Housewives and Brothers & Sisters Thoughts For October 18th

Housewives and Brothers & Sisters Thoughts For October 18th

Posted by Dustin on 10.19.2009 at 7:07 pm

I forgot to, well I didn’t forget I just never got around, to doing a post for last week’s “Brothers and Sisters.” So this week I’m mashing “Housewives and Brothers and Sisters” together in one long thoughts ramble 🙂

“Desperate Housewives”

Ana began working with, and falling in love with, John the Gardner on Housewives. However John had his eyes still set on Gabby, he wanted to rescue her from the mundane life she was in. She said she was happy, but that didn’t stop him from kissing her, or Ana seeing it. However after a heartfelt talk from Aunt Gabby, Ana quit her job and kept the kiss a secret. Yeah for how long though? I don’t like Ana and I don’t trust her. Honestly I think they could have given Gabby and Carlos a much better story without needing her. She’ll use the kiss at the right time to hurt Gabby and gain her uncle’s favor for sure.

Lynette continued to try and fool Carlos about her pregnancy, even though her boobs had doubled in size because of the pregnancy. Carlos and everyone at work thought she got implants, so she let them believe it! This story was pretty funny, but it won’t be long before she’s found out. I imagine Carlos isn’t going to fire her, and I’m still afraid something is going to happen and the twins aren’t going to be born at all.

Bree finally called Katherine on her craziness, saying she was obsessed with Mike and Susan and needed help. Katherine didn’t want to hear it of course. I was just glad to see someone tell Katherine it was time to move on. I still think she’s going to do something big like kidnap Mike.

Finally Susan learned more of Julie’s secrets, thanks to Andrew (who made a brief appearance). Julie not only dropped out of med school sixth months ago, but the guy she was seeing was married. Yeah, I could see where this was going. Susan, desperate to get answers, searched through Julie’s journal, but didn’t find much as she only used initials for names. Julie eventually woke up, but was not in the mood to deal with Susan’s questions.

Meanwhile Angie was desperate for Danny to make friends and bribed Lynette’s kid to throw a party for his birthday. There was a weird scene with Danny’s mom undressing down to her bra to try on a new shirt, revealing her scar. Obviously revealing the scar was the point of this scene. He wanted her to have it fixed, but she wasn’t ready. We learned she got it in an “explosion” and that Nick had saved her life, so the scar reminded her of that. Danny later confronted his dad, saying he knew his secret. Yup, Nick went to Julie’s room as the show ended, he was the married man she was seeing! I guessed that one a week or two ago 🙂

Something about this “family” doesn’t add up. I almost wanna believe they aren’t a family, as the mom undressing in front of her kid was . . . odd. I mean there is usually a time when parents stop being naked around their kids, and this is well past that time! Something creeped me out about their interactions.

“Brothers and Sisters’

Sarah returned this week to help Kitty through chemo. She told her the story of her whirlwind romance in France with Luc (Giles Marini). However by time she got to the end of the story, Kitty recognized it as some movie their mom used to watch over and over when they were kids. At the end the woman finds out the lover has a wife, so she leaves him. In real life, Sarah didn’t want to tell Kitty she had to cut short the romance and jet home because of her cancer. Fortunately Luc couldn’t live without Sarah’s luuuvvv, and showed up on her doorstep at the end. This was a cute little story, I like how the double twist played out. I knew Luc was coming back and had to be real, but I like how they played it out.

Robert tried to sabotage his campaign by not quitting, just giving up. Kitty and Kevin wouldn’t let him do that and teamed up, having Kitty give an interview to reassure Robert’s voters and campaign contributors. As she told Kevin, she can’t let Robert quit, as if she ends up dying . . . heart breaking! So was the end when Kitty told her mom it was okay if she cried in front of her. I think Sally Field’s will get herself and Emmy for this, and may be up against Calista!

Rebecca tried to find the perfect spot for her wedding, but got little help from Holly who was on the phone trying to buy cheap wine to sell. In the end, Rebecca settled on Hawaii (I believe, maybe it was just the beach), as while other little girls were dreaming about their weddings, she was dreaming about living on an island and swimming with dolphins. Justin loved the idea, as it meant surfing involved for him which he loved.

Justin meanwhile found out while his lab partner at school hates him and told the teacher he wanted another partner. The teacher however respects Justin and wanted to him to teach the genius kid how to have more of a life. The show keeps hinting that Justin is in danger of failing out of school and doing poorly. I hope they don’t go that route myself. I don’t think they will, but them constantly pointing it out is starting to get on my nerves. That’s why I liked that his anatomy teacher actually liked him.




  1. Nick being Julie’s D was definitely predictable. Something is off there and I am interested in seeing it! I am not liking the whole Gabby/Carlos/Ana deal. That girl is definitely going to reveal it at some point, but I am hoping this is the last we see of John the Gardener.

    I loved crazy Katherine. I think she has a ton of potential!

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.19.2009 at 9:05 pm
  2. This season is so very disappointing to me. What on eart hhave they done to Katherine’s character? It’s not even the same person anymore – she’s supposed to be like Bree with a lil bit of Edy or Gabby – not some psycho extra character they add for a season. I feel like they are writing themselves into a corner like what they did to Edy. I think its a shame, I really liked that character, but unless they press the mental illness part of her story, she’s gonna be gone 🙁

    The only other character I couldn’t possibly hate more is Susan – no one is going to call her on her hateful criminal activities of last week. I guess helping that family clean up the mess she caused makes it OK? The only saving grace of that whole debacle was Lynette trying (unsuccessfully) to get Susan to see what she was doing. There was just no excuse for her to ruin that child’s life and endanger his family – no excuse. She’s pretty irredeemable at this point for me.

    And every other story is just boring 🙁 I still like the characters, I just could care less about the meaningless lil stories they have right now! I hope it picks up!

    Comment by Kole
    10.20.2009 at 12:11 am
  3. Ugh…I haven’t really liked Susan since season 1. I wish she had left instead of Edie.

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.20.2009 at 12:01 pm
  4. I like Susan, but at the same time what she does drives me batty cause the woman has no common sense at all. I agree though, the scene with the danny and the jack was going waaaayyyy to far even for her nutso behaviors.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.20.2009 at 12:05 pm
  5. Angie taking off her top when her son was in the room I don’t think was that big of a deal, she turned away from him and it seemed more like a way in for the writers to bring up the scars on her back and give us a bit of back story. Remember this is DH and they are about a subtle as an bull in a china shop, if we were supposed to be concerned about Angie and her son’s relationship they would make more of it.

    Comment by Erick
    10.20.2009 at 12:53 pm
  6. I agree. Besides, she wasn’t naked. She had some sort of tank or big sports bra or something underneath.

    Comment by Beth
    10.20.2009 at 1:12 pm
  7. I got they were doing it to bring up the scar, it was just weird to me 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    10.20.2009 at 2:10 pm
  8. Yeah she had a tank top on so I wasn’t concerned but there is definately something going on.

    Comment by Brooke
    10.21.2009 at 4:06 pm
  9. I read the recap before seeing the show, so I had pictured Angie in like a lace bra taking off her shirt to seduce her son. But then I watched it and it was a short tank top, so it really didn’t seem that big of a deal to me either. I am wondering though, if they really even are a family. I don’t think that Julie is the first young girl that he had an “affair” with.

    Comment by Marie
    10.21.2009 at 9:21 pm
  10. Call me crazy, I think they’ll end up being brother and sister (Angie and Danny). Not sure how to fit Nick in though…

    Comment by MegCor
    10.22.2009 at 3:24 pm

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