Heroes: Brothers’ Secrets

Heroes: Brothers’ Secrets

Posted by Dustin on 11.18.2009 at 6:47 pm

So this week on “Heroes” we finally got some back storys and explanations! The compass was made by Surresh, who used his father’s notes to make it, as well as learned about a boy his father was studying with special powers. The boy was Samuel, and if he surrounded himself with enough specials then it would amplify his powers and he’d become the strongest one of them all. Of course Surresh had to go find Samuel, who was at the carnival with his brother Joseph. Joseph however had kept Samuel from knowing the truth all these years, as he was a pretty violent guy. Samuel found out though and killed Surresh, but Hiro managed to use his powers to save Surresh secretly. He also retrieved the film for Samuel, which Surresh had burnt. Of course Samuel still won’t give Charlie over to Hiro.

I finally felt like we were given the missing pieces here. Samuel’s powers basically don’t make sense as even he doesn’t know the truth about his own powers and it seems they are still evolving as he gathers more specials for his carnival.

Oh we also learned Surresh returned home to India, where it seems he has a wife? She threatened to leave him should he leave on another trip chasing his father’s research. Of course we learned Hiro detained him in a mental hospital all these weeks so Samuel would think he’s still dead. Guess his wife has left him for good now!

Meanwhile the Haitian informed Nathan and Peter that they had been lied to, and led them to the real Nathan’s dead body tucked away in a warehouse. They decided to go see Matt, to get into Nathan’s head, to find out what was going on. Peter was able to heal Matt, but Matt was not able to warn Nathan to stay away from him. Sylar entered Matt, who explained to Nathan who he really was and if he touched his hand he’d make it better. Nathan accidentally touched his hand during a conflict with some police that burst in, and Sylar entered into Nathan. Nathan however remained in control. Matt was able to use his powers to get himself out of the hospital and knew he had to track down Nathan.

A good storyline here as well, but it breaks my heart to know we are counting down to one cast members final episode here. I think had I seen my own dead body in a coffin I would have been a little more freaked out than Nathan and Peter were. Also why the hell would they keep his body around on ice? Clearly something is going on we don’t know, like maybe a plan to bring Nathan back at some point down the road? Well a way to keep that option open I should say.

Finally Tracey went looking for HRG, but found Claire at his place. Claire worked to help her try and gain control of her powers, which were going nuts. Claire felt it was something psychological going on causing Tracey to lose control. At the end of the show she met up with Samuel again to talk about the carnival.

The only thing I didn’t get with this story was house Claire could have healed herself when Tracey turned her completely to ice. If her brain is destroyed, she can’t come back. Also her foot broke off, yet she grew another one? I guess that happened before with her toe in an episode, but still . . . That was stretching it even for “Heroes.”

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  1. I think she reattached her foot because Tracy handed it back to her and she put it down like she was reattaching it? But yeah, I wondered the same thing about how she healed herself.

    Comment by Beth
    11.19.2009 at 9:59 am
  2. Thats what I thought she was doing at first, but later HRG walked in and saw a blue foot on the coffee table and asked what was going on?

    Comment by Dustin
    11.19.2009 at 12:04 pm

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