Dan Makes An HOH Deal! Noms Are In!

Dan Makes An HOH Deal! Noms Are In!

Posted by Dustin on 08.24.2008 at 9:07 pm

Up on the vines, Dan and Ollie ended up at the end. To win HOH, but also to try and put the blood on Ollie’s hands, Dan made some insane deal. Ollie gets to select one of the nominees, as well as the POV replacement if it gets used. Ollie took it and dropped. He told Michelle ASAP, saying what the deal was and how he wasn’t supposed to tell her this. Ollie noted to Michelle no part of the deal included NOT putting Dan up next week. Ooo did Dan make a bad deal!

Keesha and Memphis know Dan made a deal, as did Renny. However they don’t know what the deal was. They realize they may not be able to trust him. Keesha and Renny heard him talking about making a deal, they just couldn’t hear. Memphis, BTW, after dropping had to see the medicle team. This was shown on “AD” as he was shaking uncontrollably.

Dan got his HOH room and we finally saw photos of Monica, as did the house guests. Dan got a letter from Monica as well, so the house knows that Monica isn’t made up. Dan pretended to break down as he read the letter to gain sympathy points, which apparently worked.

Ollie came to see Dan to chat about their deal. Ollie told Dan he wanted Memphis up, that Memphis was the biggest threat to him at this point.

Dan had to put Memphis up, but wanted to make sure Keesha and Renny would keep Memphis. Keesha warned Dan that Renny might not keep Memphis. Renny talked to Dan, she point blank said she didn’t trust Memphis. Dan wanted to try and make Dan, Renny, Keesha and Memphis the final four. Renny agreed, only when Dan said they could cut Memphis later on to make them final three.

Dan talked to Memphis about putting him up. Memphis didn’t like the idea, saying Dan would be the last person he put on the block. Memphis later said in the DR that if Dan put him up, he’d go after him later on. Ollie then said in the DR if Dan didn’t keep his word, he’d know he was a liar and a snake. Dan was stuck trying to make sure to keep everyone liking him should he make it to the end.

Dan had his ceremony, and he put up Jerry and Memphis. Dan said Memphis has many people wondering where he stands in this game, they’ll see if he’s a vagabond or a renegade (their team name). He then basically said he put Jerry up for the stuff that has gone on. In his speech, Dan hinted at the deal with Ollie, hoping the blood would be on his hands. Memphis however was pissed at Dan’s actions.

I’m thinking if Dan finds out that Ollie told Michelle about the deal, that can be considered a breaker at some point and Ollie can find himself on the block.




  1. memphis won POV, took himself down [obviously] and it looks as though dan put up michelle in his place!

    Comment by steph
    08.25.2008 at 4:33 pm
  2. I tried to find out what was going on but everything is a mess. Michelle is dropping f bombs while ollie is telling off Memphis and going off on dan being a plant.

    Ollie tried to tell everyone he wanted keesha up but dan made him choose renny or Memphis. That is a lie, we saw their meeting. Ollie chose memphis. Renny is now pissed at dan.

    Comment by Dustin
    08.25.2008 at 6:09 pm
  3. Post Veto Meeting Ollie has Melt down. House damaged, chair’s and keys thrown. Ollie has an hour+ DR session and seems to be getting off without any punishment. (funny i swear one guy got kicked for throwing a chair across the yard and making the other house guest uncomfortable and was gone)

    Comment by Erick
    08.25.2008 at 7:08 pm
  4. Sounds like its finally getting good… Cant wait to catch up on AfterDark tonight!!!

    So Dan must have found out that Ollie told Michelle the deal. Cuz part of the deal was that Ollie couldnt tell anyone.

    Comment by svrdchic
    08.26.2008 at 11:24 am

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