Private Practice Returns! Heartache and Hope

Private Practice Returns! Heartache and Hope

Posted by Dustin on 04.18.2012 at 1:02 pm

“Private Practice” returned last night in it’s new time slot, Tuesdays at 10pm. The show was pretty much a debbie downer of an episode, but very good.

Mason was under the impression that his mom would get better, somehow, someone would save her like they did in Seattle. Charlotte and Cooper tried to make him understand that wasn’t going to happen. Charlotte convinced Erica, who was at the end, that Mason had to see her, he had to have some finality. She agree. Mason came in, and it a heart wrenching scene climbed into bed with his mom, cried and hugged her and said he loved her, and then she let go. I felt so bad for Mason!

A patient of Jake’s, pregnant with her third child and about to deliver, was in prison for killing her first two children. She was on suicide watch, so Jake asked Sheldon to see her. He did more than simply see her, he took on her case because he felt she had gone diagnostics as having postpartum depression from the first two kids, and coupled with the hormone drugs has been on to conceive the third, had a psychotic break. The husband/father was furious to learn Sheldon was aiding his wife’s lawyer, and threatened to sue the practice. In the end, she delivered the girl in hospital, and the husband made steps to try and at least stop hating his wife for the new daughter’s sake. Jake convinced him that he needed a fresh start, otherwise his hate and anger would affect this new child. This storyline was heartbreaking too, that and fairly anger educing.

Pete and Violet grew closer, and Pete was ready to give their relationship another try. Violet, even though she had broken up with Ryan, was not ready. She felt Pete wasn’t either, that he still didn’t know what he wanted and had to learn why he left. She said they needed therapy.

Addison decided to give up on her dream of a child and gave the nursery and all her baby stuff to Amelia. Amelia was still hesitant to have the ultrasound, but by the end of the show agreed. She told Sheldon, who couldn’t be there for her . . . he had to leave town to deal with his ex-wife. What what what? When he got the phone call about whatever issue is going on, he looked stunned. We, however, don’t know what has happened.

Amelia also told Sam that Addison was dropping the baby issue, around the time Addison told Jake her decision. She wanted to finally move on with a relationship with him, but he wasn’t sure she was ready still. By the end of the show, Sam was proclaiming his love to Addison again, how they “made sense.” I think he just wanted her back now that there was no baby! What a jerk!

The very end of the show had Addison getting a call. A young girl whose baby she delivered earlier was to be hers! The young woman had planned to give the child up, and she was shocked to see Addison in the book of potential parents. She felt it was fate, that Addison was meant to adopt her son.




  1. I haven’t watched yet but am really looking forward to this episode. Dustin, what do you think of the move to Tuesday nights for PP? It works better for me 🙂 but I’m worried it might be bad news for the show.

    Comment by Becky
    04.18.2012 at 1:38 pm
  2. Ryan was Amelia’s guy wasn’t Violet’s guy named Scott or something

    Comment by Justwondering
    04.18.2012 at 7:12 pm
  3. Oh yeah, I swore I heard her say Ryan lol.

    I know it didn’t fare as well ratings wise. But the show and the stars are hoping for another season.

    Comment by Dustin
    04.19.2012 at 10:23 am

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