True Blood: Mysterious New Big Bads’ Identities Are Teased

True Blood: Mysterious New Big Bads’ Identities Are Teased

Posted by Dustin on 07.30.2012 at 8:59 pm

So this is a quick post on some thoughts on the latest “True Blood.” Sorry I got behind as I have a deadline tomorrow morning to make!

A lot went down in this episode, which I really enjoyed. The vampire bunch is still high on Lilith, and are now formulating ways to thwart mainstreaming, including halting production of true blood. Eric seems to be the only one that hasn’t lost his mind to Lilith. He tried to save Nora, but she seems too far gone. Even Bill seems to be caught up in Lilith lust! I’m guessing this is how we will see Eric get on Sookie’s good side again?

Sookie and Jason, with the help of the fairies, explored their parents death. Sookie was able to witness it all via some time jump, and gained a huge clue. Claudine was there trying to save Sookie’s parents and called the evil vampire Willow (I think?). So it has a name. Later Sookie found herself haunted by this vampire, who seemed stuck in her head. Yes Willow is coming for her!

Alcide basically got his ass kicked to the curb by a vamping J.D. Even Martha jumped in to protect him and is disgusted by J.D. My guess is the supe-hunting-club could end up getting him. That or the vampires will turn on them, no longer having use for them. I just can’t wait to see J.D. get his . . . head ripped off.

Luna lost control of her shifting abilities and shifted into Sam, and got stuck that way. I won’t lie, I was totally hoping to see Sam make out with himself. I would have died laughing! She and Sam helped Andy with the supe-killers. There was all this stuff in between this with the club bringing Jessica to Hoyt for him to kill as part of their initiation. Jessica and Hoyt took some of them out. Then Hoyt fled for help, leaving Jessica behind as it was daylight. Luna sensed a female presence in their clubhouse, a large woman with a piss poor diet. Later as Hoyt was making his way home from the club, a car pulled up and he was glad to see who was in it . . . until they aimed a gun at him. Something tells me Hoyt’s mama is behind the supe-killer-club.

Then there is the Terry story. Lafayette was let go by the pregnant lady, only to find himself dragged into Terry and Arlene’s mess. He and Holly held a seance to talk to the pissed of Ifreet. The woman said she would lift the curse on Terry and Patrick, on one condition. Either Terry kills Patrick, or Arlene kills Terry! Something tells me Terry or Patrick committing suicide or getting killed another way is not going to work . . . .

Posted in:
True Blood



  1. It’s warlow not willow. And I thought Patrick had to kill Terry not Arlene kills Terry.

    Comment by Melinda
    07.31.2012 at 9:01 am
  2. So now Freddie Kruger is after Sookie?! 🙂

    I loved Pam’s comment: “My happy face and my angry face look the same.” (Or something along those lines). A bit of entertainment when she let Tara have her high school nemesis.

    I wasn’t exactly clear on who had to kill who to appease the ghost lady/Ifreet.

    I’m finding it hard to believe Bill has joined the dark side. I keep thinking he’s faking it, but I’m not sure – especially after he attacked the mother. I assume her 4 month old was given to the creepy-faced vampire (but thankful that wasn’t discussed further – babies? Crossing a line there….). I still think Eric is going to destroy the remainder of Lilith’s blood.

    I too was thinking of Hoyt’s mom as the leader of the hate/love group.

    At least Jessica got to do more than feed/shop in this episode. But Bill didn’t even sense her distress! Too high still?

    Comment by DNA
    07.31.2012 at 9:14 am
  3. I thought it was either Terry kills Patrick, or Arlene kills Terry. Terry then said “So one way or another, one of us has to die”

    Comment by Dustin
    07.31.2012 at 9:15 am
  4. I’m pretty sure that either Terry kills Patrick or Patrick kills Terry. I don’t remember anything about Arlene…

    Comment by Emily
    07.31.2012 at 4:29 pm
  5. Hey – just had a thought… What if the Freddie Kruger vamp that killed Sookie’s parents was once a fairy or half fairy that turned into a vampire. Would it have extra powers and that maybe that’s why Sookie could “see” from his point of view?

    Comment by DNA
    08.01.2012 at 3:41 pm
  6. I honestly have no guess who Warlow is. At this point they are so far from the books I try to not even compare anymore.

    Comment by Beth
    08.02.2012 at 10:36 am

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