NBC’s Journeyman

NBC’s Journeyman

Posted by Dustin on 09.20.2007 at 11:33 am

I finally got around to watching this pilot. I’ll replace this with a write-up ASAP. The premise is a little different than the commercials though, but very good. The main character bascially suddenly for some unknown reason starts traveling back through time, but he doesn’t know why. It’s NOT to save his dead ex girlfriend, which the commercials lead you to believe. Something bigger is going on. In the first episode he sees his dead ex, but his journeys in the pilot episode actually revolve around a man whose life he saves in his first trip back. Everytime he finds himself going back, it revolves around this man’s life. You can see the set-up for the rest of the season here, journeys to save people or change things in the past. If you want a huge spoiler, make the jump.

Whatever is going on with the main character is part of a bigger plot. The dead ex girlfriend, who supposedly died in a plane crash . . . isn’t dead! She’s a journeyman too! He meets up with her, but she only offers him slight clues as to what is going on and then vanishes herself.




  1. It sounds a lot like Quantum Leap.

    Comment by Lynne
    09.20.2007 at 7:53 pm
  2. I actually thought the exact same thing this morning. I was like, this show is basically a different version of quantum leap 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    09.20.2007 at 8:41 pm
  3. i love the actor in it and would watch it just to see him. When does it air?

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    09.21.2007 at 2:29 pm
  4. It airs Monday after Heroes

    Comment by Dustin
    09.21.2007 at 2:58 pm
  5. dang. too much good tv. thank god for DVRs! Love Heroes as well.

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    09.21.2007 at 4:31 pm
  6. To me it sounds like the book ” The time traveler’s wife”///////Any comments? The book was great!

    Comment by Virginia
    09.22.2007 at 4:05 pm
  7. I really enjoyed this show and set my dvr to record on a regular basis. The hero is so likable, not to mention really hot. There is some suspension of disbelief, i.e. most people would freak out a little more before they adjust (I love him going to bed fully dressed, just in case.) Otherwise, the cast and premise seem great and I hope NBC will stay behind this show.

    Comment by Jenny
    09.26.2007 at 10:03 pm
  8. Quantum Leap or Time Cop, but w/o the Quantum Leap accelerator or the sled. Dan gets thrown into his “journeys” by a higher power.

    Comment by K.J.
    09.26.2007 at 10:07 pm
  9. Dustin, how did you get to watch Journeyman on Sept. 20th? I thought that it debuted on Sept 24th?

    Comment by K.J.
    09.26.2007 at 10:09 pm
  10. It is alot like “The Time Traveller’s Wife” which is a GREAT book. But, it’s also different in a lot of ways. I really enjoyed the pilot. I guess it’s similar to Quantam Leap in the fact that he goes back in time, but in Quantam Leap, he actually inhabits the bodies of the people whose lives he is trying to alter and he never jumps back to the present. He just goes from person to person. It will be interesting to see if Journeyman ever goes into the future, like Time Traveller’s Wife does. Again, great book!

    Comment by Kelley
    09.27.2007 at 2:24 pm

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