Falling Skies: Back To The Beginning?

Falling Skies: Back To The Beginning?

Posted by Dustin on 07.11.2013 at 8:19 pm

So I watched the previous weeks “Falling Skies” fairly late in the week. Actually I couldn’t get myself to pay attention to it the first two times it was on, and when I finally got through it on the third attempt I knew why. Tom and Pope’s adventure in the woods was a fairly boring episode!

This week’s episode dealt mainly with exposing Karen’s control of Hal and finding out how to get the bug out of him. The rebel Skidders helped them and Dr. Lourdes (I can’t get over that she’s now a doctor) worked to cure Hal. They succeeded in the end, and I was a bit disappointed that they seemed to go with the obvious and made Hal the mole. I hope there is another twist when we find out it was actually someone else.

Gloria Rueben’s character ended up digging into the Volm’s weapon, asking crazy reclusive scientist what he thought they were building. He didn’t know, but whatever it was the power-source was far more powerful than it needed to be. Hmmmmm. Are the Volm double-crossing the humans? Right now it seems like it.

The real President and Cochise are still MIA.

Tom decided to resign as President and go looking for Anne and Lexie, who were taken by Karen. His three boys went with him, and it was basically back to the beginning with the Mason family on their own. Gloria Rueben’s character took over control as President. There is something about her that I just don’t trust, I don’t know why.

Oh and some good news, the show has been renewed for a fourth season!


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