Big Brother: Nominations, Veto, And Stupid Players!

Big Brother: Nominations, Veto, And Stupid Players!

Posted by Dustin on 08.31.2011 at 8:13 pm

The contestants all reacted to Porsche’s opening of the box and putting everyone into teams. Rachel and Jordan realized this was a blessing, the other side a curse.

Porsche of course nominated Rachel and Jordan to go on the block. She said that this was because Rachel and Jordan didn’t come and talk to her this week. Really though she put them up as the last remaining of the vets, and Rachel was the target (what she said in DR).

Rachel and Jordan knew they were going up anyways. They laughed at Porsche’s excuse for putting them up. They felt they had a good shot at the veto, and they felt it was funny they were the two vets remaining.

Rachel and Jordan went to see Kalia and Porsche and suggested that they start with a clean slate between them, but they have all been carrying those other two people in this house. They suggested a final four deal between them all. Jordan did ALL the talking – knowing Rachel could not be rational. Jordan said it was up to them, no pressure. Porsche of course said (in her diary room) didn’t want to work with them, but was okay lying and saying sure! Kalia was later pretty much onboard with Porsche, lie and get a one week pass, take them out if they can.

Shelly and Jordan were still ignoring each other at this point. Shelly said hello to Jordan, but she ignored her. Shelly cried to Adam about how she made a move and is paying the price, even though others in the house were with her. Adam listened to her, but really had no sympathy as it put the target on her back and not his. He said she made the move, she had to deal with the consequences! Shelly said she was playing for her husband and daughter, that was her first alliance, and she will show them ruthless!

The veto game was a Dou-Dover. They had to hang onto a dummy that had a photo of their original duo in the game. The last guest to stay hanging on would win the veto and take their duo off. Of course Rachel won, which meant Shelly and Adam went up in their place. Adam fell first, Kalia tried to last with all her tooting (Kalia was farting up a storm during this challenge), but still lost to Rachel. Poor Jordan felt bad she fell off early on, she let Rachel down.

Shelly went to suck up to Jordan, having lost the veto. Jordan apologized for what she said to Shelly after Jeff left, she just felt stabbed in the back. Shelly cried that she came into the house with an alliance with her husband and daughter first and foremost, just like Jordan came in with one with Jeff. She said she was pushing her and Jeff ahead of her family, it was a game move. Jordan told her that she was just really hurt, she is at her breaking point. Shelly apologizes for that. In the DR Jordan said she considered Shelly a friend, she didn’t think she could trust Shelly like she had before.

Shelly swore on God, her husband and her child she would not go against the two of them (Jordan and Rachel). She didn’t want any of the others in the last two seats. She basically sold her soul and child to them to stay.

Shelly and Adam of coure went up. Adam felt good that Shelly would be the target this week and he was safe. Unfortunately Rachel and Jordan can’t seem to make up their minds! Every time I turn on the feed they have a new plan! Kalia and Porsche want Shelly gone, they know she can’t be trusted. They know Adam will just float to whomever has power, but neither Shelly nor Adam can win a thing. Jordan doesn’t trust Shelly, but Rachel keeps playing devil’s advocate. Apparently she doesn’t realize if they keep Shelly, and don’t win HOH, she’s probably gone (actually I guess she’s gone no matter if Adam stays too).


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I absolutely loved that Jordan and Rachel won! I laughed so hard! I hope like hell that Shelly goes home.

    Comment by Aravis
    09.01.2011 at 3:40 pm

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