Thursday Night Medical Dramas: Cheating and Children Dying . . . .
Posted by Dustin on 02.06.2010 at 12:33 am
Here are my thoughts on this week’s Thursday night ABC Medical Dramas . . . . .
First, I’m shocked it took “Grey’s” long enough to get into the waking up during surgery drama, given it’s been in the news a lot over the past few years. Even though they were late to the game, it was still no less horrifying to watch. I felt bad that Bailey was the one caught in the middle, but loved it was Derek who had to suck it up and say “I’m sorry.”
I think they have really taken Yang from the bitchy know-it-all you loath to a fragile-yet-strong character you want to win. Her speech to Owen about how she let Burke take too much from her, and how she was doing that again with him, and had to stop it, was just awesome! She’s become one of my favorite characters this past season.
I really feel McSteamy’s new name needs to be McAsshole, because that’s how he’s acting. I guess on some small level I get he thinks he’s being responsible . . . . but only when it comes to being a parent to his kid. On a mature adult relationship level, he’s still an asshole (pardon my language!). I loved when Callie accidentally revealed to Lexie how Mark slept with Addison MULTIPLE TIMES. Yet he still acted like he was in the right with Lexie, and even Callie tried to tell him he was a McAsshole and wouldn’t listen. You can be the greatest parent ever, but still the crappiest husband/wife. I don’t think he’s realized that one yet.
The story with Alex and the pedes case . . . . well this isn’t the first time we’ve been here with him and Arizona. Arizona’s speech to Alex at the end, about how until he’s a parent he doesn’t get to lecture a parent the way he dead . . . hello foreshadowing! I really think the next time Izzy returns, it will be to say she’s pregnant. And we thought Izzy was going to be written out! Won’t that return be a shock (if it happens like I think it will).
Onto “Private Practice” . . . .
Oh Holly Hell! What is with this show and killing children? We endured way too many shows about this last season, and now we are back on it. Yes it’s real life, yes it happens, but sometimes we don’t want to be exposed to TOO MUCH REAL LIFE on our TV shows. “Private Practice” seems to enjoy going way over that line of too much reality with us. Dear “Private Practice,” next week balance it out, let’s not put a kid on the line for a change.
I loved Charlotte and Violet’s weird and perverse relationship, but oh lord please don’t let them be lesbians! Okay Charlotte, totally can see, but I want Violet to end up with either Pete or Cooper at this point. Not that I have anything against Violet being a lesbian, I just am invested in her at this point with a man given her history, and even though her baby daddy is Pete . . . part of me really thinks she’s supposed to be with Cooper.
As for Pete . . . well first let’s deal with SamAddison. No no no and no! I really can’t believe the show is still going down this road. I have to say, I loved when Naomi told Addison (who brought it up as a joke to test the water) that her sleeping with her husband’s best friend and her best friend’s husband (okay she should have said EX) really would make her the worst person on earth. Ex or not, we all know it’s against the girlfriend code (yes men know it too, most of them just don’t care, IE Sam). While I guess part of me felt for Sam, yes Naomi did walk out on him . . . as Addison put it . . . Naomi didn’t walk out on her. I am glad Addison didn’t go there with Sam. The whole ordeal with Noah last season was bad enough, had she had done this it would have destroyed Addison’s character and the show. Of course the question is will Sam let it go or push it and the show’s boundaries (along with how much the audience can put up with).
As for Pete, well it seems from the previews he sleeps with Addison next week! So if that is what happens, no I won’t be routing for him and Violet at all, the last part of me that wants to see them happy will be killed.
As for Dink and Maya, I don’t know what to think here. Part of me is with Sam for trying to support his kid and hope for the best, but part of me is with Naomi. Statistically not many people end up with their high school sweetheart, and well . . . . to be blunt . . . getting knocked up at that age doesn’t weigh in a couple’s favor of staying together. Yes there are those that beat the odds, but honestly? We want Maya and Dink to beat the odds, cause again this is TV and we don’t want to deal with reality, however most of us know in the real world it’s a long shot. Most of us know Naomi was in fact correct (even if she came off cynical, cold and heartless), that on some level it will be much easier for Dink to walk away and if it comes to it support his kid with money rather than with being there as a father full time father, whereas that option for Maya is not so easy.
