webisode #1
December 3, Webisode #2
December 10, Webisode #3
December 17, Webisode #4
January 14, Webisode #5
January 21, Webisode #6
January 27, Behind The Scenes Extras and Making of “Seattle Grace: On Call”

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Glee: Ongoing Baby Daddy Drama + Spoiler Bits!

Glee: Ongoing Baby Daddy Drama + Spoiler Bits!

Posted by Dustin on 11.18.2009 at 11:42 pm

Okay first up some thoughts after yet another amazing episode of “Glee!”

The only thing I can say I was disappointed in was that there was no “Papa Don’t Preach.” It was listed a week or so ago for this episode on the Fox site, but now of course it’s not there. You could almost smell the set-up for it tonight as well! Did someone jump the gun? Or was it planned but pulled when they decided to do an entire Madonna episode sometime next year? I don’t know, but I was waiting for Quinn to bust that out.

Kurt was hilarious in this episode with his crush on Finn, but perhaps at the end of the episode Mr. Shue should have had a talk with him instead of Rachel?

Rachel’s crush on Will was cute, but I think what I liked best was that we got to hear Mr. Shue sing more than he usually does. I loved Rachel and Emma’s reactions after his Mash-Up! “I’m a young girl and it’s hard for you to stand so close to me.” “You’re an amazing performer!”

Loved Mercedes getting another staring part at the end with “Lean on Me,” but damn I’m gunna have to go “Bust the Windows Out Her Car!” I can’t believe Puck came clean with her and she told him that Quinn picked Finn so accept it. Seriously! Doesn’t she think Finn deserves to know the truth here? Mercedes fell a few notches in my book after that.

Poor Finn, so stupid still. I loved when he almost got out to Quinn’s parents that they didn’t have sex . . . but the mom said “Okay stop with the lies now!” Oh and yes, that was Miss Charlotte Ross AKA Eve Donovan as the mother!

Anyways . . . . . SPOILERS from here on down!

Ausiello at EW revealed on his weekly spoiler chat tonight that the “Glee” midseason finale airs December 9th. Afterwords no more Glee till next year and after the holidays. How will we survive? Anyway, he confirmed that not only would the truth about Quinn’s baby come out, but Terry’s lies as well!

Now don’t get your hopes up Emma and Shue fans, spoilers from awhile ago indicate even though Shue finds out about Terry’s lies, something happens that keeps him from leaving her apparently. My guess she somehow is pregnant.

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V: The Fifth Column Emerges

V: The Fifth Column Emerges

Posted by Dustin on 11.18.2009 at 7:49 pm

The third installment of “V” was much better than last week’s I must say, and came with a few good surprises.

We were introduced a little more to the fifth column story, the traitor V’s who basically work to stop their plan for humanity. We knew Ryan was one, but a scientist on the ship is one too, as he was working to try and find out what Erica’s partner Dale knew. Dale remembered Erica had seen his face and he wanted to kill her, but the scientist stopped him. Also there is some big fifth column leader Anna thought they had dealt with, but they hadn’t. He left some odd message about “John May Lives.”

The Scott Wolf storyline still bores me to death on this show I have to say. He was covering the story of some woman on a hunger strike because her husband was a pilot who died when the V’s arrived. Anna set up a fake assassination attempt in order to bring sympathy to the V’s and get things resolved with this woman, who was become the face of the protest movement.

Erica learned the jacket’s of the V’s all have cameras built into them, so the V’s can see everything from anyone wearing one.

Then there is Erica’s stupid son Tyler getting mixed up with Lisa. This actually led to the best twist at the end of the show. Lisa went to Anna and said Tyler was the one, they should use him. Anna said she was proud of Lisa, who it turns out is her daughter! Also it seems they are going to possible use Tyler to make a hybrid, but this time it’s a V getting pregnant and not a human. Though this is my guess, we don’t know if that is what Lisa was referring to.

