Grey’s And Private Practice: Relationship Hell

Grey’s And Private Practice: Relationship Hell

Posted by Dustin on 03.12.2010 at 8:58 pm

So I work late Thursdays, and am always coming home half way through “Grey’s Anatomy.” I saw the last 20 or so minutes and have some short thoughts on it. I also have thoughts on “Private Practice.”

First on “Grey’s,” I am not sure I want to watch the first 40 minutes after the last 20. I am seriously beginning to wonder about the writers for this show and “PP.” Are they perpetually single and this is why they have to screw up every couple on the show? Teddy and Mark flirting? Mark asking her out, while at the same time making it clear he is looking to build a life and settle down? Okay way to chase anyone off as you sound desperate. Then Owen was all jealous of Teddy and Mark? Which woman does he want? Meanwhile Lexie broke down when she also realized Mark was moving on. Then there is Arizona and Callie, who now have problems because it seems Arizona doesn’t want kids at all and Callie might. Grrrr! They were the only happy couple on the show! Of course Bailey is playing the field with the new doc, but he’s been cast on another show which means potential heartbreak coming for Bailey. Can nobody be happy?

Now comes the news, originally from Ausiello, but now picked up by every news organization out there, that Katherine Heigl is dunzo on the show and won’t be returning. So we get a crummy off screen explanation as to why Izzie is gone? That’s what it is looking like!

On “Private Practice” I was first annoyed because yet again we have a story where it comes down to choosing which babies live or if the surrogate mother dies trying to save all of them. ENOUGH with the dead kid stories on this show! I swear it’s all they do anymore and I’m beginning to think there is political agenda behind it. The show ended with the surrogate brain dead and all three babies still alive, but the next show has the husband wanting to pull the plug on his wife while the baby’s parents get a judge to keep her alive. See, political agendas!

Just like with “Grey’s,” it seems nobody on this show is happy either. Charlotte is still screwing around with Sheldon, though Cooper thinks she’s just doing it to mess with him (and I think she is!). Naomi is dating William, but kissing Fife on the side as he’s the one she really seems to want. She also doesn’t know that William has ALS and it’s the reason he’s pushing Fife to do some study which Naomi thinks should be taken slower. Pete found out about William and informed Fife, who decided suddenly to agree with Naomi that things should be taken slow. Yeah that’s going to backfire when Noami learns Fife changed his mind because he wants her and William out of the way! Then there is Addison and Sam, who finally got found out by Naomi, who was furious with them. All she could muster out of her mouth was “Shame on you!” Originally I was on Naomi’s side, but with her kissing on two guys at this point, my sympathies are wavering. I still don’t like SamAddison though!




  1. I stopped watching Grey’s when they killed off George. The writing was already starting to go downhill that season. Actually, I think I’ve been annoyed with the show ever since Meredith tried to drown herself – just seemed sloppy since then.

    But I still read your comments about the show 🙂

    Comment by DNA
    03.13.2010 at 12:10 pm
  2. The Teddy scene you saw would make MUCH more sense if you saw the beginning of the show. I thought it was one of the funniest shows they have had. The Bailey Callie scenes had me rolling.

    The happy couple on the show is McDreamy and Meredith.

    On PP, I still think its reasonable for there to be a lot of stories centering on babies living and dying as the show is about Addison who specializes in difficult pregnancies, Naomi who specializes in conceiving babies, not to mention Cooper, Pete, Fife, and Sam who all deal with babies or pregnant women in half their cases. I just think their doing the big type stories that could come out of a clinic like theirs.

    Comment by Kole
    03.13.2010 at 9:36 pm
  3. I must admit, I loved Grey’s, especially the Bailey/ Callie scenes too! Bailey’s nerves getting back into the game were hilarious. As for the Sloan’s comments to Teddy, I say more power to him. If he is serious about finding someone to settle with, then why not put it on the table (especially when Teddy first accepted the offer she was implying for strictly sex only).

    PP, I was annoyed with the people that was using the surrogate. I understand that it is hard for them and that this was their shot at having children, but when Addison suggested that they reduced the number of embryos they should have taken it. I mean it wasn’t like she was taking all of them away, they would still have a baby just not three. Granted I know some people will have trouble with that statement, but when given the choice that A)the surrogate might die B)all the babies could die or C)both A and B, I think that you need to be logical and go with the best option for the surrogate, since she is the one putting her life on the line. Although, she wasn’t all to keen on terminating some of embryos too, so one could argue that she choose to keep her life in danger.

    Also where is Violet? I don’t think she is going to be happy when she finds out Addison is with Pete and that Charlotte is sleeping with Sheldon.

    Comment by Marie
    03.15.2010 at 1:58 pm
  4. I went back and watched the beginning last night, the Callie/Bailey scenes really were good!

    I am guessing the actress who plays violet is unable to film right now for some reason. Yeah she’s gunna be weirder out when she returns. Hopefully she won’t sleep with Sam!

    Comment by Dustin
    03.15.2010 at 2:31 pm

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