Nashville’s Ruke Thoughts, Plus Spoilers!

Nashville’s Ruke Thoughts, Plus Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 11.19.2014 at 6:21 pm

So “Ruke,” aka Rayna and Luke, seem to be on path to giant explosion on “Nashville.” Luke does not like how little he is seeing of his bride to be, though I can’t help but remember he was the one that told her she had to play these publicity games. It seems his advice only applies to him and not his little woman. Luke is loosing my vote and making me wish Rayna had picked Deacon!

I was actually shocked that Gunnar’s ex took off and dumped him with their kid. I really thought she’d stick around and fight for him, since it seems she’s been on the hunt for a good guy. It seems what she really wanted was a bad boy and a kid free life. I was actually hoping she’d knock Zoey out on her butt, as that girl annoys me. Something tells me though she won’t like having to play mommy at all and will dump Gunnar soon enough.

I’ve been feeling sorry for Juliette lately, which I usually hate. I have a bad feeling that she’s going to feel neglected by Rayna and jump ship back to Jeff’s label, which would be a huge mistake.

I wish Will would just come the hell out of the closet and be done with it already! They are dragging that one out way too long.

Spoilers for the next two episodes below!
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Red Band Society: Dr. George Clooney Hair.

Red Band Society: Dr. George Clooney Hair.

Posted by Dustin on 11.19.2014 at 6:09 pm

So I really have loved the last two episodes of “Red Band Society” and the exploration of Nurse Jackson and Dr. McAndrew’s parts, which is just what I was wishing for in my last blog. Hilariously the show has people going to vote on-line now as to whether they want to see Dr. McAndrew’s go shirtless on the show. Yes please! I also loved how in the latest episode they referred to him as having “George Clooney hair” because of his premature greying. There had been talk if that was done to play to the ER fans, but it really is his natural hair. He had a really horrid dye job when on “666 Park Avenue.”

I love the new bad-boy Hunter they’ve brought in as a love interest for that spoiled brat Kara. Perhaps he can actually bring her down to earth a bit. I’m still not feeling anything between Emma and Leo, I’m for Emma and Jordi all the way. Ack, I can’t believe I’m routing for children in love. Bleck! With Charlie opening his eyes last week, tonight’s episode should be interesting. I doubt they’ll have him wake up this soon, as they’ll lose their narrator.

Spoilers for tonight’s episode below!
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Sleepy Hollow Thoughts And Spoilers. Plus Gotham!

Sleepy Hollow Thoughts And Spoilers. Plus Gotham!

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2014 at 6:14 pm

So while I’m still watching “Sleepy Hollow,” I feel the show has somewhat lost something. Many of the latest episodes seem to be coming off like a “Grimm” rip-off if you ask me. Henry comes up with a monster, sends him or her out to terrorize people, Abigail and Ichabod to the rescue! Not only is it very Grimmesque, it’s also been a bad ripoff of real monsters. The weeping woman was nothing but a spin on La Lorena. They at least kept the Wendigo grounded in Native American myths, but what was the point of Franklinstien? Also what happened to that thing now that I think about it.

The introduction of Matt Barr as the rogue Nick Hawley has been welcomed, but it also seems to be setting up yet another confusing love triangle. He clearly had something with Abbie’s sister, and now they are teasing something between him and Abbie. However we also have been teased that Ichabod and Katrina are drifting apart, leaving something to happen between Ichabod and Abbie. Oy!

I am still enjoying “Gotham,” which has gotten really good. I normally don’t get into mob/crime shows, but the superhero twist on it is what has dragged me in. I just wish they would introduce a little more of the superhero aspect into it at some point. I guess it’s hard to do that when Batman is 10 years old.

Spoilers for the next episodes for both shows below.

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Thursday Night Dramas: Grey’s And Parenthood Latest Episodes.

Thursday Night Dramas: Grey’s And Parenthood Latest Episodes.

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2014 at 6:07 pm

So “Grey’s” has been really good lately, but also really infuriating. Thanks to the story with Geena Davis’ character they made me feel sorry for Arizona, and I really don’t want to feel sorry for her. Davis’ character has been riding her hard, but we learned it’s because she’s dying of a brain tumor and thinks Arizona is the one to succeed her in her work. Arizona has been keeping quiet about her condition in order to learn, but it’s getting more difficult for her to do as the tumor is causing serious problems for Davis. Okay, is anyone going to be surprised when one of the Shepard’s eventually save her? Come on!

Meredith and Maggie are slowly getting closer, though Maggie is fuming mad at Richard for not manning up and telling her the truth when he realized it. It seems she came to town knowing who her dad was, but Richard got blindsided by it. I think she should cut him some slack. It’s obvious they’ll eventually mend fences.

