Big Brother: The Power Of Veto

Big Brother: The Power Of Veto

Posted by Dustin on 08.19.2008 at 11:03 pm

The POV comp and ceremony was held tonight. The competition took place around midnight their time, and involved answering questions about spooky and disturbing things placed on display in the backyard graveyard: pythons, cockroaches, voodoo dolls, beds of nails. In the end Dan won, with Jerry almost winning yet another veto.

Dan wasn’t sure what to do, he clearly wanted to take Jerry down so Ollie would go up, but he had no control over who Renny would put up. Renny made it clear should he use POV, she’d consider him a traitor. Memphis and Keesha also weren’t sure what Renny was thinking with those nominations. Everyone seems to agree that April and Ollie have to be split up.

April made an offer of money to Dan, which he told others in the house (I don’t think this was shown on the show) and hinted at during the POV ceremony. In the end he kept the noms the same.

I am having a bad feeling this is going to come back to bite Renny in the butt. Ollie and Michelle I think will vote Jerry out over April. Keesha is a no brainer, she’ll vote April out. Dan and Memphis need to get April out rather than Jerry, because the chance of April or Ollie getting HOH next week would mean anyone on their side in the house is fair game to go up.


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