Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 17 and 18 Spoilers
Official Spoilers for the next two episodes of “Lipstick Jungle” airing December 5th and 12th.
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Official Spoilers for the next two episodes of “Lipstick Jungle” airing December 5th and 12th.
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Official spoilers for the December 8th show “Our Father” follow . . . .
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Ausiello is reporting that Jennifer Westfeldt (Kissing Jessica Stein, Notes From An Underbelly) is joining “Grey’s” as a patient for several episodes. So this means a patient with a fairly big storyline/illness will be turning up at some point in the season.
So last night we found out Jim had jumped into the body of one Sam Lucas, an architect who had recently come to town. Melinda stayed with him at the hospital. He neither remembered being Sam nor Jim, he had total amnesia.
Sam we found out had a family, a sister who hated her parents and was staying with him. The parents showed up to take Sam home to be with them. The sister lashed out, saying they loved this as they could control him all over and get their son back. It seems both Sam and his sister were on bad terms with their parents.
Sam wanted to stay with Melinda, which she too wanted. She offered him a job as her handyman at her house. The parents however felt Melinda was trying to steal their son. Then into the mix came an angry ghost, the man who was also involved in the car crash that killed Sam. He had seen what had happened, that Jim jumped into Sam’s body after Sam went into the light. He wanted Melinda to tell Sam and his family what they did, what they had stolen, so Sam’s family could have closure and know their son wasn’t coming back.
Melinda instead told the family off. She said they had a second chance with their son and were squandering it. She said Sam didn’t know who he was, he may never remember. All he knows is who he is now and who they are and how they act. She said they pushed him away once and their daughter, don’t do it again. The family listened and the daughter went home with them to work things out, Sam stayed behind.
Sam however wasn’t sure what he wanted, or where he wanted to be. He decided maybe he should pack up and leave town. He said goodbye to Melinda, who was heart broken. During this Delia and Melinda had a fight over Delia’s skepticism. She thought Melinda was in denial about this, that Jim was gone. Melinda said Jim did what he did to stay with her, that was true love. Delia said so to stay friends she had to check her common sense at the door? She stormed off, both were in tears.
Delia went to the basketball courts to pick up Ned, who went there every Monday for practice. However he wasn’t there, nobody was. She called him and he was at a cafe. He explained there was no real practice, it was usually just him and Jim. He didn’t want her to be mad at him. She wasn’t mad, then she saw one person on the court . . . Sam! She asked him what he was doing? Sam said he was on his way out of town and stopped here, he didn’t know why, he felt he had to be here. Delia then realized he really was Jim.
Delia took him back to Melinda’s and he moved in. She told Melinda she was right, right about it all, and she was sorry. The angry ghost also was able to move on. He realized Melinda gave Sam’s family his family back in the end too.
I don’t know what to think really. This is all kinda too weird for me. Will they now have two actors playing Melinda’s husband, one as Jim and one as Sam (well his body?). Jim obviously can’t go back to his old life even if he remembers, because to everyone he looks like Sam. It just seems like this story is going to get too complicated for its own good.
Okay so there were three stories playing out on the latest “Grey’s” episode. First there was the doctors dealing with a man who suffered from night terrors, and his 13 year old who was always working to keep him asleep. He ended up walking through a plate glass window. It turned out he had a form of epilepsy. The residents meanwhile were working still to try and win the first solo surgery. These were mainly the back stories, nothing too exciting, so I don’t have much to comment on.
The interns meanwhile had not shut down their lab and were still experimenting on each other. Sadie was daring them to do something more, after giving one of them an epidural, so Lexie suggested removing his appendix as he didn’t need it. The guy refused, so Sadie said they could remove hers. However upon doing so, they found it inflamed, something was wrong. The residents had to go get Meredith and Christina, who got Baily and the Chief. The Chief was glad Christina and Meredith showed maturity and got help, they wouldn’t have done that a year ago, they would have covered and protected their own. However when it came out that Christina knew about the lab before hand, she got herself disqualified from the solo surgery contest. She was furious that Meredith didn’t stick up for her. At the end of the show the residents had to give their interns a speech, without help from Bailey.
First up, Sadie has some insane death wish going on. The girl does not seem to be all there. I’m surprised the Chief let her or Lexie or any of them stay in the program. Then again, this is Seattle Grace. And the Chief wonders why they are number 12!
The other interns finally told George that Lexie was in love with him and they didn’t know how he couldn’t see it. I wonder how much this will change their relationship? Sloan seems to have it bad for her also, but there is also something going on between him and Callie. I remember before the season started the actor commented Mark might settle down this year. So far he hasn’t really.
Christina meanwhile, I don’t really think she had any room to yell at Meredith about not sticking up for her when the Chief lectured her and took her off her solo surgery. Christina really is the worst of the residents when it comes to her interns. Then again, she’s the only one we ever see interacting with them. I wish they’d show more of the intern interaction and the residents would start teaching them.
