Grey’s Anatomy: The Chief Gets Around!

Grey’s Anatomy: The Chief Gets Around!

Posted by Dustin on 10.21.2012 at 2:54 pm

So it’s been a few days since “Grey’s Anatomy,” and I’m trying to remember all that happened! The major story dealt with the survivors of the crash trying to make a decision on whether they should accept a boatload of money from the airline company as a settlement. Initially it looked like all were in favor, but Derek thought about cases where the hospital has had to settle. They made sure that mistake never happened again, he wasn’t confident that the airlines would. He thought they’d stop looking into what went wrong and move on. So in the end, everyone rejected the settlement.

Elsewhere, Christina bonded with Mr. Feeny (the guy from her boards she clashed with, I don’t know his name on this show, just “Boy Meets World”) at the hospital. He too was in a plane crash during Vietnam. During a surgery she saw him work and found respect for the technique that he had perfected. At the same time his words of wisdom to her had double meaning. When she asked how he could do what he did, he said he had no family, he dedicated his life to this and nothing else. He suggested she find her technique, her signature, and work to perfect it . . . My guess is this will make her not only think about Owen, but the child she chose to give up . . . I think this is what will send her back to Seattle.

Arizona continued to be a mess, until Callie broke down in front of her trying to help her one night. Arizona had fired her nurse and then pissed herself trying to make it to the toilet. Callie threw her in the shower and screamed at her “This is now my life too!” Hopefully this will be a turn around moment for her, as her pity party needs to end. I honestly was waiting for Callie to tell her that she’s sorry she had her leg removed, clearly it would have been easier to let her die!

April is back, and she and Jackson have been doing their best to avoid the sexual tension. April is trying to “re-virginize” herself through abstaining and prayer. From the previews, it looks like that fails. I still HATE that they failed April. I kept hoping it would be over turned, that someone maybe discriminated against her prayer answer, or she’d get another shot before waiting a whole year. However, it doesn’t seem like they will be going there. The best line of this whole episode was probably said by Meridith after she confronted Jackson over his taking April’s virginity. He said she gave it up, and he was in a bad place because he just found out that The Chief was banging his mom. She told him “If it makes you feel any better, he banged my mom too!”




  1. So I was confused about this being April being back in this episode. I could have sworn that she was sitting on the couch in Christina’s room after the crash for the flashback episode??? So it seemed weird to me that they were acting like she was back now, when she was back before, because obviously Christina is out at Mayo.

    Comment by Marie
    10.21.2012 at 3:13 pm
  2. Marie, I thought the same thing! That was a flashback episode though, she had not left yet.
    I loved Mer saying that the chief banged her mom too!!

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.21.2012 at 7:03 pm

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