V Season Finale: Best V Ever!

V Season Finale: Best V Ever!

Posted by Dustin on 05.18.2010 at 11:27 pm

Without a doubt the best “V” of the season, and let me tell you I would have been all kinds of pissed if there wasn’t a second season after that!

I feel I should offer a quick recap before getting to my thoughts, so here goes . . . . This is a bullet point summary cause it’s so late!

– Erica and Tyler met with Anna and Lisa for a dinner on the mothership. Anna thinks Erica is an ally, not realizing she was there to destroy her soldier eggs.
– Joshua told Lisa she had to chose a side, it seemed she originally chose Anna. Joshua gave her a bomb to give to Erica to kill the eggs, should she change her mind.
– Jack tried to figure out which side Chad was by giving him a fake note, and he failed, which got Joshua caught by Anna’s men.
– Joshua told Chad he’d been played by Anna all along, and guided him to the room where Anna torture the humans so he could see for himself.
– Lisa made her choice, freed Joshua, and they worked to help create the distraction needed for Erica to kill Anna’s eggs. Joshua bowed to Lisa, calling her his queen!
– Erica was forced to kill Joshua to keep her cover, he told her it was the only way. Joshua then looked like the bomber.
– Erica and Chad were both lied to by Anna, who claimed a human snuck on board and orchestrated the attack.
– Meanwhile . . . Val was taken aboard, her baby delivered, then she was killed by Anna! Ryan was brought onboard and it seems Anna has blissed him back, at the end handing him his lizard hybrid baby
– Marcus met with Hobbes, and basically to Hobbes he had been his employer all along for all these years. He wanted Hobbes to name Fifth Column . . . .
– Anna learned of her eggs distruction, as Marcus informed her it was Joshua’s doing. She believes someone helped him and broke down . . . . She asked “What is happening to me?” Marcus said “You are experiencing your first human emotion!”
– Anna set out for revenging, releasing some kind of gas that painted the skies red.
– Jack betrayed his church’s head priest/bishop, preaching to his flock that they had to choose who to worship, God or the Vs. Most left. In the end Hobbes, Erica, CHAD! and a few others remained as Jack referenced the original show . . . “V stands for Victory!”
– The final moments had Marcus reviving Joshua on the ship saying “Welcome back!”

My Thoughts . . . .

Damnnnnn! Seriously! Best episode ever. What a fricken roller coaster ride!

I don’t know what to think of Marcus honestly. It seemed he was a traitor, then he wasn’t, then he was. Is he Fifth Column? I don’t think so. He wanted Hobbes to name a name, and I think Hobbes did, which led him to Joshua. I think Marcus is a third fraction, or has his own designs on Anna’s thrown.

LOVED when Joshua bowed to Lisa as his queen. Great scene! I was pissed when Joshua was killed, and NEVER expected him to survive. At the very end is when I realized what Marcus was doing!

I did not like Ryan being blissed back into Anna’s servitude and again hopes he’s not been pulled back in. That would suck! I am also pissed we didn’t get to see the lizard kid! WTF !?!?!?!

Chad finally came to his senses, though it took seeing his own kind being tortured. I’m sad we didn’t get the big “on air” V reveal like we did in the original. Something to look forward to next season? Chad ripping Anna’s face off live on TV? Yes, that will rock!

I loved them ending on Jack giving a sermon about God and the Vs, taking back V for Victory rather than Visitors. It was an updated play on the original, but in a different context. For those who never saw the original, in the original it was a holocaust survivor who spurned the “V for Victory” movement among the humans, saying she’d been in this position before. It was a throwback to the Nazi’s, as well as relavant for the 80s when Communism and nuclear war was on everyone’s minds.

I’m not sure what the red skies were about honestly. Again, the original was so drenched with red scare and communism metaphors. Are they playing on that, or is this a toxic gas that might allow for an invasion? Time will tell!

If you’ve enjoyed “V,” then do rent the original two miniseries over the summer. Hey, you got a while till “V” comes back! (The failed 1 season NBC show is debatable, many loath it, some love it).

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  1. This was a great episode and a great end to the season but I did have one small problem. When Jack gave his sermon and almost everyone walked out, I found this hard to believe. I don’t think that people believe that the V’s are prophets would still be going to church. I believe that the people in the church would be the ones most fearful of the V’s.

    Also, for most of the season I have thought that the older priest might be a V but since all V’s are above average good looking (quote Chad) I have ruled this out but still don’t trust him.

    Comment by sean
    05.19.2010 at 12:05 pm
  2. I was thinking that the priest is a V too. Anna would have to have some unattractive people so they could blend it. So I have this theory keep in mind I haven’t seen the original but I think in the end Lisa will take over the Vs and they’ll be good 🙂

    Comment by candace
    05.19.2010 at 5:26 pm
  3. I had been avoiding your posts and tweets all day, but I finally caught up on the final episode. WOW! I was lukewarm on this show to start, but it has really grown on me. I think I may try to watch the original over the summer (is V coming back in the fall or spring?). I thought Marcus was 5th column at the beginning, but I do think he’s just out for himself mostly. I was definitely glad they brought Joshua back. It looked like Erica didn’t hit him in his V heart, so it probably wasn’t that hard. Everything has come together well, so the next season will be good.

    Honestly, had they just decided to end it, it would have been fun to see Lisa give her mom the human emotion test and then take over as queen and leave. But I happen to like happy endings 🙂

    Comment by Melissa
    05.19.2010 at 5:27 pm
  4. I still believe the senior priest is a V. Anna had people blending into all areas of the human arenas. So why not into a religious organization…..

    Comment by CGinCA
    05.21.2010 at 2:12 am

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