Parenthood: Screw-Ups Galore!

Parenthood: Screw-Ups Galore!

Posted by Dustin on 11.23.2011 at 2:26 pm

Oh brother, what an episode of “Parenthood” last night. Can these people possible screw up any more at this point? The inevitable happened pretty much on all fronts, so I’m not sure why I was so shocked or surprised.

Crosby and Jasmine grew closer, and Jabar started wondering when they were going to get married. Oh brother, how old is this child. Does he not comprehend his parents aren’t together anymore? Crosby realized he not only screwed things up with Jasmine, but he ruined Jabar’s dream of a family too. In the end though, Jasmine and Crosby got drunk and did the dirty boogie. Oopsie! We knew they’d eventually get back together, but I don’t think they are there yet. Something tells me Jasmine will give him a “we were drunk, it’s a mistake, I’m with Dr. Joe now” speech in the next episode.

Adam has set himself up for a giant law suit because of his stupidity at this point with the new receptionist Rachel they hired (who he shared a drunken kiss with). He told Kristina that she kissed him, and she wanted him to fire her. Of course he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He told her “I love my wife, that can’t happen again or I will fire you.” Way to go Adam! Continue digging the hole your in even further! Kristina learned she was still working there and of course flipped on Adam, wondering if he was attracted to this girl? Adam just continued to dig his own grave. Kristina finally announced she’s going back to work ASAP, she is going to start doing what’s best for her.

Finally Joel and Julia decided to meet Zoe’s boyfriend Troy, to make sure he won’t be a problem with the adoption basically. Oh he was! I have always known this wasn’t going to go smoothly . . . nothing in this show does. Troy wanted an extra thirty grand for Zoe and his troubles, since people pay a lot for babies. Julia told him that was illegal, she could not do that. He basically left their dinner suggesting they think about it, as Zoe realized Troy had screwed everything up for her. She tried to apologize, but based on next week’s previews it seems she tells Zoe the adoption is off. I guess I’m still expecting that at some point in all of this Julia will learn she’s pregnant . . . because since they gave up trying that’s when it often seems to happen.

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1 Comment

  1. And don’t forget Amber failing miserably and going to ask her Gma for money. THis whole episode I just shook my head. Saw it all coming, but still was like a trainwreck to watch.

    Comment by Beth
    11.23.2011 at 3:45 pm

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