V: The Fifth Column Emerges

V: The Fifth Column Emerges

Posted by Dustin on 11.18.2009 at 7:49 pm

The third installment of “V” was much better than last week’s I must say, and came with a few good surprises.

We were introduced a little more to the fifth column story, the traitor V’s who basically work to stop their plan for humanity. We knew Ryan was one, but a scientist on the ship is one too, as he was working to try and find out what Erica’s partner Dale knew. Dale remembered Erica had seen his face and he wanted to kill her, but the scientist stopped him. Also there is some big fifth column leader Anna thought they had dealt with, but they hadn’t. He left some odd message about “John May Lives.”

The Scott Wolf storyline still bores me to death on this show I have to say. He was covering the story of some woman on a hunger strike because her husband was a pilot who died when the V’s arrived. Anna set up a fake assassination attempt in order to bring sympathy to the V’s and get things resolved with this woman, who was become the face of the protest movement.

Erica learned the jacket’s of the V’s all have cameras built into them, so the V’s can see everything from anyone wearing one.

Then there is Erica’s stupid son Tyler getting mixed up with Lisa. This actually led to the best twist at the end of the show. Lisa went to Anna and said Tyler was the one, they should use him. Anna said she was proud of Lisa, who it turns out is her daughter! Also it seems they are going to possible use Tyler to make a hybrid, but this time it’s a V getting pregnant and not a human. Though this is my guess, we don’t know if that is what Lisa was referring to.

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  1. “John May” is the leader of the 5th Column, the leader Anna thought they’d killed. That’s why that message was left for the V’s to find.

    Scott’s story line isn’t that great yet, but I see potential. The widow’s change of heart has made him even more suspicious of Anna. He saw a flash of her real eyes as she was going up the elevator, but I’m sure he’s dismissed that as the sun on the glass. Still, I think his story is going somewhere.

    I’ve been waiting for the Lisa/Tyler thing to go in this direction; it’s just been too similar to the V miniseries. I’ve been curious about how the pregnancy would work, her being secretly reptilian an all. It’ll be interesting to see how they handle it. I’m thinking incubation. But here’s a question for you, one that’s always bothered me: why would they want to mate with their food?

    Comment by Aravis
    11.21.2009 at 3:29 pm
  2. Good question about mating with food 🙂 In the original the pregnancy was planned by Diana who was the science officer, I think it was an experiment she wanted to try.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.21.2009 at 3:38 pm
  3. Yeah, I remember that. I’ve just never really understood why. Although I think some reptiles eat their young, so perhaps it isn’t all that different. *G*

    Comment by Aravis
    11.21.2009 at 3:42 pm

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