Ghost Whisperer Premier! Plus Moonlight Thoughts

Ghost Whisperer Premier! Plus Moonlight Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 09.29.2007 at 1:41 pm

So last night was the season premier of “Ghost Whisperer.” I liked it, but it seemed a bit disconnected from last seasons finale. For starters, I got the impression at the end of last season that Melinda’s father was somehow evil and therefore spawned Gabriel, who was evil. In this premier it seems like Melinda’s father was good and he left to protect her from something almost. I didn’t get it. Also Melinda’s mom claims she doesn’t have another child and Melinda doesn’t have a brother as far as she knows. We know her mother is a big fat liar, so is she lying, or did Gabriel come from the father after he left them? As one of you commented, Melinda’s powers seem to come from her mom and grandma, not her father as far as we know.

Also what was up with the professor in this episode? I got the impression he is in love with Melinda based on a little talk he was prepping to give her, about how there were so many things he wanted to say to her and didn’t think he’d get the chance when he thought she had died. Please don’t go there, I love Melinda and her husband’s relationship!

Melinda found out her family lived in Grandview for a few years before moving, her mother tries to warn her to leave the town, as if she knew something bad was going to happen. The ghost in this episode felt the whole underground of Grandview was somehow haunted. Then, in researching this episode, Melinda got warnings from some very angry ghosts who told her not to stick her nose into things. What is going on? Is Grandview ghost central or something?

Finally, we got introduced to some blogger college kid who snapped a photo of Melinda with a ghost in the background. Uh oh! He won’t let it go either, even though Melinda and the professor told him it was nothing. It seems someones out to expose Melinda this season!

After “Ghost Whisperer” was the new show “Moonlight,” which is about a vampire PI. I watched it and was entertained, but I think I need to see a few more episodes before I make up my mind. Given nothing is on Friday nights after GW, I’ll keep tuning in. For some reason though the promos at the end highlighting the love story between the Vampire and the girl made me think of “Beauty and the Beast.”


The Greys Premier

The Greys Premier

Posted by Dustin on 09.28.2007 at 11:12 am

So “Greys” finally came back to us, after that horrid season cliff hanger last season. What to say about it? I’m sorta at a loss for words really. Meredith, Christina, Izzy and Alex got their interns, with George being one of Meredith’s Interns and Lexie, Meredith’s sister, Christina’s. Lexie basically just sprung it on Meredith that she was her sister during a trauma event, real nice! There was a whole dejavous moment with who the girl from the bar was . . . . Lexie or Meredith?

Bailey was still pissed that Callie got Chief Resident over her, especially since Callie apparently couldn’t handle the job from this episode. The Chief told Bailey she would have made a great Chief Resident, but she’ll make a better surgeon and she needs to be practicing those skills instead of managing schedules. I thought this was nice and touching.

Christina got the news from McDreamy that Burke wasn’t coming back, he handed in his resignation two months ago. He’d been sitting on this news, not sure how to tell her.

Callie told George she might be pregnant . . . . George later finally went to Izzie and told her that he loved her too. Wait a minute, I thought the whole Grizzy thing was being ended?

McDreamy and Meredith broke up, but then apparently got it on. Oh brother, make up your minds you two!

The best part of this episode was Izzy’s story. Her interns thought they got the dud doctor, especially when she ended up spending the day saving a deer hit by a truck. I loved that in the end she told them she’s the kind of doctor that lets little kids talk her into the impossible, and she thought this day would go better too, she didn’t expect to get the dud interns!


Betty’s Back! Ugly Betty Premier Thoughts

Betty’s Back! Ugly Betty Premier Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 09.27.2007 at 9:31 pm

So first up, let’s talk about the elephant in the room, which would be Santos. Through the whole episode it seemed Santos was still alive and survived. I had the stinking feeling something was stinking. I knew it was just too good to be true, and in the end, it was all in poor Hilda’s head. Santos is still dead 🙁

Next up is Amanda, who has developed a candy addiction and has put on some pounds. She’s depressed because of finding who her mom really is. With pushing from Mark she confronted her parents, only to learn they were swingers and with another couple! Too funny! Anyway not only is Fay Summers her mom, her dad is unknown and she was adopted. Dum dum dum dum . . . . . We can see where this is going, yep she’s a Mead! She’s running a DNA test to find out for sure, but as she put it, she slept with her brother . . . . a lot!

Over to Wilamena, who is preparing for her wedding to Bradford. Unfortunately Claire remains a thorn in her side and isn’t going to let her get her husband or her magazine.

Then there is Henry and Betty. It seemed they were doomed, and Daniel convinced her that she need to have a symbolic burial and bury those momentos from their relationship to put him behind her. She did, and then Daniel, still recovering from his accident last season, admitted to her that the accident happened because he was high. He had still been abusing pain meds while recovering in the hospital, so he buried his pills. Both decided they needed a fresh start.