The last episode had Amelia’s past being made publicly known to all, thanks to a woman from Narcotics Anonymous who recognized her. Did nobody at the hospital not know this about her? I figured it wasn’t a secret at all. The whole thing however was to set Derek up to try and take her job, which he did consider doing. They’ve really made Derek in to a terrible person lately. He admitted at the end of the last episode that he’s become a very unhappy and angry person. Duh! Something tells me he’s going to wish he still had his trailer soon enough.

Onto “Parenthood.” So while Dylan wasn’t in love with Kristina as I thought, she still isn’t in love with Max. Max lost it and took it out on a student she was interested in. Through this whole episode I kept thinking “damn Kristina is showing her kid serious favoritism.” If she keeps letting Max get off for his antics, other parents will pull their kids from her school.

The problems for “The Luncheonette” continued, though Crosby and Amber tried to find solutions. Adam was out of town. The cast agreed to take episode cuts in order for this final season to be made, which unfortunately showed in this episode. This was just a boring episode to be honest.

Most of the show was about Hank and his daughter Ruby, along with Hank’s ex-wife. I don’t care about these people at all! Zzzzzzz. The previews showed Mark Cyr returning. Something tells me we are looking at putting Hank and his ex back together, and Sarah back with Mark by the end of this season.

Oh, the previews also showed Zeek having another health issue. I have suspected all along they were going to kill him. I am just waiting for it to happen at this point.

Spoilers for this week’s shows below.

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Resurrection Continues To Confuse Me.

Resurrection Continues To Confuse Me.

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2014 at 5:36 pm

So first up, there is no “Resurrection” until the end of the month. I know! There is a 2 hour “Once” tonight, and next week is the American Music Awards. The spoilers for the next new episode are at the end of this post and below the fold.

Bellamy has finally come cleaned with Tom, and later Maggie, about his returned status. However the disease that has hit the returned has mutated and is affecting the living. This isn’t good, as a vigilante group against the return has risen up in town. This is a little too much like HBO’s “The Leftovers” for my tastes.

A new nemesis who may be even worse than Margaret has shown up. It’s the man who died in a factory fire when Margaret was a little girl, but we know from flashbacks it may be no accident. It seems the men were locked in a room when the factory was set fire. Margaret was a little girl, so it’s doubtful that she couldn’t have done it. She seems to have been playing in the factory when it happened though. We do know some of these men kept coming back, via the bones found, and we know Margaret did grow up and repeatedly kill and hide then. Or at least that’s what we’ve been led to believe from a bizarre story she told. We also found out that Margaret married into the Langston family through an arranged marriage. Her father was the foreman who basically ran the company, and she later took over when her Langston husband became a drunk. Now one of the men from the fire is back and definitely wants to resurrect the factory for some reason. Something tells me he, and possibly Margaret’s father, may be the key to the returned.

Rachel’s fell ill and refused to take any drugs as they may hurt the baby. Fortunately she and the baby recovered from the illness, the first to do so. Something tells me, based on the shared dream she and Margaret had, the baby had more to do with her surviving than anything. They’ve hinted that this baby is very special somehow. But how?

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Horror Story Freakshow Thoughts So Far.

Horror Story Freakshow Thoughts So Far.

Posted by Dustin on 11.11.2014 at 5:57 pm

So I’m not sure what to think about “American Horror Story: Freakshow.” I was in love with the first episode, but I feel like it’s gone a little downhill and dare I say gotten dull. For Jessica Lange’s swan song season, this is my least favorite character she’s actually played on the show.

I think one of the major issues I’m having with this season is that they played their hand too early. I felt they should have dragged Twisty the clown out a bit longer than they did, and there is no mystery now with Dandy as the killer. The second major issue I have is with the slew of guest stars we’ve seen, and some still yet to come. The show has become so popular it seems everyone in Hollywood wants a cameo for a single episode, or perhaps two. I can’t believe they killed off Patti Labelle so quickly. Like Twisty, they should have kept her around longer.

I did enjoy the twists with Angela Bassett’s character last week, as well as the revelation that Michael Chiklis’ character is gay. He’s so unlikeable though that his death is guaranteed. By the way, for such a small little po-dunk town, they have a huge gay population. I do wonder if Elsa (Emma Roberts) really does have “the gift.” She’s clearly faked some of it, using her knowledge of the situation. But I wonder if in the end she too will really be a “freak,” or if this is supposed to be some “Beauty and the Beast” spoof with the romance between her character and Jimmy’s.

