Private Practice: Anger Issues

Private Practice: Anger Issues

Posted by Dustin on 10.26.2008 at 3:56 pm

So yet again as I try to play catch-up, a quick summary and then some thoughts . . . Naomi was angry she was sleeping with Sam, but also allowing him to sound off ideas on her. Violet was angry that Naomi was venting to her, simply because she wasn’t talking to Addison. Violet used to be her Addison, until Addison showed up and she got dropped. Violet was dealing with her own case involving an angry son, who lost his father awhile back. Pete meanwhile dealt with a cross-dressing fireman. Addison was tempted to take a job Charlotte offered her at the hospital where she could perform lots of surgeries, but turned it down. While there though she ran into Dell and talked him into coming back to the practice. Addison also continued to see the SWAT guy.

Now while I’m enjoying the show, I feel like Violet and Pete’s characters have been given the shaft a bit this season. Neither really has their own storylines. I actually started watching this show more for Amy Brenneman than anything, so I really hope after the Naomi/Sam/Dell stuff cools down a bit she’ll get a good juicy storyline. As for poot Tim Daly, well I think we all know they are just delaying him and Kate Walsh’s hook-up.


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