Catching Up With Private Practice

Catching Up With Private Practice

Posted by Dustin on 11.23.2008 at 4:00 pm

I fell behind with write-ups for “Private Practice,” so this is just some of my thoughts on what has been going on.

First up, I have to say that I love love love the cases on “Private Practice” way more than “Grey’s.” Now I know it’s not really a fair comparison, but I love that they are more personal and less grotesque. Lately on “Grey’s” I can’t even watch the OR scenes as it’s just too much! Also the cases on “Practice” seem to really push social, moral and ethical boundaries, which I find fascinating.

I love love love that Addison got nominated to run the practice. She’s a tak-no-shhhh kind of woman, and she’s certainly stood up to everyone so far.

I was sorta sad to see Naomi and Sam call it quits, but Naomi had a good point. They were running back to “safe.” Plus it opens both of them up for more personal stories. You know Naomi is going to hook up with Dell at some point! I don’t know who they’ll fix Sam up with.

I’m still not a fan of Charlotte and Cooper. They seem to be too much about the sex. I think they are just making Cooper and Violet star-crossed lovers and taking their sweet time before they put them together.

Pete, well I don’t know where they are going with him either. I keep expecting him to hook up with Violet at some point actually. I feel like they are also planning to put him with Addison, just not right away.

I guess that’s about all I have to say.




  1. I really like the cop she’s with now, and wouldn’t mind seeing him stick around. I loved him as Christopher on Gilmore Girls and always wanted to see him and Lorelai (sp?) together, so it would be nice for once if he could get and keep the girl, although they don’t tend to keep any characters together on tv.

    Comment by Justwondering
    11.23.2008 at 5:24 pm
  2. I’ve always liked the actor too.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.23.2008 at 7:06 pm
  3. Dustin, interesting take on your preference of the PP story lines vs. Grey’s story lines. You study sociology right? I prefer the Grey’s story lines, especially the OR/ER scenes, but I’m a biologist (although I hate watching needle insertions).

    The one thing I REALLY have trouble watching is the fast-action decaying fox in the True Blood opening credits. Ugh.

    Comment by DNA
    11.24.2008 at 12:28 pm
  4. Close, anthropology 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    11.24.2008 at 4:54 pm
  5. Hi, like your blog! Am an anthropology student too.

    Comment by Lily
    11.25.2008 at 9:03 pm

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