Parenthood Finale Thoughts

Parenthood Finale Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 02.03.2015 at 4:56 pm

So all in all, I really liked the “Parenthood” finale. Some of it we knew was coming, other things I was surprised by. Let’s break it all down.

Sarah’s wedding to Hank was great. I was sort of secretly hoping she’d reunite with the English teacher guy, and Hank often got on my nerves, but in the end I think he was the right guy for Sarah. I loved that he asked Zeek for permission. The wedding was really beautiful, and Max catching a girl’s eye seemed to be a clue that Kristina has been desperately searching for, that he’ll be okay and find love one day too.

Zeek’s death was not a shock, especially since he didn’t want to go through the surgery his doctor told him was needed. When he and Camille asked Amber and the baby to move in with them I had a sliver of hope that we wouldn’t see his death, that we’d be left with knowing it would eventually happen. However the show did kill him off near the very end, which led to a touching funeral and then the flash forwards that revealed what happened to everyone.

Joel and Julia not only adopted Victor’s biological half-sister, but clearly had another baby of their own. I honestly expected that after they adopted Victor, but instead we got tortured with their break-up. I’m glad they made up, I just wish we had another episode squeezed in to watch Joel grovel a little more.

Crosby went on to successfully bring back the Luncheonette, while Adam took over as principle at Chambers so Christina could focus on building and implementing more schools like it around the country. Max graduated, and Crosby and Jasmine ended up pregnant with another child. Fortunately we didn’t have to be tortured with an appearance from Jasmine’s horrible mother!

Amber had another child with a new husband, another dude/actor from “Friday Night Lights,” which was a cute joke. She also made nice with her ex, who clearly got himself together and is sharing parental responsibilities with her. I really wanted them to end up together as well. Oh well, at least she’s happy.

Hank and Sarah’s marriage clearly is going well. Ruby seems to have adjusted and is fitting into the family as well. We saw that Drew was happy, but didn’t find out anymore about him. In my mind he finally came out of the closet and is happy 🙂

Oh and Camille finally went on her whirlwind vacation on Europe and to Paris as Zeek had originally planned for them.

Even though the show made me want to rip my hair out at times, I’m going to miss it and I’m at least glad it got the chance to have a proper ending in this age of immediate cancelations and the pulling of shows.

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  1. I really wanted Amber and Ryan to end up together, but I’m glad she got a happy ending.

    Comment by Laura
    02.04.2015 at 11:46 am
  2. I read an article after watching the finale which explained Amber and her new man a bit more. There was a scene that was cut that showed them meeting at a park. They are both single parents and bond over that fact. So the child seen in their final scene is his, not theirs. Such a good finale, loved how they showed where everyone was a few years down the line.

    Comment by Faye
    02.23.2015 at 10:24 pm

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