Once Upon A Time: Off With Their Heads!

Once Upon A Time: Off With Their Heads!

Posted by Dustin on 03.26.2012 at 8:44 pm

The latest episode of “Once Upon A Times” opened up just so many doors, and so many questions!

Mary Margaret, with the mysterious key left in her cell, escaped. Emma went after her, and found herself searching the outskirts of Storybrooke. This is where she came upon a mysterious man named Jefferson. Jefferson kidnapped her, held her hostage in his VERY NICE HOUSE . . . where Emma found Mary Margaret tied up in a spare room. Jefferson told Emma he needed her, she was the only one who could come and go from Storybrooke, thus she had magic. He needed her to make him a hat, a hat that he could use to go back to his own world . . . We then learned Jefferson was a variation of the Mad Hatter in fairytale world, who was used by Regina. He could travel to Wonderland, where the Queen of Hearts stole something from Regina that she wanted back. Long story short, the Queen stole Regina’s father, and had him held captive in some vault that was hidden in her maze garden. The amount of people who enter Wonderland must be the same who leave it, that was the rules of Jefferson’s magic hat. Regina trapped Jefferson there in order to rescue her father . . . 2 go in and 2 must leave . . . . . Back to the real world, Emma Jefferson his hat, but then she and Mary plotted their escape. Mary ninja kicked Jefferson out of a window, with the hat Emma made firmly in his had. All they found below was the hat . . . . Where did Jefferson go? Emma and Mary returned to the station just in time for Mary’s hearing that day. This startled Regina, as she and Mary’s lawyer Gold fully did not expect to see Mary Margaret there . . . what do they do now? Regina made a deal with Gold, this was not part of it . . . . He said she’s still get her “justice.”

Let’s discuss ! ! ! !

First off, let’s talk about the “time” issue. As noted in the shout box . . . did Jefferson noted he had been trapped in his house for 28 years, the same age as Emma was? Sean responded that would make sense, given the curse started with her birth . . . . I actually didn’t catch this tidbit, so bravo!

But let’s discuss a BIGGER time issue. What’s with Regina’s “dead” father? Did we not already learn his death let the curse happen? What’s going on? Are we seeing something from the past? I think so! Her father was not miraculously saved . . . so what is going on. Did you notice the Queen of Hearts’ vault he was trapped in was the same vault that Regina/The Queen retrieved the Huntsman’s heart from? What can this mean? Did you notice we NEVER saw The Queen of Hearts’ face? What can this mean? I am certain Reginina/The Queen’s mother . . . IS the Queen of Hearts! So did Regina trap/cast her in Wonderland for some reason?

Why does Jefferson remember the truth, when nobody else does? Strike that, James KINDA does . . . but only because he was in a coma in this world and injured in the other world right before the curse . . . Where was Jefferson? Wonderland! So was he to immune from the curse? So far, it seems like it. Now that Emma has read the book and seen the photos . . . which match the scar on Jefferson’s neck . . . it seems she is finally beginning to believe. Also just who is Augustus? I’m still going with Gold’s son 🙂

Then there is the question of what Regina and Gold are up to? Clearly they left the key. Clearly they expected Mary Margaret to escape. Why? Maybe because if Mary dies in some way (say trying to leave town), the curse can never be broken? But why does Gold want that to happen? As it seems like he has been invested partially in breaking it?





  1. I do get the impression that they do jump around in the fairy tale world and that it is not a continuation from the last time they left off. Kind of similar to how Red was with Snow, then Charming back to Snow and Charming, but the Charming story continued even though there was a Snow break in between if that makes sense???

    I do agree that the Queen of Hearts is related to Regina/The Queen because she said she knew first hand of her rage. If it is not her mother I am thinking maybe her sister, and that the dad loved Regina more so that is why she stole him??? Maybe Regina somehow disfigured the QofH and that is why she wore the veil. QofH seemed pretty ticked when Jefferson called Regina The Queen, so to me that kinda hints at sibling rivalry.

    The first tip for me that Jefferson remembered was that his name was the same in Storybrook as in fairy tale land, which is the first that has happened, I think. Do you know if Once upon has been renewed for a second season???

    Comment by Marie
    03.27.2012 at 5:16 pm
  2. I think Jefferson was immune to the curse because of his insanity.

    Interesting episode! When we saw Jefferson at the end, in Wonderland, making hats, was that where he ended up (again) when he fell into the hat Emma made him? If not, where/when did he go? Does the fairytale land still exist, in some dimension, because I got the impression Regina destroyed it. If Jefferson was brought from Wonderland to Storybrooke, were other characters from Wonderland also brought to Maine? Lots of questions.

    Now that it seems Emma can do magic, maybe we’ll start seeing more of it.

    I also think the scene from Wonderland took place before Regina killed her father.

    So whose side is Gold on? Well I guess his own side… but what does he want? I’m guessing he wants the curse to end. He was trapped in jail in fairytale land and now he’s trapped in Storybrooke.

    Comment by DNA
    03.27.2012 at 11:13 pm
  3. I think next week’s episode is going to tell a lot. We all know that the Queen is a very jealous person – in Fairy Tale land and in the present she shows it when Henry wants to hang out with Emma. I think that the Queen has always had it out for Snow because her mother loved Snow more than her or paid more attention to her. I agree with Marie that the QoH is Regina’s sister. The QoH must have taken the father hostage because she was jealous of the relationship between him and Regina.

    I also think that Snow and the Prince made a deal with Rumple to help them send Emma away before the curse took place and in return, they would give up their second child. It’s probably the final piece to his love potion as well. This child probably hasn’t been born yet so he knows if Emma can get them back to Fairy Tale land, Snow and the Prince will have this child and it will be his.

    Comment by KelBelle
    03.29.2012 at 12:31 pm
  4. I thought the only deal Snow made with Rumplestiltskin regarding taking the baby away to know her name (Emma). I doubt they would have agreed to give up a child to him. But you never know…

    Comment by DNA
    03.29.2012 at 7:26 pm
  5. Regina’s name is also the same in FT land. OfH that she was only Regina not the Queen.

    Comment by Angie
    04.27.2012 at 4:10 pm

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