I loved Baily’s speech at the end telling them all how she wasn’t going to talk to their interns, she raised her babies and it was time they raised theirs. There was also an interesting scene between her and Callie, telling Callie how she was tired of general surgery and no longer feeling challenged. I wonder what this means for Baily? She’s not going to go back to being a resident to pick up another specialty is she?
The final story was Izzie and Denny. Izzie and Denny finally made love, while everyone else heard her through the door. When Alex showed up, he said she must have been having some alone time! Denny told her that he was dead, but he was here for her. She was paged to the hospital, he told her it was okay, but he would be here when she returned. She returned home and ended up going into Alex’s room. She looked at Denny and said she was sorry, but she had to move on. Denny however didn’t seem to leave, saying he’d still be there.
Okay I really have no idea what is going on here. Is it some kind of “Denny is there so she can finally move on” story? Is she going a little crazy? She mentioned that and he told her she wasn’t. Or is this some real ghost love story trying to compete with “Ghost Whisperer?”
TVGuide is reporting that Polly Bergen will return to “Desperate Housewives” for at least two episodes later this season as Lynette’s mother. No word yet on when these episodes will air or her story.
Kristin and Ausiello, as well as others, are all reporting that “Dirty Sexy Money,” “Eli Stone” and “Pushing Daisies” have been cancelled by ABC. The shows will most likely finish their season orders of 13 episodes and then be replaced by the mid-season shows.
In this episode Letitia, driving around celebrating her freedom, hits a bicyclist! While she checked out as fine, the family brought her home to recover, in hopes of keeping her from suing. The last thing Letitia needs is to end up in court again. The bicyclist, a cute young blond named Ren, caught Tripp’s eye and Letitia took notice. The ironic part was, Ren seemed taken with Nick! So it’s like Dutch all over for Tripp, the woman he loves loves Nick.
Nick and Lisa tried to work things out, but some misunderstandings with Nick meeting Karen (to tell her it was over and he had to make things work with Lisa) as well as her seeing the conversation between Nick and Karen that Simon had recorded (in which she told Nick she’d be with him if he said the word) were too much for Lisa. She and Karen had a great cat fight though, one a long time coming. Nick and Lisa both agreed though that it was over. Is anyone shocked at all?
Lisa, for all her high and mightiness in her kiss off speech to Nick, jumped in the sack with Jeremy that night. She said it was only about the sex, just so he was clear, as she didn’t want to be alone. I have to say, I’m not feeling for Lisa that much really, as she is going to end up married to someone in the Darling family (or knocked up by one!).
Brian and (the woman whose name I always forget!) argued over whether she should have some experimental cancer treatment that could save her. She preferred to die with dignity and die living rather than on drugs. However she couldn’t tell their son, and after a disaster of a dinner party she told Brian she had to live because she couldn’t leave her son with him and this family. Too funny! I really love these two together, and Brian is quickly becoming my favorite on the show because of his snarky insults.
Finally Simon has clearly become a villain and it seems one with no redeeming qualities. It became clear in this episode he didn’t love Karen, he told Nick as much during a confrontation when he said he could have her back when he was done with her. Later he blackmailed Nola to continue working with Patrick. She was fed up and didn’t want to do this anymore, but Simon is apparently holding her little brother somewhere and that’s what he’s using to get her to do his dirty work. He has her convincing Patrick to be on some environmental committee so he can get some biofuel technology passed.
I realized I haven’t done an “Ugly Betty” post in awhile. This is just some of my thoughts on what has been going on lately with the show.
First up, can we give Betty a boyfriend without drama? She had enough of that with Henry and Gio, and now it looks like the new guy she likes couldn’t keep his lips off of Amanda. I have to wonder if that is the end for him and Betty, or if we’ll see him again. I did love that when Amanda found out Betty liked him that she backed off. She and Marc like to tease Betty, but I think they really do like her.
Marc panicked when Cliff wanted to move in with him, and then he went and cheated with some guy at Betty’s party. Out of guilt he proposed to Marc, but eventually had to come clean and break his heart. Grrrrr! I really like Marc and Cliff, so this sucks. I’m worried this is the end for them, which yeah it probably should be. It still stinks.
It seems we have a Willamina, Conner, Daniel and Conner’s fiancee triangle coming up, er quadrangle? I think it’s clear Willy is setting Daniel up for a fall, to get caught with the fiancee.
I’m really into Ralph Machio’s city councilman character and Hilda, but I don’t know if we’ll be seeing much more of him or not. After helping Hilda keep her salon open legally, it seems they could easily write him off if Ralph didn’t want to continue working. I hope he does and I hope the show keeps the character coming back.
In his weekly spoilers, Ausiello included a quote from Shonda Rhimes herself addressing the whole “brain tumor” issue with Izzie and Denny. In short, “It’s Not A Tumor!”
She didn’t say Izzie wasn’t schizophrenic or had some other kind of mental disorder or imbalance, just that it wouldn’t be a tumor.