I’m now at the point where I’m rooting for Dot and Bette’s death. I’m over them already. I guess I’ll soon feel bad now that they are Dandy’s latest toys.


Grimm + Constantine Thoughts and Spoilers.

Grimm + Constantine Thoughts and Spoilers.

Posted by Dustin on 11.09.2014 at 6:38 pm

So “Grimm” is really getting on my nerves. As I lamented in my last blog about the show, I worried they would drag out powerless Nick for far too long, and it looks like they are doing just that. I hate this! I don’t expect him to get his powers back until at least half-way through the season at this point. I am at least glad Monroe and Rosalie are going behind Juliette’s back to restore his powers. However by the end of the latest episode it appeared that someone was about to raid The Spice Shop and stop them. Meanwhile, Truble has been contacted by the FBI Wesen who have offered to have her work for powerful people to rid the world of bad Wesen. It sounds like the resistance, but something tells me they actually work for the Royals.

I actually have found myself really enjoying “Constantine.” However the numbers apparently aren’t so hot for it. I’m trying not to get too attached to it, but I do hope NBC gives it a chance to find an audience. It’s definitely different and unique, that is for sure.

Of note, I finally caught an episode of “The Mysteries of Laura” on NBC and really liked it. I’m for sure going to catch up on it and keep watching. I never got into “Forever” due to time, but I have heard nothing but good things about “How To Get Away With Murder,” so I want to get into that. Thankfully the winter break period is coming up so I can play catch-up with these new shows.

Spoilers for the next two shows for both “Grimm” and “Constantine” below!

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Thursday Show Spoilers + Thoughs: Parenthood and Grey’s Anatomy

Thursday Show Spoilers + Thoughs: Parenthood and Grey’s Anatomy

Posted by Dustin on 11.06.2014 at 1:18 pm

First up, I’ve found out that the server I used had gotten blacklisted months ago by a few major email servers, so many emails the blog sends out had been bouncing back. I’m working to migrate over to a new subscription service that isn’t blocked, and to contact my server about the blacklisting. The new system is already in place on the blog. You can find a subscribe form on the side bar and on the comment form. So feel free to re-subsribe. I’m going to port over everyone’s emails over the next few days. If you no longer want the emails from the blog, just ignore the canned email you get asking if you want to subsribe.

So first up, “Grey’s” wasn’t on last week, and the week before was simply watching Arizona and Callie crash and burn. I HATED that episode, and I couldn’t stand Arizona by the end of the episode. Can we go back in time and kill her off to get one of the dead from the plane crash back in her place? I am looking forward to tonight’s episode and getting back to Meredith’s drama with her newfound sister.

On “Parenthood,” the previews have been hinting that Joel and Julia may reunite. Well duh! If they remain broken up by the end of the series I won’t be happy, even though I do want to smack Joel upside the head. Crosby and Adam are watching The Luncheonette go down in flames, and I really hope they can somehow save it. I need to believe this show will have a happy ending for all involved, and not the usual depressing and “this is the real world” stuff it usually portrays. We are talking about the end of the show, let it go out on a happy note. Oh yeah, one final thought. Why do I have a feeling that student who is pretending to like Max is really in love with Kristina? Poor Kristina just thinks she’s looking to her as a parental figure.

Spoilers for both shows for the next two episodes below!
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Resurrections: I Have So Many Questions Still! Also Spoilers!

Resurrections: I Have So Many Questions Still! Also Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 11.02.2014 at 8:03 pm

“Resurrection” still has me confused, and somewhat annoyed as well. Jacob’s grandmother Margaret is one nasty piece of work! I didn’t like her from the minute she showed up, and now I really don’t like her. She seems to have all the answers, and this business of the returned seems to go back to her childhood in the early 1900s. I don’t think we’ve seen anyone return from before that time, have we? I do wonder if she did something to start it all. I was not really a fan of Maggie’s mom and Fred’s wife, but for Margaret to just get rid of her was plain evil! A few things she’s said aren’t adding up though. She told Fred’s wife (Barbara I think?) that all she had to do was let go of the pain and hurt, and desire to move on, then she would be gone for good. It seemed to have work. However something tells me Caleb was not one to do that, so why did he disappear? Also she said that they are back basically because they had sinned or done some kind of wrong, as if being returned was a punishment or penance. What could Jacob have done? Or Bellamy for that matter? It looks like Bellamy has returned before, and that he may have died with his entire family in the car crash. Last season they returned looking for their boy who didn’t come back with them, but I don’t think Bellamy every learned who they were. So as a kid, again, what great sin could he have committed? Maybe we aren’t supposed to think about these things.

Spoilers for tonight’s episode and next week’s after the jump!

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