Drop Dead Devious Maids Sunday Thoughts!

Drop Dead Devious Maids Sunday Thoughts!

Posted by Dustin on 07.03.2013 at 8:45 pm

I’m doing a quick post with my thoughts on both these shows.

On “Drop Dead Diva” I actually loved Brittany/New Jane and hope we see her again. I thought they wrapped her new life up way too quickly and neatly, sending her off to Paris to explore the dreams she never got to, and being ordered by her new angel to stop meddling in her old life.

Parker is moving to Canada it seems, reuniting with his ex Brandy. I know they had to have a way to write him out, but did they need to make it so scummy? Kim is now the senior partner in the firm and manager, and it looks like they may try and make her and Grayson a go again. Nooooo! As much as I like Owen, I want Grayson and Jane together.

Over on “Devious Maids,” we got a few more clues to Marisol’s background. It seems she not only comes from money (we saw her own maid telling her the police were calling the night her son was arrested), but it also seems she may have had a husband who cheated on her (given her reaction to a predicament Rosie found herself in with telling her boss his wife is cheating). It also seems the couple who had the maid Flora that was murdered suspects who killed her. Marisol found the “I was raped” note, but the husband took it from her and burned it. I’m wondering if they have a son we haven’t met? Who else would they protect?


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