Heroes Frustrations . . .

Heroes Frustrations . . .

Posted by Dustin on 10.29.2008 at 1:19 pm

First up, yes I have to write a post on this week’s “Heroes” still. There is no show next week, so I’m not rushing it out, as I’m behind with other shows 🙂 Surprise I know.

“Heroes” has been getting slammed in the press lately it seems. I’m constantly seeing headlines like “Can This Show Be Saved?” Also this past Monday it apparently hit a ratings low. Not good!

I posted this on the forum (link at the top of the page) but thought I’d post it here as well, in case anyone wanted to respond (you need to register for the forum). It’s about my current frustration with the apparent re-writes they are doing on the show . . .

One thing I’m having serious problems with is this new storyline that some people like Traci (and company, ie her sisters) and Nathan were “given” their powers through a formula.

The show opened with an eclipse, which is what initially triggered many of the powers in our heroes, so we were told. It was important enough to have been featured in and still in the opening credits. Then in season 2 Hiro went to Japan where Adam’s powers kicked in with an eclipse happened back then. So it seems like they were insistent the eclipse had something to do with triggering the powers.

Now however we are being told some people were given their powers. Traci for example just now discovered hers? Are you trying to tell me she never got angry before this and they never manifested themselves? Or are we to believe this is the first time she got angry since the eclipse?

Also Angela made a comment to Peter that he got his first power to dream the future from her as a child. That was well before any eclipse I would say, that triggered his initial powers.

Then there are the villains that HRG clearly spent years locking up in level 5. They obviously had their powers all along.

I don’t know, it seems like they are trying to re-invent the show and spice things up, but have walked all over the original history of the show. It’s frustrating me. I’m hoping they will explain this at some point.

Posted in:



  1. It may be possible that those with powers given to them don’t need the eclispe, or the company may along with their serum may have come up with a way to artifically trigger the powers as well. Im still as big of a fan as I was on the first day it aired. Persoanlly I think alot of people forget that last season was cut short with many storylines left up in the air or unresloved due to the limited amount of esp. So theres a mess to clean up with plot holes but the show still rocks and I can’t wait for two weeks when this good vs bad battle really starts to take shape.

    Comment by Erick
    10.29.2008 at 3:16 pm
  2. I second Erick’s opinion.

    Comment by Kelly
    10.29.2008 at 3:41 pm
  3. What? I guess that eclipse thing just went over my head. I didn’t realize their powers were ever attached to an eclipse.

    With the exception of the Suresh storyline, I’m loving everything!

    Comment by Stacy
    10.29.2008 at 5:40 pm
  4. Don’t mistake my bitchen for hatin, I still love the show. However some things are annoying me 🙂 I watch ever Monday religiously. Love me some big ole Matt Parkman 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    10.29.2008 at 9:31 pm
  5. I agree with Dustin. I’ve experienced the same kind of confusion with the show. I still love it, but the whole Tracy thing is a little far fetched. How come she just now realized she has powers? 🙂

    Comment by april
    10.29.2008 at 10:57 pm
  6. Not only that, but Nikki’s twin sister was Jessica, so Traci just kind of popped up out of nowhere. And who is Barbara? They have mentioned Nikki, Traci, and Barbara being triplets. I’m hoping that by the end of the season everything will make sense. I feel like the show has lost a lot of its magic from the first season though.

    Comment by Lindsey
    10.30.2008 at 9:34 am
  7. Was there ever rally a Jessica or was that just another personality that manifested to deal with her having the super strength?

    Comment by Erick
    10.31.2008 at 1:25 pm
  8. There was a jessica. There was a grave stone and remember her father knew Jessica too. That was why Nikki had a split personality. The father did something to Jessica, I can’t remember if it was molestation or if he beat her. I think he was abusive and it’s how she died.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.31.2008 at 1:39 pm
  9. But every time we hear about Tracy’s sisters they are referred to as a group of three: Tracy, Nikki and Barbra. And how was she supposed to be her twin sister, or was that just Niki’s split personality that looked like her, if there were only three and they were adopted? I wonder if Niki’s adopted father, at our current understanding at least, worked for the company? Ohh so many questions, can’t wait for Monday. I just hope they don’t turn into Lost, where there’s so many questions just left unanswered that it’s hard to enjoy the show anymore.

    Comment by Erick
    11.02.2008 at 12:52 am
  10. If Nikki didn’t really have a twin sister named Jessica, then whose grave is that?? Maybe someone else?

    Comment by Lindsey
    11.03.2008 at 10:33 am

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