True Blood: In The Church Of The Poison Mind

True Blood: In The Church Of The Poison Mind

Posted by Dustin on 07.27.2009 at 7:32 pm

As usual, a quick recap of the show, then some thoughts. Also I got a capture card working again finally, so I can add some photos! However given it takes extra time to do so, I can’t promise to do this all the time for every show 🙂

At the Church of the Sun, Luke and Jason were given a special task by Steven and Sarah Newlin, to build a platform and a cross. It was for a ceremony where they’d be staking and then exposing a vampire to the sun at dawn! Luke said it was an honor, Jason was a bit perplexed.

As they worked, Jason question Luke about being abstinent. Luke told him was what the bible commanded until marriage. He then explained how some sins pertaining to sex were forgivable, unless he did it with a vampire, a dude, or a vampire dude.

Sookie Sees The Light Meanwhile Sookie and the male companion of Isabelle’s decided to pose as a couple and infiltrate the church (Isabelle being one of Godrich’s assistants). They were pretending to be a couple looking for a new church to wed at. Before heading off, the guy and Sookie talked about being in a relationship with a vampire. He said the thing they fought most about was Isabelle turning him. She wouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but worry about how one day he’d be old and she would be the same; how could the vampires still love them?

They headed to the church, but it seemed Steven saw right through them. He knew exactly who Sookie was, and he planned to use her somehow. When she read his mind that he had a 2000 year old vampire in the basement, she tried to high-tail it out of there. Steven however locked her and the guy up in the basement, planning to use them somehow. He said something like “let’s see if she can really read minds and will lead them to us.”

Sarah Seduces Jason Sarah found herself disgusted by her husband, especially after he called Sookie “The C Word.” She went to Jason to seduce him yet again. She insisted she knew she was to be with him, as God told her. Jason of course believed her when she said she “spoke with God.” Clearly Jason didn’t realize that she wasn’t having a full blown conversation with God. She also told Jason that Steven was a bad man who was looking to start a war.

TB-7-26-billflash Elsewhere, Eric called Bill’s maker Loretta to Dallas. He wanted her to go after Bill, leaving Sookie available for him. When Loretta referred to Sookie as just a human, Eric said she was much more . . . he wasn’t sure what she was though.

Loretta had a series of flashbacks to when she and Bill went on a killing rampage in the 1920s. They seemed to be pretty close. She remembered them posing as entertainers from France, performing in a speakeasy. They killed a couple and Bill stole the necklace from the female to give to her, which she still had and wore.

Loretta Pins Bill As Sookie was being dragged into the basement below the church and screaming, Loretta pinned Bill so he couldn’t help her. She said she was his maker, and thus he could never overpower her! She knew what he was thinking too, as his blood knows hers. He was thinking of his human.

Back in Bon Temps, several other issues were going on. Hoyt stood up to his mommy, who shut off his cell phone that she was paying for because he was receiving calls from a girl at all hours of the night. She thought there was only one kind of word for a girl like that. He said that she was his girlfriend, he would be with her, and the reason for the late calls was because she was a vampire! That just about killed his mom! He later went to Dallas to find Jessica to explain why she hadn’t heard from him in days. We assume they finally did the deed!

Lafayette had a fabulous time on a gay cruise Lafeyette was questioned by Andy, who is still out to prove himself as a cop and figure out who killed that Voodoo woman. He scared Lafayette BLEEPless when he threatened to lock him up in a cell if he didn’t tell him where he had been for 2 weeks. The other cook (the war vet) came to Lafayette’s rescue, recognizing “post traumatic stress syndrome” when he saw it. Lafayette crumbled into the corner, imagining Eric was screaming at him and threatening to lock him up.

Eric’s assistant put Lafayette back in the business of selling V, claiming he did owe them for not killing him. We got no reason from her as to why she wanted this.

Daphne and Sam were still fooling around. They went out on a shape shifting frolic in the woods, where Andy driving home saw them. Daphne shifted into a pig, the one Andy recognized from Maryanne’s weird house-orgy a few weeks back.

Ring Around The Rosies? Elsewhere, Eggs and Tara went on a trip to a town over to get a part for the hot water heater at Sookie’s place. It broke. On the way Eggs had her stop the car. He recognized where they were, but he didn’t know how. He lead her far into the woods, they walked for over an hour. They found some weird circle where some ritual had happened. There was blood all over some rocks. He knew he had been here, he didn’t know what happened or how he knew, but he knew.

Maryanne Is A Bull-Headed B.....! Tara and Eggs returned home to find Maryanne conducting one of her orgies in the backyard. She was vibrating as usual. Meanwhile Daphne led Sam into a trap. He was dragged into the camp, were Tara and Eggs were also taking part in the mindless orgy with most of the town. Daphne told Sam this was the end for him. She put a bull helmet on Maryanne, as a sacrificial knife was presented to her. It seemed Sam was to be the sacrifice!

My Thoughts
Hey Pig! So Daphne is in fact a rotten egg and on team Maryanne. As posted in my last thoughts as well, she was the pig! However that one I can’t take credit for 🙂

I can’t see Maryanne killing Sam. Maybe needing his blood for something, but not killing him. I mean we know they won’t kill Sam period. Next week’s previews show Daphne pleading with Sam about something, saying Maryanne is immortal. Famous last words!

Don't Kill Sam! I still think Lafayette has been put up to selling V to get leads on Godrich. Meanwhile the previews showed Eric going after that male assistant to Godrich, accusing him of murdering him. I am beginning to think that guy and Steven from “The Church” are in some weird conspiracy to start a human vs vampire war, but I don’t know why. What would they get out of it? What if Steven ISN’T human at all? Clearly he’s in the sun a lot, so he’s not a vampire. Werewolf? They have mentioned them here and there.

I am loving Jessica and Hoyt together. They are really great. I loved Hoyt telling his momma off as well.

Posted in:
True Blood



  1. Maybe since Andy’s roaming around the woods, he’ll somehow stop the sacrifice of Sam while on search for the pig.

    We didn’t see if Isabelle “knew” her human lover was in trouble – maybe she’ll play a part in his and Sookie’s rescue, or she knowingly set him up.

    Interesting idea of Steve maybe being non-human.

    Comment by DNA
    07.27.2009 at 10:40 pm
  2. I’m guessing the sacrificial site that Eggs sort of remembers being at was where Ms. Janelle’s heart was ripped out.

    Also, I couldn’t make out exactly what Steve’s thoughts were when Sookie and Hugo were with them in the church, but it almost seemed as if Sarah was trying to speak to him with her thoughts. I’m very confused by that scene.

    Comment by DNA
    07.30.2009 at 2:44 pm
  3. I have it on Tivo so I went back and watched

    In the office Steve thought “He couldn’t wait to bring the vampire up from the basement and see 2000 years of justice given to him” (So it makes me think they have Godrich).

    Then when he took them to the chapel . . .

    Sarah was saying “Don’t bring her into this, those vampires probably made her do this.” I think those were just her thoughts, not to Steve per say.

    Steve was saying “They say she can hear me, I wonder if the fang loving freak can here me right now, she sure don’t look normal.”

    Comment by Dustin
    07.30.2009 at 2:55 pm
  4. Thanks Dustin. The plot thickens…

    Comment by DNA
    07.30.2009 at 6:40 pm

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