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Heroes: Brothers’ Secrets

Heroes: Brothers’ Secrets

Posted by Dustin on 11.18.2009 at 6:47 pm

So this week on “Heroes” we finally got some back storys and explanations! The compass was made by Surresh, who used his father’s notes to make it, as well as learned about a boy his father was studying with special powers. The boy was Samuel, and if he surrounded himself with enough specials then it would amplify his powers and he’d become the strongest one of them all. Of course Surresh had to go find Samuel, who was at the carnival with his brother Joseph. Joseph however had kept Samuel from knowing the truth all these years, as he was a pretty violent guy. Samuel found out though and killed Surresh, but Hiro managed to use his powers to save Surresh secretly. He also retrieved the film for Samuel, which Surresh had burnt. Of course Samuel still won’t give Charlie over to Hiro.

I finally felt like we were given the missing pieces here. Samuel’s powers basically don’t make sense as even he doesn’t know the truth about his own powers and it seems they are still evolving as he gathers more specials for his carnival.

Oh we also learned Surresh returned home to India, where it seems he has a wife? She threatened to leave him should he leave on another trip chasing his father’s research. Of course we learned Hiro detained him in a mental hospital all these weeks so Samuel would think he’s still dead. Guess his wife has left him for good now!

Meanwhile the Haitian informed Nathan and Peter that they had been lied to, and led them to the real Nathan’s dead body tucked away in a warehouse. They decided to go see Matt, to get into Nathan’s head, to find out what was going on. Peter was able to heal Matt, but Matt was not able to warn Nathan to stay away from him. Sylar entered Matt, who explained to Nathan who he really was and if he touched his hand he’d make it better. Nathan accidentally touched his hand during a conflict with some police that burst in, and Sylar entered into Nathan. Nathan however remained in control. Matt was able to use his powers to get himself out of the hospital and knew he had to track down Nathan.

A good storyline here as well, but it breaks my heart to know we are counting down to one cast members final episode here. I think had I seen my own dead body in a coffin I would have been a little more freaked out than Nathan and Peter were. Also why the hell would they keep his body around on ice? Clearly something is going on we don’t know, like maybe a plan to bring Nathan back at some point down the road? Well a way to keep that option open I should say.

Finally Tracey went looking for HRG, but found Claire at his place. Claire worked to help her try and gain control of her powers, which were going nuts. Claire felt it was something psychological going on causing Tracey to lose control. At the end of the show she met up with Samuel again to talk about the carnival.

The only thing I didn’t get with this story was house Claire could have healed herself when Tracey turned her completely to ice. If her brain is destroyed, she can’t come back. Also her foot broke off, yet she grew another one? I guess that happened before with her toe in an episode, but still . . . That was stretching it even for “Heroes.”

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Heroes Spoilers: Thanksgiving & The Fifth Stage

Heroes Spoilers: Thanksgiving & The Fifth Stage

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2009 at 7:53 pm

The final two “Heroes” episodes for November.

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ABC Early December Spoilers: Tis The Season!

ABC Early December Spoilers: Tis The Season!

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2009 at 6:14 pm

As we enter December, be prepared for lots of shows to begin repeats, as well as those Christmas specials we’ve come to love over the years to be played in place of 8’o’clock shows. With some shows going into repeats I think I’m going to finally start making some video blogs for the site, something I’ve wanted to do for awhile now. I’ll discuss shows I watch but don’t have the time to give enough love to on here, spoilers circulating, and just my thoughts in general on TV things.

Anyways, in the spoilers this week, highlights include: A trip to Bermuda for “Ugly Betty,” where Marc is supposed to find a new romance, also includes some awesome guest stars including Shakira. The return of Tommy AND Julia on “Brothers and Sisters.” De Plane De Plane! episode of “Desperate Housewives” we’ve been hearing about for months now (which I believe is their last new show till January). Maggie Seaver (Growing Pains) drops by “Eastwick” to play Roxie’s mother. And a double header of “Private Practice” (no Grey’s) which includes Addison’s mother (JoBeth Williams) showing up to reveal a shocking secret!

