Grey’s Anatomy’s 2 Hour Premier
Tonight was the 2 hour season premier of “Grey’s.” Unfortunately it’s late and I am on the road tomorrow for a conference, so I’m going to have to simply make some quick thoughts on the premier rather than try and do thoughts and a recap.
First up, OMG Meredith and Derrek. It’s like we are back to square one with these two with Meredith deciding they should move in together, then deciding she wasn’t sure, then listening to Christina who told her it was a mistake. Well first of all, Christina is worse at relationships than Meredith, so don’t listen to her. Plus she’s still bitter about Burke! Fortunately by the end of the episode they worked it out and Meredith did move in with McDreamy.
Rose became psycho nurse in this episode. First she told Derrek she was pregnant . . . just kidding! Then she stabbed his hand in the OR! She eventually transferred to the Pediatric unit by the end of the episode to get away with Derrek. Yeah, great, send the nut to work with the kids!
Seattle Grace dropped from number 2 in the teaching hospital rankings to number 12! They also went from the number 1 local trauma unit to 2, which meant all their trauma’s were being taken to another hospital. I have to say, it’s such a dysfunctional hospital are they shocked? The Chief decided things had to change, they had all gotten lazy, no more.
Callie and Hahn danced around the kiss for the entire episode. It wasn’t till the very end we found they are both virgin lesbians so to speak, but are going to give it a go. Okay this is going to be weird, but in a good way, I think. Oh the things these two are going to say and talk about!
Lexie spent the whole episode pining after George, and being called out by McSteamy. Mark was great with his teasing of her. When she finally got the courage to tell George how she felt, she was unknowingly shot down by him when he said they were more than just roommates, she was his best friend. Ouch! I think they’d make a cute couple, but George is just totally clueless.
Alex continues to be an ass to Izzie, blowing up when Izzie made some innocent comment to Meredith, who repeated it. Frankly I’m really tired of Alex’s attitude. I was tired of it 2 seasons ago. Maybe the chief will cut him?
The best part of the whole episode was the new “army doc” who showed up with one of the traumas and took an immediate liking to Christina, and vice versa. He has sliced open his leg and stapled it closed with no meds. He asked her to help, and she got some sick kick out of it! Wow these two are a match made in heaven honestly. He was offered a job at the hospital by the Chief.
Agreed! Christina and the Army doc were the highlight of the show. Well, that and karmic retribution via icicle. Tell your friend off, get impaled. (At least it was only a minor injury, “those icicles have been known to kill people!’)
Derek & Meredith — get over it already. I was actually hopeful for this storyline in the beginning as she was turning over a new leaf. But then she tumbled right back to neurotic mess. *sigh* Perhaps we’ll stop with this crap at some point.
Speaking of crap, ALEX IS AN ASS. I hope Izzie decks him soon. Perhaps getting the snot beat out of him will do him some good.
All in all, I was glad to see this show back with new episodes, but this really could’ve been one hour.
09.26.2008 at 6:03 pm
Christina and army Doc are hot together. And thank god she snapped finally at Mer. There is only so many times you can see the same song and dance before you get bored with it. At this point I’d almost rather see them each with someone new just to put an end to the insipid will they won’t they drama.
09.26.2008 at 6:29 pm
I love Grey’s but I hope this premiere isn’t a hint of the season to come, it was long, drawn out and boring!
My husband joked that its “jumped the shark;” his favorite line was “More bad things have happened to us today, than have ever happened before.”
I sure hope it gets better–although the preview for next week looks like more forced drama with the flooding!
09.27.2008 at 12:26 pm
I do think 2 hours was overkill. I found myself starting to walk around and do otherstuff while it was on. I think that was one of the reasons it dragged, the stories could have fit into an hour.
09.27.2008 at 12:58 pm
I definitely agree. 2 hours was a bit, especially when almost everything came to be resolved. The best part was definitely Christina/Army Doc & Christina telling off Mer. She needs to hear it and just do it already!!! I have a feeling McSteamy & Lexie might get together, anyone else feel that? I kind of got that when McSteamy told Lexie to just tell the person already, but I could be wrong…
09.27.2008 at 3:52 pm
@cammy, I thought the same thing when she asked whta if George doesn’t like her back and he said he’d be a fool(or something like that) Their kidding around was really cute.
They have made Mer and Lexie to be very similar in their own strange sort of way. I think both would have fit in well on Alley McBeal.
09.27.2008 at 9:04 pm
It was long and drawn out. I was flipping back and forth to CSI during the last half. I also like Christina/Dr. Hunt, but I also hope they get together quickly. Mer/Der needs to sh** or get off the pot. This is getting old. I think that if McSteamy/Lexie do get together, George will see what he misses and it will be like with Meridith all over again. I hope they do someting besides wreck the hospital to get more drama, though. They need to get up more in the trauma area so we can see more of Dr. Hunt!!!
09.27.2008 at 9:22 pm
Loved Christina and the army doctor…they were definitely the best part of the show. Meredith and McDreamy were boring as always but I am glad Rose is gone. Her bitterness, while understood, was unprofessional and wasn’t making any situations better. The whole thing with the hospital dropping to #12 was nuts and I really wanted to slap the Chief. He was so mean the whole episode and I couldn’t believe he blamed his softness on Meredith being there as opposed to the possibility that his own personal problems also contributed. Maybe he should retire and bring in Dr. Hunt as the new Chief!
09.28.2008 at 2:52 pm