True Blood: Season Finale
So last night was the big season finale of “True Blood.” We have to wait till next summer for new episodes. Oh the wait!
We learned that Rene was indeed the killer and the guy from the next town over who Bill and Sookie looked into last week. He wasn’t even Cajun, faking his accent. Sam came to Sookie’s rescue, as did Bill. However it was during the day and Bill was fried to a crisp. She and Sam quickly buried him to save his life.
As quick as she seemed to fall for Sam last week, Sookie was back to loving Bill. He risked his life to try and save her, that apparently proved his love to her. Poor Sam, cast out so quickly!
Tara meanwhile was living the sweet life at the woman’s mansion, where she met another stray the woman took in. It was a guy, and they hit it off. Seems like she has a new love interest, but I don’t know if I trust him (he was the bad Applewhite kid on “Housewives” the 2nd season). I think the woman’s name is Meredith, I forget actually. I just remember it began with an M. She wasn’t a vampire, as she came out in the day. However something was up with her. When Sam saw her he freaked out, he knew her and she knew his secret. She made a comment how she was bound to find him sooner or later and called him a silly little dog. Is she a shape shifter too? One thing is for sure, Sam is scared of her, and her comment made it seem like she’s been pursuing him. Sam was scared so much so that he fled town with a whole lot of money at the end of the show.
Jason meanwhile was let out of jail when Rene was revealed to be the real killer. After a visit from some guy from one of those vampire hating churches, Jason realized he was given a second chance and needed to do something meaningful with his life. He then found God. Great, it sounds like we are in for Jason preaching anti-vampire stuff come next season.
Lafayette, poor Lafayette was attacked by something as the show neared its end. Then it fast forwarded two weeks and he had not turned up. Oh no, not Lafayette! We then saw Bill appear to Sookie healed, saying he had fed to speed up his healing. No no no no! He better not have killed Lafayette. That would suck, no vampire pun intended there. I’m hoping he didn’t kill him, though maybe he turned him?
Speaking of turning, Eric brought Jessica back to Bill as the show wound down. He and his blond side kick had had it with her, saying she was far too annoying and Bill’s problem. Poor Bill, now he’s stuck with that brat who will clearly crimp his love nest with Sookie. I do think she’s hilarious though.
Finally Tara and Sookie were closing up the bar as Andy was getting drunk over Jason going free. I’m not sure why he has it in for Jason, but whatever. As they walked him out to his car, he couldn’t find it. They found it, but he swore it had been moved. When they opened the door, what looked like a white lady’s arm fell out of the back seat!
And now we wait . . . .
I thought it looked like a black person’s foot (with nail polish) hanging out of the car. Not sure though.
I think Tara’s benefactor’s name is Maryanne.
I think that the show made it look like Bill fed on Lafayette, but I suspect this is a red herring. It is possible that Lafayette was taken by the vampires as they might have found out that he was selling V. Or maybe he did just take off like Tara said he sometimes did.
Not sure what Maryanne was doing outside – maybe trying to shape shift into a pig?
11.24.2008 at 5:43 pm
Love this show!! Yes, the woman with the pig was definitely named Marianne (I watched the episode twice it was so good). I really think Sam was lying about not being able to shape shift into a human and Marianne was possibly the black guy that Tara was talking to. Just my thoughts. Oh, and the foot that fell out of Detective Belfleur’s car was definitely a black person. It also had painted nails (like Lafayette). It would appear too easy that it is Lafayette as they made the former soldier appear to be the killer when it turned out to be Rene but where is Lafayette?
11.25.2008 at 9:24 am
I don’t think Sam lied about being able to shapeshift into humans. What he said was he couldn’t do it, not that others couldn’t. He said humans were too complex for him.
11.25.2008 at 12:19 pm
I was just looking over your recaps of the show because I don’t get HBO and I’ve just started reading the books this show is based on. It seems season 1 was pretty true to the first book, so I’m guessing season 2 might be the same. I wish I got HBO now, I might just have to go buy this season on DVD.
01.08.2009 at 1:03 pm