Falling Skies Thoughts: All Hail The Reverend President!

Falling Skies Thoughts: All Hail The Reverend President!

Posted by Dustin on 06.24.2013 at 6:54 pm

So “Falling Skies” was pretty eventful this week. I was late watching last week’s episode because as usual, Sunday seems to be the only day TV producers feel people watch TV, so every show is piled on Sunday night. Grrrrrr!

Reverend Camden from “7th Heaven” joined the show as the rightful President of the United States. He’s been in hiding, but all the time working to try and reunite all the militias that have popped up around the place. Tom planned a meeting with him to talk about the Volm and the new weapons they’ve given them in their fight against the Ashvetti (I’m guessing on these spellings).

Pope, somehow, had gotten himself and hidden a giant silver plane from the 30s (or around there). It worked, and it was his way out if things went to hell . . . though he didn’t know how to fly. General Max Headrom did and offered to fly Tom and Cochise to meet the President. Pope insisted on going since it was his plane, but he didn’t like any of this. President Reverend Camden (I just can’t seem to remember their names on this show) wasn’t exactly pleased that Tom brought an alien, but was won over it seemed during a moving speech about why Cochise was helping them. Unfortunately somehow the enemy was tipped off to their location, and they suspected Cochise. Looks like the traitor struck again, but who is it? Few people knew where they were going, and I’m pretty sure Hal did NOT know, as he went to talk to his father only to learn he was gone and Weaver was left in charge. Tom, Pope and General Headrom fled in their plane, while the President and his men demanded to take Cochise with them in the President’s plane . . . Yeah I’m getting the feeling Reverend President Camden is not going to turn out to be a good guy at all! I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a deal with the bad aliens actually.

Pope and Tom’s plane ended up getting shot down and they crashed. The previews show only Pope and Tom struggling to survive in the wilderness. I’m thinking General Max Headrom is a goner? If so, that probably counts him out as the traitor.

Hal meanwhile seems to have developed a multiple personality. Is this the result of the alien control, or has the pressure just made him crack? I can’t tell. His other personality stopped him from telling people he thought he may be the traitor, which again I am thinking he’s not.

Meanwhile Anne and Lourdes, using Volm technology, figured out how to remove the spikes from the harness kids’ backs. The choice was theirs to make, but Lourdes stressed that they felt the spikes could drastically shorten their lives. However losing them would also cause their above normal strength and whatever medical alinements they had that the spikes cured to return. In the end the kids, including Ben, chose to have the spikes taken out.

Anne also convinced the crazy guy under the city to help her devise DNA tests for the spiked kids to test for what implications the spikes had and yada yada . . . really she needed the test to figure out what is going on with baby Alexis. He figured that out and told her the results of the test indicated her child is not fully human, alien DNA is mixed in.

Anne flipped and conked crazy guy on the head, then knocked Lourdes out with drugs, and took off with the alien baby. She didn’t make it very far before a hardnessed girl and skidder showed up for the baby . . . as well as Hal ?!?!?


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I am so glad you’re calling him President Reverend Camden because that’s all I can think about when I see him! I definitely don’t trust him at all. And let’s just call weird basement guy Dr. Wilson, since that was his character’s name on Raw. I have a had time remembering characters names, especially when I only see the show for a handful of episodes once a year (looking at you, Falling Skies and Game of Thrones).

    Comment by Melissa
    06.24.2013 at 7:37 pm

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