Horror Story Freakshow Thoughts So Far.
So I’m not sure what to think about “American Horror Story: Freakshow.” I was in love with the first episode, but I feel like it’s gone a little downhill and dare I say gotten dull. For Jessica Lange’s swan song season, this is my least favorite character she’s actually played on the show.
I think one of the major issues I’m having with this season is that they played their hand too early. I felt they should have dragged Twisty the clown out a bit longer than they did, and there is no mystery now with Dandy as the killer. The second major issue I have is with the slew of guest stars we’ve seen, and some still yet to come. The show has become so popular it seems everyone in Hollywood wants a cameo for a single episode, or perhaps two. I can’t believe they killed off Patti Labelle so quickly. Like Twisty, they should have kept her around longer.
I did enjoy the twists with Angela Bassett’s character last week, as well as the revelation that Michael Chiklis’ character is gay. He’s so unlikeable though that his death is guaranteed. By the way, for such a small little po-dunk town, they have a huge gay population. I do wonder if Elsa (Emma Roberts) really does have “the gift.” She’s clearly faked some of it, using her knowledge of the situation. But I wonder if in the end she too will really be a “freak,” or if this is supposed to be some “Beauty and the Beast” spoof with the romance between her character and Jimmy’s.
I’m now at the point where I’m rooting for Dot and Bette’s death. I’m over them already. I guess I’ll soon feel bad now that they are Dandy’s latest toys.
I am also really not enjoying this season, it has no real bite. It almost feels like a filler season rather then a real season. I at times feel like they said lets see can we make this scene bloody and then add just a bit more blood. And then the sexual pairings and innuendos are there to only shock, but are some how missing the shock factor big time.
I read somewhere where there are already hints being given for next season, and that all the seasons are going to tie together……
11.12.2014 at 2:59 am