Once Upon A Time: Welcome To Neverland!
Tonight was the third season premier, and it was fantastic! First a summary, then some looming questions . . . .
As Emma and the others on the Jolly Rogers make it to Neverland, so do those two bandits (Greg and Tamara) who kidnaped Henry to take him to Peter Pan. Oh yeah, they also wanted to destroy Neverland. They are set to meet someone who is already in Neverland, someone they apparently work for. However when they get there, they find out they are unable to communicate with their contact over the walkie talkie they brought. They built a fire to try and signal “the home office,” but only got the Lost Boys instead. It turns out the Lost Boys are the home office, and Greg and Tamara have been duped all along. All they wanted was Henry, and Tamara and Greg are forever stranded. Pan, as the shadow monster, descended and ripped Greg’s soul out, while Tamara was shot in the back with an arrow.
During all the chaos, Henry fled and a mysterious boy who claimed to be a former Lost Boy came to his aid. The boy was wanted by Pan for stealing pixie dust in hopes of using it to get home. However he said it didn’t work. He feared they would both be captured, because Pan always gets what he wants. Henry convinced him to try and hide out long enough for his family to arrive to get him. They decided to hide in a place called the echo caves, and the boy lead him there.
On the ship, Emma began to blame her parents for all of this, for listening to them, for not taking Henry and leaving when she had the chance. Snow and Charming told her that they would get Henry back, they’d get their family back. She was tired of their insane optimistic outlook. Snow told her the minute she stops believing that things will get better, they won’t. As they argued, Rumple told everyone that he would go get Henry because Emma is unable to believe in anything, and that means she’d fail. Especially here in Neverland. He told her that Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild, and she has none. Rumple then vanished and flew off somewhere.
On the island, Tamara was still alive when Rumple found her. He healed her to help her, and she told him everything. She says she was duped, she didn’t know who she was working for this whole time. She begged forgiveness, but Rumple doesn’t forgive. He tore her heart out and crushed it!
Later Rumple met the leader of the Lost Boys. He said Pan was excited to see him again, and he could stay here, but he could not have the boy. If he went against Pan, he would not survive. Rumple says they both know he won’t survive, but the real question is how many Lost Boys he will take with him. The boy gave Rumple a gift, something that Pan wanted him to have. It was a small doll, which brought Rumple to tears.
Meanwhile Henry and his friend were being chased and ended up at a cliff face. Henry took the guys dust, knowing how to use it to make himself fly. His friend said it didn’t work, but Henry says that’s because he doesn’t believe. Henry led them off the cliff and they took to the skies. They were indeed flying.
Out at sea, the Jolly Roger ended up being attacked by a band of nasty mermaids. Emma went on a fishing expedition and managed to catch one of the mermaids. Regina got annoyed and threw a fireball to chase the others away, but the one they captured was pulled on deck. The mermaid quickly blew a seashell horn and told the others to let her go, or they’d soon die. Soon a storm from hell was conjured up. As everyone fought over what to do, Regina came up with a plan. She turned the mermaid into stone, hoping to stop the storm, but it only made it much worse. Snow told her to undo it, but Regina wouldn’t. Snow and Regina had it out, and as they fought and Snow called Regina a bitch . . . and things just got worse. Suddenly Charming and Hook wear also at each other’s throats. Emma realized the storm was being caused by hate, their hate and fighting was making it worse. Emma jumped into the sea to get them to stop fighting. One once there, she was stuck by something. Charming jumped in to save her, and as everyone worked together to get them back on the boat, the storm subsided and land was reached.
Once they got to land, Emma lectured them all that they have to actually learn to rely on each other. They don’t have to be friends, but they won’t get Henry back if they don’t work together and use the skills they have. Emma was sick of their fighting and took charge, saying she was now the leader so help her or get out of her way!
In Fairytale Land, Mulan and Aurora were tending to Neil, along with Prince Phillip. Neil came too, shocked that he was back home. Mulan was distrusting as always, but Aurora realized he was Henry’s father. She offered to try and contact Emma or Henry in the dreamworld for him. Mulan questioned him about the other world while Aurora slept. Later, Aurora woke up from her dream. She couldn’t make contact with anyone, she is worried. Neil knows his father would have a back up plan, he’d have something in his castle they can use. They were stunned to learn Rumple is his father.
As Neil and Mulan headed his way to his father’s castle, Neil told her his story. They bonded, as Mulan could relate being secretly in love with Phillip this whole time but afraid of being rejected by him. Mulan and Neil finally arrived and found Robin Hood guarding the castle and waiting for Rumple’s return, as he owes Rumple a debt. Neil was able to use an old cane of his father’s to reveal a hidden door in the castle. Beyond the door they found a globe. Neil struggled to get it to work, but eventually did. He was able to see Emma and was stunned. He knew she was in Neverland.
The show ended with Henry and his friend landing somewhere in the woods. Unfortunately his friend is not his friend after all. His friend is Peter Pan! Henry asked why he was brought here? Pan said he’s sought something extremely important for years, the heart of the truest believer. He now knows that it is in Henry after proving himself with the pixie dust. Pan summoned his Lost Boys, who all came out to get Henry.
My Thoughts . . . .
So the whole Island of the Lost boys is feeling way too “Lost” about now. I’m glad they killed off Greg and Tamara, and got rid of the whole “home office” crap quickly. I guess this means we will never find out about Greg’s dad? Did Regina really kill him after all?
I think we just got a huge clue about Rumple’s fate come this season. In talking with the Lost Boy leader, Rumple admitted that they both knew he wouldn’t survive against Pan. What what? Or will it be Henry who kills him as in the prophecy? I don’t believe they’d ever kill Rumple off for good though.
What’s the deal with the boy doll? Why am I feeling that Pan may be related to Rumple somehow? They clearly know each other.
Pan and his Shadow are clearly separated. Why do I feel getting them back together is the key to turning him around and finding out who Pan really is?
That’s about all I can think of in terms of questions this episode brought up . . .
The prophecy that ‘the boy will be Rumple’s undoing’ could easily refer to Peter Pan, the eternal boy, not Henry. Also, ‘undoing’ doesn’t necessarily mean death, it could mean the loss of magic. Rumple’s so addicted to it, that he may not know what to do with himself without it.
09.30.2013 at 8:51 pm
I was also thinking about the boy will be his undoing. Rumple could also die saving Henry and not necessarily Henry killing Rumple. But chances are he would lose his power as how could you kill Rumple. It almost looked like Pan pulled out the dark one’s dagger at the end of this episode. I was thinking the boy doll was Neil’s, as Neil had spent time on the island. Maybe Rumple had made it for Bae.
09.30.2013 at 10:43 pm
I really enjoyed this episode, up until Pan told Henry he wanted him because he was the world’s best believer (or something like that) – seems a bit lame. I originally thought the writers were going the Harry Potter route with Henry (“having unknown powers to defeat the dark lord” – glad they didn’t go there though). I suspect Pan thinks Henry’s belief will lead to the two of them finding a way to reunite Pan with his shadow.
I thought Sleeping Beauty’s prince (Philip?) had died last season?
10.01.2013 at 11:00 am