Dirty Sexy Money: Mommy Issues

Dirty Sexy Money: Mommy Issues

Posted by Dustin on 10.25.2008 at 8:51 pm

So on the latest episode of “Dirty Sexy Money,” Nick learned that Nola Lyons was calling his mother as the star witness. It seems she was the last to talk to Dutch while he was alive. Furthermore she’s been living in France on Letitia Darling’s money.

Nick was a bit miffed with Letitia, who told him his mom wanted to go. That back then they didn’t know what was wrong with her, she was just unhappy. These days she’d probably be diagnosed as bipolar.

Nick went to France and basically found his mom living with some guy in a nice chateau, and learned Letitia was telling him the truth. His mom did want to leave, she cracked and couldn’t handle things. She told Nick that her father called her the day he died. He had just that day found out Brian was his son, and he was leaving Letitia and the family. He was sorry for everything, he still loved her and wanted another chance.

Nick’s mom said she was scared, she called Letitia, Letitia said she’d handle things. Nick told his mom Letitia didn’t kill dad, and to trust him on this. He asked her to stay in France, not to testify, which in the end she did.

This was the main story in this episode, and I don’t have much to comment about. I was rather annoyed with Lisa, yet again. She was upset Nick was going to see his mother, as she had tried to get him to do it before but he wouldn’t. He in fact did try once before, but his mom stood him up. She felt yet again it was something Nick would do for the Darlings and not her. Lisa is becoming REALLY annoying!

Patrick had a debate in this episode in his run for Senate. He wanted to come clean about Ellen’s murder, even if it cost him everything. He wanted a life with Carmelita, who was still missing. Tripp didn’t want to hear this, and during the debate arrives with Carmelita on his arm. Patrick said nothing and played his part. Tripp sent Carmelita away and told Patrick she agreed with him, she didn’t want him ruining his career. He said tonight Patrick was presidential. He gave Patrick the address where Carmelita was, so he went to her at the end.

Brian headed to Brazil in this episode as his son was being left home alone at night while his mom went out. He was sure the mom was partying, and he was going to take his son away. However he got their to find out the mom had been working a night job as a waitress. He talked to her, saying he was sending money to help out. She was too proud to take it, but eventually agreed to for Brian Jr’s sake. Brian headed home, with his son stowing away on the plane. You know what this means, the mom will come back to New York at some point. I think there was a lot of hinting that these two would end up together, and the kid seems to be trying to get them together.

The final story was the ongoing drama of Karen and Simon, with Simon still pushing Karen to get over Nick. He wanted her to see Nick didn’t love or respect her. She went to talk to Nick, but talked to Lisa instead. She realized the Nick she loved, the Nick that Lisa loved, didn’t seem to exist anymore. She was ready to move on with Simon. Simon later made a call saying they had Karen where they wanted her. I’m still wondering who he has been talking to in these calls. At first I thought, what if he’s been plotting with Lisa? That would make sense, but she doesn’t have anything to give him . . . other than Karen. The real shocker of course is if he’s actually been plotting with Tripp all along.




  1. What if Simon is conspiring with Dutch? I still don’t think he’s dead and maybe Dutch is trying to get revenge on Tripp for something.

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.27.2008 at 9:32 am
  2. I don’t think they recovered a body from the plane crash, so it could be Dutch, I suppose. (He’d sure have reason to want the Darlings to crash and burn.)

    I have to wonder about Karen. The first episode she lifted the crystal swan from Simon’s place and gave it to Tripp. Is she really ping-ponging between Simon and her family all oblivious, or is she really on a mission?

    Comment by k8
    10.27.2008 at 1:04 pm

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