Army Wives: Humps

Army Wives: Humps

Posted by Dustin on 06.30.2008 at 1:23 pm

Betty received an insurance check this week and made the decision to rebuild the Hump Bar. Roxy thought this was a bad idea, thinking she needed to get well first. Betty said the Hump was her child, she had to do what she could to fix it. However she realized she couldn’t supervise it with her health, so she hired Roxy to supervise the rebuild while she concentrated on getting better.

Meanwhile Pam made the announcement about the Hump Bar on her show, and it caused a bit of controversy. A woman showed up to talk on air about why she felt the place should not be reopened, a memorial should instead be built there. Roxy heard this and stormed the station, telling the woman off, saying the place was a memorial already as it was historic . . . the first integrated bar in the area. She also said it was their friends and family who died there. The woman then let out a shocker, it was her brother who blew it up! She said she was only trying to do something good, to erase the shame their family felt.

The sister of the bomber later went to see Claudia Joy, but Michael couldn’t even look her in the face and asked her to leave. Claudia Joy felt that was cold of him, and it took a lot of courage for that woman to come here. Later Michael talked to the woman, saying there was nothing to forgive her for, but he could forgive her brother and he was sorry for her loss too.

This week Michael toyed with the idea of retiring, but decided by the end of the show not to. What got to him was having to sign the papers to ship off a girl to Iraq who had grown up with Amanda.

Over in Iraq, Trevor was shot by a guy, who was about to unleash bullets on an unsuspecting village market. Trevor shot him and saved many people. Roxy got the call, but was told he was fine. At the end of the show Trevor called home to talk to her and let her know that he was being sent home.

Joan was faced with having to tell her staff she was pregnant. She was afraid after years of working to gain their trust and support, they would for some reason see her in a different light. When she saw Roland talking with Emmalynn, she snapped at him, thinking how this could affect her job. She later apologized, saying she likes control and order in her life, which is why she likes the army. She also admitted her fears about telling her staff she was pregnant, she thought she’d seem weak. She also would have to stop regular PT training and join the pregnant women’s group, which she herself saw as women using pregnancy as an excuse to slouch off. Roland basically told her to show them up, rock that class and be the best.

Joan noticed how happy Roland had been lately. He was happy with the work he was doing with Emma and her friends, because for the first time in a long time he was excited about psychiatry again. He felt he was making a difference in people’s lives, getting to them before lifelong problems set in. He was considering applying for a job at a high school as a counselor, but said it would be much less money. She said do what made him happy.

Roland applied for a job at the school on base, but there were no openings. Later though they called him saying they needed a permanent substitute who would be responsible for English classes as well as some GT classes. Roland took the job.

Finally Denise still hadn’t ridden the bike Mac left her. She met up with another guy in the hospital garage who had a bike, and he encouraged her to give it a try and see if she liked it. She did, and she loved it. Frank however didn’t love it. When they talked he felt it was too dangerous, and it was not becoming of an officer’s wife. She said with her helmet on, nobody would know it was even her. She wouldn’t keep it if he was really against it. In a huff, he said she would do what she wanted and hung up on her! Later she told her friends about the bike and then driving it into work ran into the guy again. His name is Getty and he’s a doctor there.

Next Week
Trevor returns home a hero.
Trevor has trouble sleeping.
Roxy notices Trevor is not the same man.
Roxy asks Trevor to talk to her, but he says he can’t.

Frank begins to wonder why this bike is so important to Denise.
Getty asks Denise out to breakfast.

My Thoughts
Once again I kept hearing “me me me” coming from Joan’s mouth after she snapped at Roland for being friends with Michael’s daughter. Ugh! She did give some insight into this side of her, saying she liked the control and order the army gave her. Well she’s got a baby coming along, she’s about to lose all control and order! If this baby doesn’t change her, I will feel bad for that kid. At least he or she will have Roland for a parent. Speaking of Roland, I love the idea that he’ll be working at a high school with kids from now on.

Frank is another character irking me to no end. His attitude is going to push Denise out of his life and into that new doctor’s bed. The way he talked to her on the phone . . . and then hanging up and walking off? That was just disgusting. Hello he’s in Iraq and he’s pulling this on her? Who knows when they’ll talk again! Speaking of Denise and Frank . . . are we ever going to see their son again?

The twist with the woman protesting the rebuilding of the Hump Bar was a good one. I thought it was very big of Michael to tell her that he forgave her brother for what he did and was sorry for her loss. I don’t know if I could be that big of a person, or at least that soon.

Betty hiring Roxy to supervise the rebuilding of the Hump seems to be foreshadowing to me. If Betty doesn’t make it, I can see her leaving everything to Roxy in her will. Roxy last season wanted her own place, but soon had that dream shot down when she realized because of Trevor’s job they wouldn’t be settling down in one place.

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Army Wives

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