True Blood: I See The Future . . . Alcide’s A @#$@%

True Blood: I See The Future . . . Alcide’s A @#$@%

Posted by Dustin on 06.24.2013 at 12:15 pm

So the latest episode of “True Blood” wasn’t as exciting as the premier. There were things I like, and things I hated. Let’s get into the details . . .

We found out that Warlow, who revealed himself to Jason, wasn’t Warlow at all. He was his fairy great grandfather Na. I thought that was a great twist. Warlow is however real and showed up on the bridge were he killed Jason and Sookie’s parents. We didn’t get a good look at him, but he looks like Blackbeard the Pirate in many ways. Na explained all to Sookie and Jason. He not only is their fairy grandpa (as Jason called him), but really is their kin. He explains he is the chief of their tribe, and they are the most powerful of all the Fey. He says Warlow killed his family and his whole village. He later mated with a human, and one of his sons was John Stackhouse who made the deal with Warlow that promised him Sookie. He tells them that when Claude did his magic on the bridge, it sent out a signal to Warlow who has come for Sookie. He told her how she could kill him, their clan possesses a very special power. They can focus all their light into a supernova which will kill any vampire in the area. However Sookie can only do this once, and when she does, all her light will be gone . . . .So I feel like this season is likely the last, as Sookie will do what she needs to do and could finally be human?

Sookie also met another fairy halfling named Ben. She found him in the woods walking to work. He’d been attacked by a vampire. When they touched, light sparks happened. I can see these two ending up together and having a halfling baby together, and maybe that baby could help Sookie keep her powers?

Eric, Tara and Pam learned the governor had a new arsenal of weapons. He has contact lenses that prevent glamouring and they’ve developed silver bullets that emit UV light to fry vampires from the inside. Hmmmm, that reminds me a lot of a series of films . . . Eric failed to get the governor, so he did the next best thing and ended up going after his daughter at the very end of the episode. Oh dear!

A group of humans who have formed some vampire human alliance are trying to get other supernaturals to come out. They went after Sam for being a shifter and wanted him to go public. He refused, and they ended up spying on him. Later Alcide, his nasty girlfriend and Emma’s grandma came for Emma. He refused to give her up, and she wanted to stay with Sam. They attacked Sam and Lafayette and took Emma by force. I really can’t believe they turned Alcide into such an ass. I no longer *heart* you Alcide! Meanwhile as all this went down the human group was in the bushes taping the whole thing. Fantastic! I won’t be sad if some vampires chow down on them.

Bill spent most of the episode in this weird zoned out coma and talking to Lilith. She told him that God made her, God made the humans, God is God and there is only one God. However she said things had been set in motion now, and they were at a crossroads. When Bill came out of his coma he realized he can see the future, he can feel when vampires are in trouble. He also had a premonition of Eric, Tara, Pam and the others all in a cell and having the sun shine down on them and burning them to death. Will Bill be able to thwart this? I would assume so, but I suspect by the end of this season Bill, Eric or both are gunna be dead. The tagline has been “Nobody lives forever” in the previews.

Finally Andy tried to find his fairy babies mama to take the kids back, who are now toddlers. Poor Andy! We still haven’t seen Holly yet, but Arlene did mention her in this episode. Also Patrick’s pregnant wife showed up at Merlottes. She thought Patrick had run off with another woman. Terry was conflicted, but Arlene told her that is exactly what happened. She knew the truth about his death would just make more trouble for them all.

Posted in:
True Blood



  1. In the books it is spelled Niall.

    Comment by Beth
    06.24.2013 at 3:03 pm
  2. I have heard rumors that it is Jessica that meets the true death and that Bill and Eric make it to the finale. And I don’t think it will be the last season just because Sookie may lose her light. They did the same thing like last season when she was shotting off all her light.

    Comment by Melinda
    06.26.2013 at 9:15 pm

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