Once Upon A Time: Cora’s Cold Black Missing Heart!

Once Upon A Time: Cora’s Cold Black Missing Heart!

Posted by Dustin on 03.10.2013 at 8:08 pm

Neil/Bae sailed home on the Jolly Roger as Emma tried to keep Gold alive, while at the same time worried about Cora and Regina getting their hands on his daggar.

Gold had a plan to save himself and deal with Cora once and for all. After the arrived he summoned Snow. He offered her the very same candle Cora offered her as a child. They could use it to kill Cora and save Rumple, the only problem was that Cora’s heart was not in her body and must be returned first. Snow saw an opportunity to do away with both of them . . . but Rumple was quick to point out she’d be killing Henry’s grandfather! Could she live with that?

Regina and Cora came to face off with Emma Charming and Gold. Cora was determined to kill Rumple and end this, but then she realized someone had her heart and sent Regina to deal with them. Snow had found Cora’s heart, she found it in Regina’s heart chamber locked up. She then used the candle over the heart to get rid of Cora once and for all . . . However Regina then found Snow with it. Snow claimed she wanted to give it to Regina, this is why Cora can’t love her or anyone. Regina said her mother took it out to protect her. Snow said if they give her her heart . . . what might happen? Cora may change her mind. Regina would have a mother and a grandmother to Henry. Snow said or her mother could become the Dark One. She offered the heart to Regina telling her to make the choice.

Rumple called Belle to say goodbye to her. She was still in the hospital. He told her that she was a hero, she helped her people, and she loved and ugly man. Rumple then seemed to be ready to accept he might die . . . Neil then cried with his father, not wanting to accept it.

In the past, we learned that Cora’s beef with Snow’s mother started when Cora, a miller’s daughter, “insulted” Snow’s mother Ava and was forced to kneel and apologize. Snow’s mom Eva was apparently a huge diva as a kid, and Cora held a grudge. Seriously what is it with this family hating on kids? Eva’s grandfather was no better though, and he seemed to real the main cause of Cora’s vengeance. At a ball Cora snuck into and was caught by the king, so she told him that she could spin straw into gold . . . something the kingdom very much needed at that time. She was locked up with the task of doing so, and if she succeeded she could marry his son! Fail? She would die!

Locked in a tower, Rumple first appeared to Cora to take her as an apprentice and teach her to spin straw into gold, but of corse there was a price! He wanted her first born child, a daughter . . . Cora and Rumple bonded over their poor and humble beginnings, how the upper class insulted them both.

Cora spun her gold and married the Prince! Yes, this would be Henry. Of course on her wedding day the man she loved and wanted was Rumple. Ew! She was also fifth in line to be queen, and that sucked. Why shouldn’t she be happy with Rumple and love? Rumple however said while he could give her love, all he could also give her is darkness and isolation. Rumple then reworked their contract, rather than her owe him some random child . . . she would owe him his child! Yup, it looks like we’ve learned who Regina’s true father is? Cora then also asked to kill the king as part of this new deal. Rumple then showed Cora how to take a heart and crush it.

The king however was no fool and knew about her Rumple. He wanted her to make a choice between his son and the imp, and she did. She couldn’t take his heart, and she chose to marry Henry. She took her own heart out and put it in a box she presented to Rumple! Rumple said she would take her baby, but Cora said that he changed the contract and he only gets his own child . . . any baby she has won’t be his! Well double damn, Regina isn’t his after all? But I swore there was a conversation where Henry alluded that he didn’t know who Regina’s real father was? What the heck is going on here? Who is Regina’s real father?

Back in Storybrooke, the final showdown was going on. Cora went to see a dying Rumple, and said she had to rip her heart out because Rumple was her weakness and the only man she ever really loved. As she went to stab him with the dagger, Regina plunged her mother’s heart back into her. They smiled at one another . . . However Rumple soon became better, and Cora keeled over . . . it seems Snow did the spell with the candle and it worked! Cora died in Regina’s arms as Rumple lived.

Back in the past Cora had her child, Regina. She then presented her to the kingdom as their future Queen. To the present! Regina felt Rumple did this to her, but he said he did nothing. Snow burst in to try and stop Regina, but she was too late. Regina said “You did this!” Oh dear, Regina’s sure gunna be pissed now!

Lord this back and forth blame game is getting to be too much! Rumple has manipulated Cora and Regina from day one and neither is smart enough to see it. Well maybe Cora was, but not Regina. I still don’t think Regina is not Rumples. I know Henry told Cora he had suspicions of another man. But maybe this was supposed to resolve that Regina really was Henry’s? Your thoughts?




  1. That was quick!

    Comment by Nic
    03.10.2013 at 8:10 pm
  2. Haha for once i wrote it up as I watched! Gunna do Army Wives in 50 minites when I watch it too. This way I won’t keep falling behind 😛

    Comment by Dustin
    03.10.2013 at 8:11 pm
  3. This was a great episode. I liked how they had Snow compromise her principles to protect her family. I don’t think anyone could fault her for that (well, except Regina) – Cora was pretty evil. Sure, she seemed better with her heart, but maybe after 5 minutes she would have ripped out her heart again.

    Then again, maybe it would have worked out if Snow had given Cora her heart back and let Rumple die. I guess it was a case of “the devil you know”. After all, Snow doesn’t know that Rumple might be after Henry.

    I have to say, Cora didn’t do that great of a job hiding her heart. It seemed as if it was in the anteroom. Why not store it with all of Regina’s collection of hearts?

    Just how much of the future does Rumple know?

    By the way, how come Snow’s dad wasn’t at his wife’s funeral last week?

    Comment by DNA
    03.11.2013 at 7:30 pm
  4. Maybe he was already off enchanted by Cora/Regina? I didn’t think about it.

    Poor Snow, she just can’t be evil no how hard she tries!

    I never am ready to fully accept anyone as dead on this show. So there is always a way for Cora or Eva to come back. I really think Eva might not be dead but sleeping . . .

    Would Rumple have really sacrificed the one woman he loved? Or did he know what the candle might really do to her?

    Comment by Dustin
    03.11.2013 at 8:53 pm

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