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Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Eastwick, Private Practice, Ugly Betty

Housewives and Brothers and Sisters: It’s About The Drink

Housewives and Brothers and Sisters: It’s About The Drink

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2009 at 2:59 pm

So first up is a very very quick recap of “Desperate Housewives,” followed by some thoughts. The same with “Brothers and Sisters” follows.

-Orson began to suspect Bree of having an affair, and nearly caught her with Karl, but Angie saved Bree’s butt.

-Susan was sentenced to picking up trash, and learned from Katherine she and Mike “did it” 5 times a day. She tried to beat that record, but when they talked, Mike said it was when he and Katherine were stuck in a cabin with nothing else to do . . . all they had was sex . . . they never talked or connected like he and Susan.

-Gabby tried to get Juanita into Catholic school by sending Lynette’s new hire at work to Miami (as a space would open up because of his daughter). Lynette however needed him to take her place for a few months on maternity leave. In the end Gabby found out Lynette was pregnant, and it seems Carlos always knew, and he told her she could go to Miami or quit, but he knew he couldn’t fire her because she was pregnant.

-Nick has been working at a coffee shop as manager (or something) and Angie was there when a waitress was flirting with him. She wasn’t happy. They talked, she wanted him to be “the man who saved her life, not wrecked it.” Later Nick made a call to an agent saying he was thinking of coming in, but if he did, he wanted Angie to get a free pass. It seemed the waitress overheard Nick, but she said she didn’t at all. He left, then someone came in dressed in black gloves. The waitress asked if they forgot something? She was promptly strangled!

So again, a few boring storylines balanced with a good one and a frustrating one. The Orson/Karl/Bree drama is old and needs to end . . . NOW. It seems it might to in December from the spoilers leaking out.

The Susan and Katherine storyline also needs to end. It seems Katherine finally accepted she lost, but then rubbed her sex life in Susan’s face. Of course the sex life was all she and Mike had in the end. Has Katherine really accepted it’s over? Probably not based on the previews of Mike getting really angry with her.

The storyline with Lynette actually was frustrating. I mean Lynette was lying to Carlos, so she should expect to pay the consequences. But to see Carlos being so cold about it, well I didn’t like at all. It was like the old scary mean Carlos he was when the show began. He actually made me feel sorry for Lynette, which I don’t often do considering she busts Tom’s balls all the time.

The Angie/Nick storyline was the best one of the show and is finally kicking into high gear. It looks like they are in the witness protection program, based on Nick’s call to the agent. Though the deal Nick was trying to make to “come in” if Angie gets a free pass was odd. Is he offering to turn himself in, or come in and testify? I read it originally as they were in a protection program, but I could be wrong. Something tells me they are not innocent at all no matter which way it goes, more like something out of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I think they might be mob killers who ratted on their bosses and had to run, which is why Nick said he’d come in if Angie got a free pass. Also the end of the show wanted us to think Nick returned to strangle the waitress, but I think it was a jealous Angie!

On “Brothers and Sisters” . . . . .

– Saul felt Holly’s cheap wine blend was amazing, and they should put it into a local wine competition. They did and won, but Ryan later leaked all the wine out to ruin Holly so she’d sell to that guy.

-Kevin and Scotty were trying to pick an egg donor, and of course Kevin was making it way more complicated than Scotty would have liked. In the end Kevin left it to chance, deciding to throw darts at the top contenders.

– Nora had reservations about dating the younger guy, and he felt she lived in a box. She ended up telling him she might live in the box that is her home and hasn’t traveled like him, but she is not sheltered at all. However she doesn’t understand why he’d want to be with her. He said because he does, and they kissed as the show ended.

– Sarah kept pushing Luc to get a job, work on a green card. He was happy as they were, but Sarah needed to know this was solid. She ended up pushing Luc away in the end, even though she realized she was being too controlling and told Luc she would let things just go as they might. He didn’t believe she could and didn’t want them to end up hating each other, so he left.

