True Blood: Lilith’s Followers Get Even Nuttier!

True Blood: Lilith’s Followers Get Even Nuttier!

Posted by Dustin on 08.20.2012 at 7:44 pm

There is only one more episode left, and I still don’t know how they will wrap it all up. One thing I am hoping for is a permanent end to Lilith and the Sanguinistas. Get them out of here and don’t bring them back! Please! However something worries me that Lilith might not be gone for good. More on that below . . .

A head honcho from the military dropped in to see Roman. The counsel was vague about where Roman was, and this didn’t sit well with the guy. It seems Roman and the mainstreaming movement is the only thing keeping peace between the vampires and the U.S. military. He knew they bombed their own True Blood factories. He had a flash drive of Russell and Steve killing the members of the frat house last week, and said if anything happens to him, copies go to media outlets. He said they had new weapons, and don’t forget they own the day, they could wipe them out. The counsel revealed Roman was gone, and they were going to take their rightful place in this world. The military guy said that wasn’t going to happen, and as he was walking out Eric snapped his neck, which just caused more issues for the Vamps. But, I think that’s what he wanted. It was the distraction he needed . . .

Nora it seems finally got Godric’s message, and realized Lilith was insane, if she was even real. She and Eric made their escape from the compound by the end of the episode.

Lilith began appearing to the entire counsel, telling them that she had chosen them to lead, to drink all of her blood. They all began turning on one another. Bill killed the other guy (I forget his name, the one from “Spartacus”). It now seems to be down to Salome, Bill and Rosalyn to battle it out for control . . .

Earlier in the episode Jessica wanted to save Jason and suggested to Bill that she turned him. However he knew she was not serious, she was trying to get away. However he decided to force her to do this, and sent her with two guards to make sure she turned Jason. She didn’t, killed the guards, and escaped to Fangtasia . . . Phew! I was gunna be pissed if they turned Jason! I’m still waiting for them to resume the Crystal storyline, but something tells me it’s been dropped and forgotten.

Pam hid Jessica in exchange for information on Eric. When she learned what was going on, Pam said they were suffering from nesting . . . I had forgotten all about that phenomenon. They haven’t discussed it since the very first season with the nest of crazy vamps. So does that mean Lilith really is just a crazy hallucination? I don’t know, as she keeps wanting them all to do the same thing . . . drink all of her . . . My guess is if someone does that, Lilith can return to the world for real? If that happens, Lilith could be around for next season. My guess is Salome or Rosalyn will do it.

Rosalyn stormed Fangtasia looking for the Sheriff that Tara and Ginger killed. Pam claimed she did it to protect them, and she was arrested. Meanwhile Rosalyn grabbed Jessica and took her back to the compound and back to Bill. Jessica told Bill that he’s suffering from the effects of Nesting, but he seems too crazy to even listen at this point. Elsewhere, Sam and Luna are still running around naked and looking for Emma . . .

Jason and Sookie met with the fairies again to warn them about the vamps, and crazy Russell. They also wanted information on Warlow, and met with the Elder Fairy. Apparently Sookie’s ancestor John Williams Stackhouse got a lot of land out of his deal with Warlow. Also of note, Warlow wanted the first child bearing female with fairy blood . . . Is he planning some kind of hybrid baby perhaps? The elder (who BTW was Coco on TV’s “Fame”) was more interested in Russell being alive. He had to be dealt with, and she had a plan. Jason led Russell and Steve to the fairies’ lair, after they glamored him, which of course was the plan. The elder tried to fight him, but Russell was too strong. He drained her, and then unfortunately could see all the fairies hiding out in the club in the middle of the clearing! Oh crap . . . .

Other things that happened . . . The one fairy (Meradine?) met with Andy and told him about the baby. He was stunned, she wasn’t pregnant a week ago and now she’s about to pop. He couldn’t do this, but she said they made a light pact, and it would be very bad if he broke that . . . Hmmm, what the hell does that mean?

Alcide meanwhile hung out with daddy, they fought some vamps, and it seems like after some advice from a friend he will fight for his pack and not become a lone wolf like his dad did after he was disgraced for stealing from the pack. I have not been a fan of Alcide’s story at all this season. He has had almost no interaction at all with Sookie. Boo! Actually Sookie hasn’t had much to do at all much of this season. My guess is because of the actresses’ pregnancy. They were not showing Sookie from the midsection down at all last night.

Posted in:
True Blood



  1. You forgot to mention at Sam and Luna actually got caught by the vamps. And you could tell Sookie was showing in the last two episodes. They aren’t hiding it very well.

    Comment by Melinda
    08.20.2012 at 8:35 pm
  2. Maybe Roman poisoned Lilith’s blood in the vial to bring on these crazy hallucinations – I wonder if whoever drinks the entire contents would go super crazy and kill the others? Maybe just wishful thinking on my part!

    Hopefully Bill will recover his senses soon…

    Comment by DNA
    08.20.2012 at 9:08 pm
  3. “Maybe Roman poisoned Lilith’s blood in the vial to bring on these crazy hallucinations – I wonder if whoever drinks the entire contents would go super crazy and kill the others?”

    Thats what I think will happen. My money is on Bill drinking the whole thing and going crazy.

    Comment by Melinda
    08.20.2012 at 9:27 pm
  4. This whole vampire authority thing has been sooooooo boring! No Sookie and Bill this whole season! Dustin, your “don’t know his name- the Spartacus guy” made me laugh, but I also knew exactly who you meant! I also don’t know how any of this can be tied up in only 1 more show- then it’s a whole year until next season.

    Comment by PENSGIRL
    08.20.2012 at 11:35 pm
  5. Well, I’m betting there will be some kind of show down at the Authority – you’ve got Sam, Luna, Pam and Jessica there, to fight Bill, Roslyn and the Spartacus dude (what happened to the baby-eating vamp?) – plus maybe the military coming in too.

    The other showdown will be with Russell and the fairies. Maybe Eric and Nora will help with that one.

    Comment by DNA
    08.21.2012 at 10:05 am
  6. The previews seemed to show Eric and Nora back at the compound in the fight.

    Comment by Beth
    08.21.2012 at 10:37 am

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