Thursday Night Dramas: Grey’s And Parenthood Latest Episodes.

Thursday Night Dramas: Grey’s And Parenthood Latest Episodes.

Posted by Dustin on 11.16.2014 at 6:07 pm

So “Grey’s” has been really good lately, but also really infuriating. Thanks to the story with Geena Davis’ character they made me feel sorry for Arizona, and I really don’t want to feel sorry for her. Davis’ character has been riding her hard, but we learned it’s because she’s dying of a brain tumor and thinks Arizona is the one to succeed her in her work. Arizona has been keeping quiet about her condition in order to learn, but it’s getting more difficult for her to do as the tumor is causing serious problems for Davis. Okay, is anyone going to be surprised when one of the Shepard’s eventually save her? Come on!

Meredith and Maggie are slowly getting closer, though Maggie is fuming mad at Richard for not manning up and telling her the truth when he realized it. It seems she came to town knowing who her dad was, but Richard got blindsided by it. I think she should cut him some slack. It’s obvious they’ll eventually mend fences.

The last episode had Amelia’s past being made publicly known to all, thanks to a woman from Narcotics Anonymous who recognized her. Did nobody at the hospital not know this about her? I figured it wasn’t a secret at all. The whole thing however was to set Derek up to try and take her job, which he did consider doing. They’ve really made Derek in to a terrible person lately. He admitted at the end of the last episode that he’s become a very unhappy and angry person. Duh! Something tells me he’s going to wish he still had his trailer soon enough.

Onto “Parenthood.” So while Dylan wasn’t in love with Kristina as I thought, she still isn’t in love with Max. Max lost it and took it out on a student she was interested in. Through this whole episode I kept thinking “damn Kristina is showing her kid serious favoritism.” If she keeps letting Max get off for his antics, other parents will pull their kids from her school.

The problems for “The Luncheonette” continued, though Crosby and Amber tried to find solutions. Adam was out of town. The cast agreed to take episode cuts in order for this final season to be made, which unfortunately showed in this episode. This was just a boring episode to be honest.

Most of the show was about Hank and his daughter Ruby, along with Hank’s ex-wife. I don’t care about these people at all! Zzzzzzz. The previews showed Mark Cyr returning. Something tells me we are looking at putting Hank and his ex back together, and Sarah back with Mark by the end of this season.

Oh, the previews also showed Zeek having another health issue. I have suspected all along they were going to kill him. I am just waiting for it to happen at this point.

Spoilers for this week’s shows below.


“Grey’s Anatomy” – “Risk” – November 20th
Maggie and Meredith disagree with Derek about the best way to approach a patient’s case, which leads to a bigger argument between the couple. Meanwhile, Callie feels responsible when one of her veterans is pushed too far and one doctor’s routine procedure results in a devastating diagnosis, on the winter finale of “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

“Parenthood” – LEAN IN – November 20th
PARENTING IS A BUMPY RIDE- Tension between Dylan (Ally Ioannides) and Max (Max Burkholder) reaches a fever pitch at the Chambers’ Academy Open House. Kristina (Monica Potter) and Adam (Peter Krause) find themselves tangled in the conflict. Hank (Ray Romano) is thrilled to see Ruby (Courtney Grosbeck) excited about her school play, but an unexpected encounter with Mark Cyr (Jason Ritter) rocks the boat. Meanwhile, Zeek (Craig T. Nelson) recruits Drew (Miles Heizer) for help with a secret mission. Also starring: Lauren Graham, Erika Christensen, Sam Jaeger, Bonnie Bedelia, Savannah Paige Rae and guest stars Betsy Brandt and Coby Ryan McLaughlin


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