– Kitty began wearing a wig, which she felt Robert was a little too into as it was like he was with another woman. In the end she finally showed Robert herself without the wig, and to her surprise, it didn’t phase him at all.

– Rebecca continued to keep her pregnancy from Justin, as he was swamped with school and told her unfortunately until he got over this hump, he wasn’t going to be there for her all the time and he hoped she could understand.

Again, “Brothers and Sisters” delivered throughout its show and made up for “Housewives” lacking storylines. The only one here that got on my nerves was Kevin once again being a control freak about things. Oh and the Kitty wig story was done already on “Housewives” to be honest.

The Sarah and Luc story was really heartbreaking, but fear not! This was originally supposed to be the end for them, but the fan love has lead the writers to bring Luc back at some point. Even though Sarah may have been pushing and searching for something real, I didn’t think she was really that out of bounds. Maybe she pushed a little too hard, but this is a guy just visiting on a visa here!

I loved the storyline with Nora and her younger man (whose name I can’t recall to save my life!). When she told the woman off at the festival it was hilarious, and next week it seems Kitty catches her mom having hot shower sex. I cannot wait. I just hope like the rest of the men in Nora’s life, this one doesn’t turn out to be a dud. However again, the previews have Sarah feeling something isn’t right with the guy, and Kevin saying her judgment in these things is always dead on. No no no no! I hope Sarah is wrong, but I doubt it 🙁

This episode once again made me like Holly, *gag*, and even feel sorry for her at the end of the show. I’m also loathing Ryan more than ever after what he did. I hope when he’s exposed the Walkers tell him they were nothing but nice to him, it’s not their fault what their father did to him . . . however if he doesn’t want to be a part of their family then done. Let’s just disown Ryan and write him off the show, period.

As for Rebecca, I think all signs seem to point to her visiting a clinic in the near future over telling Justin the truth. We know where those stories tend to lead on dramas as well, she’ll either be left infertile or Justin will find out and dump her.


Ghost Whisperer and Medium Thoughts For The Ides Of November

Ghost Whisperer and Medium Thoughts For The Ides Of November

Posted by Dustin on 11.15.2009 at 6:39 pm

So while I enjoyed both “Ghost Whisperer” and “Medium” this week, I think I’ve been watching these shows too long, as the story in both were predictable.

Ghost Whisperer

Once again we got a mostly stand-alone episode surrounding the ghost of a real estate husband who felt his wife/real estate partner was jealous and killed him. They had been fighting for awhile, both unaware the other was making plans to try and reconcile the relationship. However the husband’s haunting of the wife lead to her demise, which was easy to spot a mile away.

Aiden was seeking the help of a ghost to perform magic tricks to impress his friend. The ghost is a little girl who is hiding in his closet. This ties into next week’s episode from the previews.

I wasn’t sure if the ghost girl was the same girl from the hospital with the scarlet stitch doll or not. You know it’s been so long since they introduced that storyline . . . and then did nothing with it!

The main story in “Medium” dealt with Ariel’s boyfriend, who Alison felt killed a man Lee was investigating. It turned out this guy was a hitman, who killed someone long ago. The kid felt he was this person reincarnated. Again, it was pretty predictable that the dead victim was the kids father, and it wasn’t him that killed the guy but the mother to cover up her secret affair. Zzzzzz

I did think the guilty mother was a horrid person for letting her son take the blame and planning to use mental illness as a reason to hopefully save him.

The fun story dealt with Bridget, who was taping her crazy neighbor and putting him up on youtube! Of course when the videos went viral, the neighbor wasn’t happy and threatened a lawsuit. She kept doing it, as she had dreams that she had to as the man would thank them. In the end it reunited him with some long lost girlfriend.

I thought the story was hilarious, but jeeze, take the camera away from the kid! Don’t just tell her not to do it anymore.
