Housewives: Dave’s Plan And Target

Housewives: Dave’s Plan And Target

Posted by Dustin on 10.26.2008 at 10:06 pm

So this space reserved for my full thoughts/mini-cap. But I had to get this out there in case anyone wanted to post. At the very end of tonight’s show Mary Alice told us that Dave’s plan was to get revenge on the man who destroyed his life, but he wanted it to be a total surprise.

So yes, it seems like DH went with the obvious, that he’s out to get Mike for the car accident that killed the woman and her son. Of course they could be setting us up for a huge twist and that isn’t the case, they just want us to think so.

If that is the case, who is he after? What other man on the block could have done something to get him an enemy like this? Initially I could only think of Carlos, who we know has a shady past. There is however Orson. He was involved in the cover-up of that woman’s murder. He burried the body and pulled the teeth out, after his mother (or was it his nutty wife, can’t remember) killed her.




  1. I thought Susan was driving in the accident…and as for men on the block- what about Tom? He did have a kid with that wacko that was shot in the supermarket…maybe he was related to her in some way…

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.27.2008 at 7:30 am
  2. I don’t think it’s Mike. If it was Mike I think he would be upset with both Susan and Mike and not just Mike. And remember Mike wasn’t living there when Dave moved in. I think it’s someone else. Will be interesting to see who it is though.

    Comment by Angie
    10.27.2008 at 9:19 am
  3. i’m pretty sure its carlos! but i also think he’s mrs. mcluskey’s son, but i dont think thats the big mystery just a minor twist.

    Comment by steph
    10.27.2008 at 10:13 am
  4. I know its horrible, but I almost wish Dave could get his revenege and not get caught. I really enjoy the character and I like him on the show. I’m going to be sad when he gets carted off. I loved Nathan Fillion as well and he went poof. It’s going to be sad day for me when Dave is gone, which I assume will be what happens.

    Comment by Malorie
    10.27.2008 at 11:47 am
  5. I SO miss Nathan Fillion, but I believe he has a new mid-season show coming.

    They could always keep Dave around, assuming they use the “he was off his medication excuse.”

    I too think he might be Karen’s son. That was my first thought when he came on the show, but they keep dropping weird hints. He’s fixated on the photo of her holding a child. Also the way he said goodbye to her as well.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.27.2008 at 12:23 pm
  6. So how old does everyone think Dave is? I am thinking that if Karen gave up a child for adoption, wouldn’t she suspect that of him. Plus lets say if she was 16 when she had him that would make Dave 54, since she just turned 70. I don’t think he is that old, but I could be wrong. Or is Karen not as old as she says she is? Maybe he is fixated on that picture of her holding the baby because that is the man he wants to get revenge on.

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.27.2008 at 3:22 pm
  7. Karen didn’t look too young in that photo. They could always do a “he was taken from an unfit home” story with her too.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.27.2008 at 5:15 pm
  8. I hope it is Tom. He is a jerk. Lanett had a life changing ordeal too, but she wanted to go to church – Tom wants to jump off the deep end. I can see wanting the car, but to take you kids out of school especially high school for a year is crazy.

    Comment by smoore
    10.27.2008 at 8:35 pm
  9. 3 words for Tom: Mid Life Crisis. When my mom had hers, she bought a CRX, which we named MAC.

    Comment by Jennifer
    10.29.2008 at 4:25 pm

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