Big Brother: First Evicted Jury House Member And The New HOH

Big Brother: First Evicted Jury House Member And The New HOH

Posted by Dustin on 08.14.2008 at 9:02 pm

As usual with the live eviction shows, a lot of recapping was done by Julie Chen and various clips in the begining.

After Jerry’s speech at the POV, the house guests were wondering what is going on in Jerry’s head. People are turning on Jerry left and right. Memphis had serious issues with the Judas’ reference, Michelle thought it put a target on his back, Renny thinks Jerry is looking worse than Dan. Dan is of course eating this up.

April launched her plan to get Keesha out, and of course Ollie was right there with her and everything she says. Jerry of course will also do what April asks him to, even if it means going back on his word to Keesha that she’d be safe. Ollie and April discussed how to bring Dan in as the 4th vote, thinking they could make him see the other side wouldn’t keep him. Ollie talked to Libra about talking to Dan to flip the house and evicting Keesha.

Libra went to talk to Dan. She wanted to know where he was sitting with the vote coming up. Libra warned Dan there could be a split in the votes this week, which again makes him a vote. Dan seriously considered it, knowing while Keesha would be angry, but Libra would be on his side and would be a major target for others.

Dan and Memphis formed an alliance and want to stick with Keesha and Renny for a few weeks, it will get them in good. They called themselves The Renegades.

We got to meet Libra’s family this week and hear their reactions to things said about Libra, including Michelle venting she was a terrible mom and should have her kids taken away. Libra’s husband said that is something you should never wish on someone else.

The house guests all talk to Julie. Julie asks Dan if his faith, which has been brought up a lot, influences how he plays? He says yes, but he knows he’s made mistakes. He will go to confession the moment he gets out of here. Julie then asks Jerry if he still feels Dan is a Judas. He said somewhat, and he feels bad that religion became a prop in the game.

The vote began. Libra and Keesha both gave their speeches, saying they both knew why they were up here and took full responsibility for what they have done. Renny and Memphis both voted to evict Libra. Jerry ended up voting to evict Libra. Dan then voted to evict Libra, sealing the deal to get Libra out. April and Ollie then voted to evict Libra. Julie then told Libra that she was evicted unanimously. Libra gave everyone a hug (except Michell?) as she went out.

Julie asked Libra questions about her alliance and April and Keesha. Libra felt they would be friends outside of the house, inside they were too much alike. She was also asked about how people thought she was the puppet master. Libra agrees she did some dirt, it caught up to her, but she had fun. Julie then asked about leaving her family behind and why she did it. Libra said she left to do something for them, to take the chance to win. She also said it was about the challenge as well. She then watched the goodbye messages.

The HOH competition began and it was a trivia competition based on the diary room confessions. Quotes were read that the evicted guests said, they had to guess who said it. Answering incorrectly got you out, answering correctly let you eliminate someone. In the end the new HOH was Renny, coming down to Keesha or Renny.

I am on cloud nine! Go Renny!

Action Alert! America gets to vote to give the house an unlimited supply of a certain kind of food. Lollipops, coconuts and bologna are the options. You can vote online at


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Well I think it’s a no brainer she’ll put up April. I wouldn’t mind seeing April go. I’d like to see Jerry go to. He’s driving me nuts.

    Comment by Nikki
    08.15.2008 at 12:35 am

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