Drop Dead Diva Season Finale Recap + Thoughts!

Drop Dead Diva Season Finale Recap + Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 09.11.2012 at 6:04 pm

So this past weekend was the season finale of “Drop Dead Diva.” Overall, while I enjoyed it, I wasn’t that surprised. I guessed the big shocker a few weeks ago when some teasers came out. First though a bit of a recap . . .

The episode was about Jane and Owen’s wedding, though really that didn’t arrive until the final few minutes. Kim (with Stacey’s) help dealt with a singer on trial as a murder accomplice because a deranged fan (awesomely played by Kelly Ozborne) tried to kill the singer’s cheating ex-boyfriend, and do so in a way inspired by the singer’s actual song. The real drama happened behind the scenes of the trial with Kim’s pregnancy and Luke accidentally spilling the beans to Parker about it. Parker thought it was his and wanted to be there for her, but she claimed it wasn’t his kid! What ?!?!? In the end, Kim admitted it was Parker’s kid, and the two seemed to reconcile, if only for the sake of the kid. We don’t know yet if this means a romantic reunion for the two.

Jane meanwhile was stuck trying to write her vows to Owen, but stumped. Luke was worried that she was still holding onto her dream of Grayson. Jane and Grayson meanwhile worked on a case that involved some long time friends of Graysons. A man was suing to force his wife to have surgery to remove a tumor which had drastically altered her personality. The tumor had increased her intelligence, and she was not willing to give it up. She also felt she had out grown her husband and wanted to move on. In many ways the case was similar to Grayson and Deb’s situation, as Stacey pointed out if there was an operation that could change her back to Deb . . . would she get it? Would Grayson be right to fight for that? Jane felt Grayson was clinging to what appeared to be a losing case (and they did lose) because he was still hung up on Deb. Grayson was furious and said he will always love Deb, but he had moved on . . . Oh in the end, even though they lost, Jane and Grayson convinced the woman to get the surgery as she had been used by doctors who wanted to just study her and make her into a guinea pig.

Meanwhile up in heaven we learned that the real Jane has been sitting in a waiting room and watching Deb “ruin her life” and using her body to do so. Jane was supposed to have moved on, but chose to stay in the waiting room and watch her life unfold on a television set. This was apparently an option she was given. She ended up going to see Fred, who is back in heaven at a desk job, and she demanded to go back like Deb did. When she found out how Deb did it, she hit the return button on Fred’s computer and was sent rocketing back to earth . . . .

Meanwhile the day of the wedding had arrived, and all was going well, until Jane’s dress got her stuck under some chest in her dressing room. The wedding had started, but Jane was a no show as she couldn’t move. Eventually Grayson went to look for her and found her. She asked him about his moving on from Deb. He didn’t want to talk about it now, but she pressed him. He said he realized he has been in love with her! He said she is the only woman who has ever made him feel the way he felt when he was with Deb . . . . As they kissed, Owen walked in! Then Owen had a heart attack, collapsed . . . and in jumped Real Jane into his body it would seem. Owen’s eyes opened and he said “Where am I?” The show then ended.

So as I thought a few weeks ago when the spoilers about Real Jane surfaced, it would appear she has returned via Owen. Now that it’s happened, I don’t know if I like the idea anymore! On one hand, it might be fun. There are no so many many issues to be dealt with given a sex swap has occurred. Clearly Jane is not going to marry Owen now, it would just be to weird! This would also probably pave the way for Grayson and Jane to be together. Eventually I assume she would tell him the truth, and he would probably feel hurt and betrayed. However I have gotten to really like Owen, and now he’s just gone. We’ll have to deal with Jane in Owen, and something tells me she’s gunna be a real b….. Of course this is just what the set-up appears to be. We could end up being punk’d come next season, and Jane is really somewhere else and Owen is okay. However something tells me that’s wishful thinking.

As for Kim and Parker, I am actually hoping they do get back together and can make things work this time.




  1. I said weeks back that True-Jane would come back as Owen. I thought it would be cool, but now that it might happen I dont think I like it so much.

    I dont know if i believe Kim. I think after Parker’s talk, he may be an easy out. Cant wait until it returns.

    Comment by Nic
    09.11.2012 at 8:03 pm
  2. I hope the season comes back sooner than it did last time. Seemed like it took forever. I like Oven too, but I feel like they HAVE to go this route so that we could still like Owens character and maybe have a Jane/Grayson relationship. Oh….BRING BACK FRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Brooke
    09.12.2012 at 2:21 pm

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