The news of “Ugly Betty’s” upcoming demise really ticks me off, because this season this show has been better than ever. I really wish ABC hadn’t moved it to Friday as that really killed it, and again this has been the best season since season one.
The past episode with Willy’s drag queen copycat Whiladiva Hater was so awesome. Not only did her brother do a great job as her in drag, we finally got to hear Vanessa Williams sing on the show. Also Claire and Mark had some of the best lines in a long time!
Once again with the conflict between Betty and Daniel, which was of course resolved, I can’t help but wonder if they will put Betty with Daniel in the end. There have been many spoilers coming out from Kristen (E!) and Ausiello (EW) this week that a wedding will be in the finale, but it might not be Betty’s. My guess is it will be Hilda and her BF/Baby Daddy. Oh yeah, what the hell was she doing drinking champagne with Betty in this episode?
If it is Betty’s, there are a lot of possibilities, with them bringing in Gio or Henry. Another possibility which has been hinted at is Betty will get a job opportunity overseas and move, not marrying anyone as she needs to be independent.
I don’t know, at this point, if the show is going to end, then I think I do want her to end up with Daniel. I think both Matt and Henry’s boat has sailed, Gio I think was not developed enough romantically, and I don’t think I’m a fan of the idea that Betty needs to be single and independent. The whole show, for the most part, has been about Betty finding who she is and pursuing her dreams. I want a happy ending with a man 🙂 I think I’ll make a new poll on this!
Ping and Jesus Leave Runway, Now I Don’t Know Anyone’s Name!
Posted by Dustin on 02.05.2010 at 8:15 pm
Okay I remember Marla and Maya, I think, the two girls that are clones of each other and Angelica Houston when she starred in “The Witches.” However with Ping and then Jesus (HaySus) going home, I don’t remember anyone else’s names. I know two of the guys (white “straight” boy, and bitchy gay black guy) I loath along with Marla (the one who has been winning?). I think they are all full of themselves.
I was actually sad to see Ping go, but not shocked. I thought Jesus should have gone weeks ago and was glad to see him gone.
I have befriended a few past contestants on the show via Facebook, and according to them the season finale is now being taped. So if your one that can’t wait to find out who is in the finals, you should be able to Google soon enough. Me, I want to savor the bitchiness and drama for a bit more 🙂
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Reunites with Nathan Fillion from Time on “Desperate Housewives”
Actress Dana Delany (“Desperate Housewives”) will guest star in two episodes of “Castle” airing Sunday, March 21 and Monday, March 22 (both nights 10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. This will reunite Delany and Nathan Fillion, who played Dr. Adam Mayfair, the younger husband of Katherine Mayfair (Delany) on “Desperate Housewives.”
In the special two-part storyline, Delany will play Federal Agent Jordan Shaw — an insightful and accomplished Federal Investigator who teams with Richard Castle and Detective Beckett to hunt down a cunning and elusive serial killer.
“We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such a talented and versatile actress as Dana, and we’re grateful to Marc Cherry and our partners at ABC for helping to make this happen,” said “Castle” Creator/Executive Producer Andrew Marlowe. “She and Nathan were so great together on ‘Desperate Housewives,’ we’re all excited to see them together again.”
TV Guide is reporting that Robin (the stripper character) will have a same-sex kiss with Katherine!
Currently Robin (Julie Benz) is on recurring basis, but it sounds like Marc Cherry would like to bring her in permanently, possibly as a love interest for Katherine?
I don’t know what to think. I feel we’ve been here before. Oh we were with Gabby and Susan last year. This time it’s looking like it’s less for stunt and ratings and more for story.
Is Katherine about to come out of the closet late in life? It could work in her favor given her horrible relationships with men in the past.
