Mistresses Season 2 Premiere

Mistresses Season 2 Premiere

Posted by Dustin on 06.04.2014 at 12:44 pm

So “Mistresses” season two premiered this Monday, and it we actually picked up 8 months since last summers finale. All four women had made some major life changes in their lives, and figuring out what the heck was going on was the main point of the hour. I’m gunna just cover our four main ladies in a paragraph each, with my thoughts . . .

Savi and Dom’s baby apparently didn’t survive the trauma of her accident and delivery. She and Harry are splitting, and Savi has moved on with Dom. However of course it’s not that easy. Savi took time off work and has now returned, but is upset that Harry has moving on and is dating, and she is jealous of a young new associate working with Dom. Oh boy! Maybe it’s time Savi just move on from both of these men?

Joss has entered the party planning business, but so far it’s not been the party she expected. A run-in with Harry led to the two forming a possible partnership. He offered to be her caterer, but she was uneasy with that given the situation with Savi. Savi however gave Joss her blessing. However Savi didn’t give Joss her blessing to boink Harry, which I feel is coming. I’ve felt that since last season, and they are sure dragging it on if it’s going to happen.

April has moved on from her ex Paul and the other guy she was dating last season. She’s back to working at the store, but has now found herself into this new and upcoming artist. She’s also trying to get herself back into doing art again. Zzzzzzzz. April has always had the most boring of the stories on the show.

Karen, my favorite, is back to working after her suspension was lifted, but she isn’t back to private practice. Sam actually died when his crazy mother tried to shoot Karen. She’s working as a consult in the ER, where she ends up getting lifted out of her funk by meeting a young Korean woman who needs her help. She’s either an escort or into BDSM, but she has Karen intrigued enough to take her on as a patient. It would have been helpful when they were speaking Korean to one another that there were subtitles! However I guess the majority of us weren’t supposed to know what they were actually saying, at least right now. From the previews it seems Karen ends up getting caught up in the sex-trade world her new patient is a part of. Ummmm, Karen clearly hasn’t learned anything about her patient boundary issues has she?

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