Betty’s nephew Justin scored an internship at Mode, so it looks like we’ll get to see a lot more of him this season. Love him!

Finally the cliffhanger endings . . . Henry came back to New York . . . . and Alexis, whose been in a coma, woke up and thinks she’s still Alex! Oh dear! I can’t wait to see where they take this one.

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Ugly Betty

Dirty Sexy Money

Dirty Sexy Money

Posted by Dustin on 09.26.2007 at 11:31 pm

Did anyone give “Dirty Sexy Money” a try? I did on a fluke and loved it! The story centers around a lawyer named Nick, who’s father was a layer for “The Darlings,” Manhattan’s most wealthy and powerful family. Nick vowed not to be anything like his father, grew up to be a lawyer, but stayed away from the money and the fame type cases. Nick’s father ended up dying in a plane crash, and the family decided to hire Nick in place of his father. Nick agreed, thinking he could do this his way, keep his distance and keep normal hours. Think again! The family has all the characters for an insane primetime soap. For starters, one of the daughters Karen is in love with Nick, always has been and always probably will be, even though she’s going into marriage number four. One brother Bryan hates Nick and his now dead father, is a Reverend for a local church and has had an affair and been dumped with the kid. Another brother Patrick is the DA and considering running for the Senate, but is having an affair with a transsexual on the side. Then there are the twins Juliette and Jeremy, Jeremy is a drug addict party boy while Juliette is an aspiring actress who basically sucks. Just when Nick though he couldn’t take it and quit . . . he’s lured back in. He learns his father had been having an affair with Mrs. Darling for almost 40 years and Bryan may have arranged an “accident” which caused his plane to crash.


Private Practice Thoughts?

Private Practice Thoughts?

Posted by Dustin on 09.26.2007 at 11:23 pm

So tonight was the big premier of “Private Practice,” the Grey’s spin-off (which airs at the same time as “Bionic Woman,” my Tivos will be going haywire this season!) So anyways what are your thoughts? I’m still trying to remember all the names really, aside from Addison. The new Naomi (Audra McDonald) seemed to come off much harsher and more bitchy than the one from the pilot last season. I’m not sure if that was their point in switching the actors? Basically the stories tonight centered around Addison and Pete trying to save a girl who was having a problematic birth in the office, Pete and Viola trying to figure out why a woman basically lost it in a department store and started counting floor tiles, and Naomi and her ex (Taye Diggs’ character) fighting with a hospital because a woman wanted her dead boyfriend’s sperm to get pregnant. The crazy wacky Grey’s like medical stories were all there, but the players were just different. I liked it, but I’m not sure if I loved it. If it weren’t for Amy Brenneman (Viola) I don’t know if I would keep tuning in or not.


Spoiler Roundup!

Spoiler Roundup!

Posted by Dustin on 09.26.2007 at 1:14 pm

From official releases for the shows. Spoilers follow for the following: Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Houswives, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Ugly Betty, Heroes, Journeyman, Bionic Woman!

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Dancing With The Stars: The Men Dance

Dancing With The Stars: The Men Dance

Posted by Dustin on 09.26.2007 at 12:34 pm

So last night the men danced. I watched the whole show and then went back and watched the final performances from the women’s show which I missed. I’m slowly warming up to everyone, even if I don’t recognize most of them. I see Sabrina going far, possibly even winning, she is just amazing. Overall I think the women did better than the men, so this may actually be the year a woman wins again. As for who will go home, it’s a tough one. There were some stinky performances, but it’s hard to tell how the fans will vote. I think the one model/actress from the first night with the women might be a goner.

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Reality TV

Heroes is Back!

Heroes is Back!

Posted by Dustin on 09.25.2007 at 12:37 pm

So “Heroes” premiered last night, and I loved it! So much has gone on and happened in the four months that have gone by. We will, supposedly, have an episode down the way that will bring us up to speed on all these odd and unanswered questions that came up in this episode.

First up, Surresh is in Cairo and has been lecturing about “The Heroes” and a virus that is targeting them, which also killed his own sister at a young age. We only briefly heard about this at the end of the last season if I recall, and it looks like they are setting this sickness up as a huge story this season. Also Surresh was followed by a man from “The Company” who want to hire him. It seems he’s taking the job to get in on the inside and destroy them.

Clair Bennett and her family moved to California. She was instructed to blend in, not to make a scene at all, and no cheerleading! As much as she wanted to show the rich snotty cheerleaders up in this episode, she didn’t as she had to do what her dad said. She couldn’t even answer questions in class when she knew the answer. She did draw the attention of a boy, who accused her of being a robot and fitting in and doing what everyone else did, instead of being an alien. As the show ended we learn the boy has powers! He was floating outside Claire’s bedroom window and flew away! Clearly this is Claire’s new boyfriend for the season.

