Brothers and Sisters: Nora Walker, Radio Star!

Brothers and Sisters: Nora Walker, Radio Star!

Posted by Dustin on 10.25.2010 at 9:16 pm

This week’s episode was Nora’s radio audition, and she went up against a famous radio Dr. (basically a Dr. Laura clone). Kevin and Kitty called in with their problems, to try and help Nora get the job. She helped Kitty come to terms with the fact that Robert was gone and it was okay for her to move on and plan a new life with someone else. She also helped Kevin understand that he’s been pushing Scotty away out of fear of trying again for another kid. In the end she of course got the job, mainly because she was much much cheaper than the Dr. Laura wannabe.

I really liked this episode . . . . up until the bombshell at the end. As Kevin was apologizing to Scotty for being distant, and suggesting that instead of trying for a kid via a surrogate they should adopt . . . Scotty broke down and revealed to Kevin that months ago he cheated!

WHAT! Scotty how could you! The irony is this is something Kevin might do, but never Scotty. It also sucks that they ruined the one really good relationship on the show with this story. Grrrrr! I’m so angry right now!


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