Heroes: Thoughts On Eclipse Part I
So on this week’s “Heroes” they set everything up for the eclipse and the stripping of the heroes and villains powers.
Aurthur saw the eclipse coming, and when it took everyone’s powers away, he told Surresh he must perfect the formula in order to give them all back their powers. He also had visions of Claire’s death, as well as Surresh’s. Without Claire though, Surresh didn’t think he could make it work. Aurthur and Finn turned on him, forcing him to do so.
Aurthur sent Sylar to bring them Claire, and Elle offered to go along and help. However once alone, she went nutso on him and tried to turn him against everyone but her, saying they should do what they want. As quick as a flash, Sylar was back to embracing the killer in him as well, and they went off to find Claire. I love these two as a possible couple, but this episode was just bizarre. I don’t get the whole about face with them again. Elle has some serious mood issues going on and Sylar also can’t seem to make up his mind whether he’s good or bad or what. They need to pick a side and stay with it for more than an episode.
HRG tried to train Claire how to fight and protect herself, when Sylar and Elle showed up. The Eclipse hit, and everyone was left without powers. Crazy Elle shot Claire, and then HRG went postal on Elle and Sylar. He got Claire home and tried to take care of her, later leaving to finish Sylar and Elle once and for all. Claire meanwhile was rushed to the hospital by her mom. We all know she’s not going to die though, that would basically kill the show.
Nathan and Peter went down to Haiti. Nathan was trying to look into more of Aurthur business and connections (I missed the tip that led them there) and they ended up meeting the Haitian’s big bad voodoo daddy, who took Nathan hostage. Nathan and Peter had a fight, with Nathan telling Peter off for being sour and pointing out how he always saves his but. Peter told Nathan he is and always has been dad’s puppet and can’t think for himself, and in the future he yet again sided with dad. I’m not sure where this little trip to Haiti is going honestly, and what will become of it.
Finally Hiro and Ando continued to work to get Hiro’s memory back, and Ando realized Matt the mind guy could help. Matt had his own problems as Daphne was hurt that Matt didn’t completely trust she was on his side, so she left to go home. Matt had Hiro take them to her home in Kansas, when the eclipse hit them. The big shock came to Matt who learned without her powers, Daphne was crippled. She needed leg braces and crutches to walk.
I am hoping Part II will be a little more exciting, and this was just a set-up for next week.
yeah I didn’t get the whole Elle and Sylar exchange. They agreed to do whatever they wanted but then immediately went to go and do what Arthur wanted (to get Claire)?
11.26.2008 at 7:31 pm
Nathan and Peter landed up in Haiti because their mom sent them there to find the Haitian. Apparently he can help them fix this mess or something, but the Haitian was tracking down his brother (not his dad) who landed up taking Nathan hostage. I am also thinking that when the eclipse is over that they will have their powers back, and that while the eclipse is happening it somehow blocks their powers. I really don’t get how the eclipse is doing that though, and if it was known that the eclipse would do that, why did it seem like Angela and Arthur were surprised by it or didn’t warn their teams?
12.01.2008 at 9:27 am