Meanwhile Noah Bennett, aka HRG, is working at Copy Kingdom and did man a scene! He told his boss off and physically threatened him. He told his kids not to make a stink and blend in, but he made a stink himself. He also is in contact with Surresh, they are both trying to destroy “The Company.”

Nathan is a mess after what happened at the end of last season with Peter. He and his mother both believe Peter is dead. Nathan has become an alcoholic and when he looks in the mirror he sees his face has a terrible scar on it, but we don’t see this. Hmmmm. Meanwhile Peter was found in Ireland locked up in a storage bin somewhere. Some men were coming to steal a shipment of iPods and found him, and he doesn’t seem to know who he is! I foresee Peter being used by badguys this season!

Both Angela Petrelli and Hiro’s father received photos of them with a red symbol on it, the same symbol tattooed on many people last season by “The Company.” They knew it meant someone was coming to kill them, and it must be one of the original founders of “The Company.” Hiro’s father, in the end, was pushed off the building by an unknown assassin and appears to be dead! He did however seem surprised as to who it was who killed him. Another mystery? I think it’s all tying into “The Company” still as Linderman and Angela’s husband’s deaths were also brought up, though we know who killed Linderman.

Matt has divorced his wife, is still a cop and has adopted Molly. Molly however is having terrible dreams about a bad person, she’s drawing his eyes as well as “The Company’s” symbol. She’s suffering in school because of her dreams, but she won’t tell Matt where to find this person as they will kill him. Is she dreaming of Sylar? Hints indicate no, it’s a new villian.

We met two new heroes, or at least one hero. Maya and her brother Alejandro are making a run for America. They are trying to get to New York to see a doctor (Surresh?) who can help Maya. They are wanted for murder, but it appears it’s Maya’s powers who kill people. We don’t know what her power is yet, but she did accidentally drain the lives of several people in this episode during a truck ride to the US border. We didn’t see it happen, her brother was pushed out of the truck and knocked out by the men driving, who wanted to take advantage of Maya. When he caught up with them, they were all dead! Her power seems to be like Linderman’s old power.

Hiro meanwhile ended up in feudal Japan and met his own hero, the great swordsman whose sword he stole last season Takeshi Kensei (or something like that, I can’t recall off hand). Turns out he’s not really a hero . . or is he? He’s an Englishman who has been going around robbing people of their money! He was, as legend goes, supposed to save some village from bandits, but Hiro’s showing up threw it all out of whack and the village was ransacked. The sword smith’s daughter, who he was supposed to marry, is furious as they paid Takeshi to protect them and he vanished (Hiro’s fault, he was trying to save him, so he thought). She went off to save her father on her own, he was capturd, and Takeshi knocked Hiro out as he was tired of listening to him tell him how he had to save this and that and become the hero of legend. In the previews for the season though, it seems Takeshi does have a power of some sort! Also, his banner and symbol is the same one “The Company” uses, so there is obviously a connection. Why do get the feeling the bad guy in the present is Takeshi, who will somehow learn to time travel from Hiro?

Notably absent were Micah, Nikki/Jessica and DL . . . oh and Sylar of course. I did like it, I think it really lived up to my expectations from last season. I just hope the show doesn’t end up losing steam through the season as so many shows do in their sophmore year.

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Dancing With The Stars Premier

Dancing With The Stars Premier

Posted by Dustin on 09.25.2007 at 11:51 am

So last night was the big “Dancing With The Stars” premier on ABC. I don’t know, this time around I just don’t feel as connected to the stars. I mean the only ones I can say I really have watched are Jennie Garth (90210) and Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn). I know who Scary Spice, Marie Osmond and Cameron Mathison are though. Most of the others I haven’t a clue who they are. A model? A “Cheetah Girl.” A football team owner !?! When I don’t know the stars, it kinda makes it hard to pick one I like a lot and hope they make it to the end. What did some of you out there think? I still have the final 1/2 hour on tape to watch myself.

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Reality TV

NBC’s Journeyman

NBC’s Journeyman

Posted by Dustin on 09.20.2007 at 11:33 am

I finally got around to watching this pilot. I’ll replace this with a write-up ASAP. The premise is a little different than the commercials though, but very good. The main character bascially suddenly for some unknown reason starts traveling back through time, but he doesn’t know why. It’s NOT to save his dead ex girlfriend, which the commercials lead you to believe. Something bigger is going on. In the first episode he sees his dead ex, but his journeys in the pilot episode actually revolve around a man whose life he saves in his first trip back. Everytime he finds himself going back, it revolves around this man’s life. You can see the set-up for the rest of the season here, journeys to save people or change things in the past. If you want a huge spoiler, make the jump.

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