True Blood Final Season Premiere . . . Not Cool!

True Blood Final Season Premiere . . . Not Cool!

Posted by Dustin on 06.23.2014 at 11:07 am

So last night was the premiere of “True Blood’s” final season. Within the first few minutes the Hep-Vamps attacked the town, drug off Holly, Arlene and Sam’s pregnant girlfriend . . . . and killed Tara? WTF! That was just so not cool! Tara was taking down this huge vamp, and the next thing we see is Lettie Mae screaming and holding her guts saying “They killed my baby!” I’m not buying this. We didn’t see Tara die, and Pam didn’t seem to show any emotion and she would have felt her true death. Is this a trick? Did Lettie Mae kill Tara? I don’t know. The actress has given a few interviews and it seem to be for real. To kill Tara off in the first few minutes though, boo!

The rest of the episode wasn’t that eventful honestly. Sookie is being blamed by everyone in town for what’s happened, and she can’t stop reading their minds and hearing it. Jason is still with his dominatrix Vampire, and Sookie’s with Alcide. Jessica is protecting the last of Andy’s kids that she didn’t kill. Sam’s secret may be out, as the guy he won against for mayor saw him turn into a dog. Arlene, Holly and Sam’s pregnant girl are screaming in the basement of Fangtasia where some Hep-Vamp is keeping them as meals. Finally Pam is off in some foreign country looking for any sign of Eric, who wasn’t even in the episode.

Why did they have to go and kill my Tara? Whyyyyyyy!!!!!

Posted in:
True Blood

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I’m with you. I can’t believe they killed off Tara! I’m holding out hope that she’s not dead. She won the fight and then glamoured her mom to make her believe she is dead so she could get out of her life and not torment her anymore??? I’ve seen the interviews as well but I’m in denial.
    I also hate the Sookie/Alcide storyline. I’ve read the books so I’m sure it’s influenced me but I love Sookie and Eric.

    Comment by Beth
    06.23.2014 at 2:44 pm

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