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Just killed off of “Heroes,” the carnival psychic Lydia, played by Dawn Oliveiri, is joining “True Blood” as werewolf Janice Herveaux, who is the sister to the main werewolf Alcide next season. She is said to be part of his werewolf biker gang.
As of yet the one role everyone is waiting to see who has been cast in is Alcide’s psycho ex Debbie Pelt. Rumor has it the role has been cast, so why are they not saying who won the spot? It must be someone big!
As usual, some quick thoughts on “Housewives” and “Brothers and Sisters.” Maybe one day I’ll be able to actually do recaps again! Till then, if you missed it, hopefully you’ll get some kind of recap out of these.
“Desperate Housewives”
Tom and Lynette continued counseling with “Daphne” from Frasier. As good as last week (or two weeks ago) was with Lynette admitting she could be a nasty bitch, I enjoyed her vindication this week with Tom admitting he avoided confrontation and thereby made her be “bitchy bad cop.”
We got some hints as to the Bowen drama, as Angie mentioned the name Patrick, which caused her pretend husband to warn her never to mention that name. Is this the name of the guy they are running from? Who John Barrowman will play?
When Carlos flipped over Anna and Danny getting too close for comfort on the couch, Angie flipped when she saw him threatening her son. Another clue? I think Danny will be Patrick’s kid, and part of the reason she ran with him, to protect him. Of course by the end of the show Gabby and Carlos evesdropped on the Bowens and learned they are clearly pretending and hiding out on Wisteria Lane.
Orson decided to kill himself, which Bree learned about, and spent the episode saving him and working things out. Bree can’t say she still loves him, but she did, and she could get back to that place. I just can’t help but feel they will pull the fake paralyzed bit at some point. Orson will continue to pretend he’s paralyzed to keep Bree with him.
Finally Susan sold Carl’s share of the strip club, but took in a stripper in the process. Robin quit her job after meeting Susan and decided to pursue a better life. Susan hired her as an assistant, but a father of a student who donated to the school complained when he recognized her. Feeling bad, Susan convinced Mike to let Robin stay with them. Okay first, I was hoping Susan would have reamed the father out, maybe even threatened to tell his wife (assuming he was married) about his hobby. Second, MJ taking a liking to the stripper was hilarious. I couldn’t believe he told Robin “you can give me a bath!”
“Brothers and Sisters”
“Brothers and Sisters” I thought was a little slow, with the main story being about Kitty officially deciding to run for Robert’s vacant senate seat.
Kitty accompanied Kevin to his reunion, and told off this hooligan Kevin used to idolize in an attempt to fit into the cool crowd. When the guy, who got drunk, called Kevin a fag, she said she’d have him killed if he called her brother that again. As awesome as the scene was, I have a feeling it will come back to bite her in the butt on the campaign trail. I bet someone has it on tape and it gets put on YouTube!
Kevin told Kitty that while he supported her decision to run, he did not want to be her campaign manager, it was time he did something which didn’t involve him trying to prove who he was to someone else, or the world in general.
Kevin and Scotty got the news that the first implantation didn’t take. No shock there, I didn’t expect this surrogate to pan out honestly.
Sarah’s budding relationship with Roy got a jolt when Luc texted her that he missed her. Great timing to as the two had just “done the deed.” However the hints are there that these two either won’t work out (he didn’t even know who Spinal Tap where!), or it’s a love triangle for Sarah and she has to chose. I think I’d like to see the later rather than her run back to Luc. That’s too easy!
Finally as Holly continued to hold onto Ojai, David had enough and planned to take a Holly break and go on a work related trip. It made Holly realize perhaps it was time to let go and sell out. She met with the guy who has been trying to buy her out, and she knew he knew something about the worth of the company. It seems he told her in confidence, but we of course didn’t hear the secret. Later David proposed to Holly, saying he realized he never gave her a reason to believe in him and that he would be there for her. She said yes. As happy as I ironically was for Holly, I can’t help but worry she’s going to do something soon to screw over Ojai.