Simple Life Goes To Camp

Simple Life Goes To Camp

Posted by Dustin on 05.29.2007 at 10:56 pm

So last night E! premiered the new season of “The Simple Life.” Now I know they already had one season on E!, but I didn’t bother watching it as it was when Paris and Nicole were feuding and weren’t actually ever on screen together. I watched it occasionally when it was on Fox. I have to say, it’s much dirtier on E! They couldn’t have gotten away with some of this stuff on Fox.

The show started off slow, with Paris and Nicole making up. Obviously the E! people were there to film this, so it was just some silly reenactment. After they made up it was suddenly off to Camp Shawnee! This season Paris and Nicole are camp counselors, along with two young men (one who has the hots for Paris). Now we never exactly got an explanation as to what kind of camp this place is. It looks like a regular kids summer camp, but I think the show took it over and is using as a theme camp for the summer, so to speak. It seems they are booking the camp with various sorts of groups just to give Paris and Nicole random things to deal with. I guess if it was the same thing all summer we’d get bored with Paris and Nicole really fast.

This first week Susan Powter, fitness guru from the 90s, was there doing a get healthy and lose weight camp. I used to love Susan Powter (Stop The Insanity!), so this was a treat for me. Unfortunately for Paris and Nicole, they had to give people colonics. Yuck! Like I said, stuff they probably wouldn’t get away with on Fox.

Later everyone was starving as Susan locked all their junk food up and made them eat what looked like rabbit food to me. Paris and Nicole got the idea to break open the locked fridge by dragging it around camp in the camp owners truck. He was not happy with them and said if they ever took his truck again that he’d have them arrested. The fridge was ruined, and then never did get it unlocked.

So okay really, dragging a fridge around? Obviously the producers of this show have to have told this camp and the owner “Just let Paris and Nicole do what crazy stuff they want, you will be well compensated for.” I mean no one in their right mind would give anyone one more chance after doing that!

It was still funny though 🙂 Next week’s episode looks to have them dealing with beauty pageant kids and their moms.

Posted in:
Reality TV



  1. did anyone ever figure out what the girls were fighting over.

    Comment by smooore
    05.30.2007 at 8:49 am
  2. Dustin- it is so funny to see you write about “They couldn’t have gotten away with some of this stuff on Fox.” Fox used to be the crazy network in town and it just shows that they have transformed into more of a reputable station compared to others.

    Comment by Megan
    05.30.2007 at 12:46 pm
  3. Paris onced mentioned in an interview, when asked about the feud, that when people get famous they change – so maybe she thought Nicole was acting different since the show became more and more popular.

    Comment by Nicole
    05.30.2007 at 10:28 pm
  4. I’m actually quite surprised that you watch this show. I’ve caught some snippets on E! and I end up changing the channel because I can’t believe we perpetuate people being this stupid.
    (That and I just find Paris to be the biggest waste of skin ever. I won’t even stay at a Hilton anymore b/c I can’t knowingly contribute to her overindulgent lifestyle. Makes me sick.)

    Comment by k8
    05.31.2007 at 12:35 pm
  5. I usually watch the first 2-3 episodes and then am over them 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    05.31.2007 at 12:50 pm

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