Revolution Season Finale: The Power is Back! So is Bad Science!

Revolution Season Finale: The Power is Back! So is Bad Science!

Posted by Dustin on 06.04.2013 at 12:44 pm

I honestly can’t believe I stuck through “Revolution” for the entire season, and that it got a second season. I have plenty of friends who love it. For me, I guess it’s more of a love-hate relationship. I love to watch the show and hate on it!

The finale had some nice twists and turns, though some like Neville taking over the Monroe Republic were just too predictable. I don’t know why his son is bothering to follow his dad again, that won’t lead to anything good.

I was a bit pissed that they killed Nora off, but then they have to have a way for Miles and Rachel to be together and she would be in the way.

Rachel and the crew did manage to turn the power back on, which is exactly what the DOD guy wanted. He launched Nukes at Philadelphia and Atlanta for a “fresh start for the United States to return.” He then shot himself in the head.

Adam figured out that the global power outage may not have been an accident, that someone may have used this on purpose. The end of the show showed a shadow figure in the US base at Guantanamo . . . it was the President. His right hand man said that it’s been done, the power is back and it was time for him to go home. So it seems the President, who we have yet to see, may have orchestrated this all for some reason? To have the US become number one on a global scale again?

With the bombs headed to Philly and Atlanta, it looks like Neville’s reign will be very short. I am guessing his wife is still hiding out there somewhere, as we saw her in a house when the lights came back on. Meanwhile the governor of Georgia planned to get her choppers and tanks powered on and wanted to send them to the Monroe republic. I wonder if the bombs will land? Or will there be a last minute save somehow?

I absolutely love how after fifteen years the lights just started to come back on. As if! The light bulbs would most not likely work anymore, fuses would blow, power plants hadn’t been maintained, and where is there a radio station broadcasting for the boom box we saw to even pick up? This is the stuff that makes me hate the show when I watch it.

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