Person’s Unknown: The Masons, The Illuminati, The Church, Insert Your Organization Here

Person’s Unknown: The Masons, The Illuminati, The Church, Insert Your Organization Here

Posted by Dustin on 07.24.2010 at 9:07 pm

So basically between what Joe spilled to the “guests” of “the program,” and what the Ambassador told Renbee and Kat, it basically seems like we are dealing with some type of super secret world power here. The Free Masons, The Illuminati, basically insert your favorite conspiracy theory organization here.

The group, which doesn’t have a name, has been kidnapping people for over 50 years, people with “potential,” and then it seems turning them into world power players. The Ambassador for example was a nobody, they made him who he is. Every major event, big or small, is orchestrated by this group supposedly.

I dunno, I think “Person’s Unknown” finally jumped the shark. The only thing that could be more cliche is to bring in the antichrist. Cue the theme from “The Omen!”

Also in this episode the guests found files in Joe’s room on all of them, and Erika the nasty piece of trash she is, snooped into everyone else’s secrets. Blackman apparently was blackmailing a host of people, and McNair (the army guy) was a hired assassin according to his file. He later explained to Moira that it was a lie somewhat, he was set up. Hey maybe the guests can hire him to kill Erika 🙂 She has outlived her three episodes at this point.

Joe claimed the files were planted (which they were, by the Chinese guy). The only person on his side was Charlie (Camera from Ferris Bulleur), who hoped Joe could be his ticket to freedom. Oh Cameron, your going to be the next Tori. And in fact, in trying to save Joe from the Chinese guy, he got himself shot in the leg. Should he die, so will the Chinese guy according to Joe . . . so clearly these people are NOT to be killed. Was Tori just a way to keep the Ambasador working? Is she REALLY did? Her boyfriend seemed to believe she could in fact still be alive somewhere. That would mean a major body swap.

Before the Chinese guy could kill Joe though, Janet deep fried him with a Wok full of oil! At the very end . . . . someone abducted Joe right out of his bathroom from under Janet’s nose.

The previews for next week seem to indicate Joe’s back story. Just who is Joe? The only real twist they could pull at this point is to have Joe STILL be playing his part in the program, and even the Chinese camera guy didn’t know. Is Joe the mastermind?


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